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2007-2008 NHL Logos & Uniforms


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wrong,thats pretty much similar to what the avs will wear. give or take a few select mods and logos. Its not a few tweaks here or there, its jersey makeover. Gone is the mountain template, in is the similar lake erie template.



I don't see it.

Just playing devil's advocate and assuming you're not joking... those are Lake Erie Monsters jerseys, a new AHL team.

Not sure if this is anything, but I picked this up from the Avs site. Is that a piece of the new jersey or something else. I can't really tell.


Is it me or is secondary logo overlapping some stripes/piping? Maybe I'm just picturing their old ones wrong...

Toronto Maple Leafs should have there color red not blue. They should change that.

Their colors have always been blue and white (or at least as far back as I can remember). Why should they change now?

They were green and brown once... at the same time.

st pats were green/white

leafs have never been anything other than blue/white

your logic is that of saying the devils used to be blue/yellow/red since they used to be the Rockies

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i dont see why toskala's mask is boring simply because it has nothing to do with the team?

i mean, its blue and white - what more do you want?

did people whine about Cujo's mask not being a maple leaf? Belfour?

some guys have awesome and distinctive designs they want to carry over from team to team. whats wrong with that?

if everyone had generic and homeristic masks like raycroft the league would be a boring place...

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wrong,thats pretty much similar to what the avs will wear. give or take a few select mods and logos. Its not a few tweaks here or there, its jersey makeover. Gone is the mountain template, in is the similar lake erie template.



I don't see it.

Just playing devil's advocate and assuming you're not joking... those are Lake Erie Monsters jerseys, a new AHL team.

Not sure if this is anything, but I picked this up from the Avs site. Is that a piece of the new jersey or something else. I can't really tell.


Is it me or is secondary logo overlapping some stripes/piping? Maybe I'm just picturing their old ones wrong...

Toronto Maple Leafs should have there color red not blue. They should change that.

Their colors have always been blue and white (or at least as far back as I can remember). Why should they change now?

They were green and brown once... at the same time.

st pats were green/white

leafs have never been anything other than blue/white

your logic is that of saying the devils used to be blue/yellow/red since they used to be the Rockies

Go to NHLUniforms.com go to 1926-1927

This was the season they changed the name from st pats to maple leafs, an dthe mapl e leafs jersey for the half a season was white and green.

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I stand corrected on my earlier statement. On the Thrashers message board, the moderator (a Thrashers employee) says that the home jersey will still have ATLANTA running down the sleeve. No word yet on the away jersey. But this news makes me very, very happy. :)



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I stand corrected on my earlier statement. On the Thrashers message board, the moderator (a Thrashers employee) says that the home jersey will still have ATLANTA running down the sleeve. No word yet on the away jersey. But this news makes me very, very happy. :)

Got scared that Vancouver would steal away the Thrashers' terrible-text-on-jersey stardom?




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Toronto Maple Leafs should have there color red not blue. They should change that.

Sorry for double post but that is the dumbest thing I have heard on this forum. You should change your name from "Hockey1229" to "noob1229" because you clearly know :censored: all about the Leafs.

Leafs != hockey, champ.

This is why I always say, there are two types of fans- hockey fans, and Leaf fans. Hockey fans care about the game, Leaf fans care about the Leafs.

Welcome to DrunjFlix

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Oilers preorder form: http://oilers.nhl.com/ext/pdf/preorder.pdf

Jerseys available Sept 16.

Logo the same and colours based on top part.

There's nothing at all in this order form that gives us even the slightest hint of what the Oilers jerseys will look like.

Follow me on Twitter if you care: @Animal_Clans.

My opinion may or may not be the same as yours. The choice is up to you.

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So I'm thinking this will be pretty close to the Flyers white, yes?


I must say, it would look a LOT better than the black. But I still hate the way the shoulder design comes up and makes the main body of the jersey look like a dress.

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So I'm thinking this will be pretty close to the Flyers white, yes?


I must say, it would look a LOT better than the black. But I still hate the way the shoulder design comes up and makes the main body of the jersey look like a dress.

thats fugly...

