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"Official" 2007 College Football Thread


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Two things:
What are OSUs Solid Victories?

They (Ohio State) only played 6 bowl-eligible teams.

The Tigers have played 6 bowl eligible teams.

interesting wording...you sound like ESPN there. (in case you didnt see it, ESPN.com had a poll titled "If Ohio State goes to the National Championship, who's to blame?" no bias there