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Meh. It wouldn't be the worst of the jerseys, but certainly not one of the best. Should've gone with the CBJ template.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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Toronto Maple Leafs should have there color red not blue. They should change that.

Sorry for double post but that is the dumbest thing I have heard on this forum. You should change your name from "Hockey1229" to "noob1229" because you clearly know :censored: all about the Leafs.

Leafs != hockey, champ.

This is why I always say, there are two types of fans- hockey fans, and Leaf fans. Hockey fans care about the game, Leaf fans care about the Leafs.

Whoa! Hold on there partner. Don't generalize. I'm a die hard Leafs fan but I'm a hockey fan first... and I'm huge supporter of Canadian hockey... whether it's the Canadian national teams to the six teams located within this country (Although Ottawa really pisses me off.. but I guess that's something that comes with being a Leaf fan. ;) ) Anyway, I love the game... but I also love my team. Yes, there are a bunch of Leafs fans out there that give us OTHER Leafs fans a bad name by being so closed minded and thinking that Leafs and Toronto are all there is to hockey... but not all of us are Leaf homers.


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Oilers preorder form: http://oilers.nhl.com/ext/pdf/preorder.pdf

Jerseys available Sept 16.

Logo the same and colours based on top part.

There's nothing at all in this order form that gives us even the slightest hint of what the Oilers jerseys will look like.

I think it shows remarkable conceit on the part of the Oilers and other teams that haven't unveiled their new jerseys yet to take pre-orders for those jerseys. It's almost like they want to take your money before you see how awful their new jerseys are.

On the Oilers front page, they're advertising the "evolution of the Oilers jersey". I'm almost expecting a bigger change than previously thought.

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Oilers preorder form: http://oilers.nhl.com/ext/pdf/preorder.pdf

Jerseys available Sept 16.

Logo the same and colours based on top part.

There's nothing at all in this order form that gives us even the slightest hint of what the Oilers jerseys will look like.

I think it shows remarkable conceit on the part of the Oilers and other teams that haven't unveiled their new jerseys yet to take pre-orders for those jerseys. It's almost like they want to take your money before you see how awful their new jerseys are.

On the Oilers front page, they're advertising the "evolution of the Oilers jersey". I'm almost expecting a bigger change than previously thought.

Most if not all teams did this.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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So I'm thinking this will be pretty close to the Flyers white, yes?


I must say, it would look a LOT better than the black. But I still hate the way the shoulder design comes up and makes the main body of the jersey look like a dress.

Why does Reebok hate waist stripes? :cry: That could be such a nice template with something decent to complement the arms...

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From yesterdays Denver Post about the Avs new uniforms.


The Avalanche will unveil new uniforms on Wednesday, in a press conference. The uniforms will not have a newly designed logo or colors, but are representative of the new prototypes sponsored by Reebok that will be worn by all NHL teams this season.

The new uniforms are made of a different material that is supposed to absorb sweat better, are tighter on the bodies of players and allow them faster skating speeds.

Denver Post

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The Flyers soon to be former jersey on;y had a single black waist stripe on the white and had none on the black uniforms. So it's not like the Flyers are losing anything in that regard.

On the ice, the single black stripe on the whites was unnecessary, since the pants were just solid black anyway. It did however make the jersey look better when being worn by fans. I'd actually be surprised if the bottom of the white jersey wasn't black when they are released.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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well after a few conversations with my source, he didn't outright confirm or deny that they would look like the lake erie jerseys as previously stated, but he did say its a set that most people will be pleased with. its a set thats bold, innovative and supposedly aesthetic to the eye. The last thing he said before logging off was that they were as good if not better than columbus and better than what the avs previously wore. which is interesting because the avs had one of the best sets of jerseys in the league. he's praised boston and columbus and been meh on most everything else.

in reference to the stars, he says they are a few tweaks from having the best set in the league. he wouldn't confirm or deny the rumored leaked but only the vague line of 'in the same ball park of the leak' with maybe some last minute minor changes.



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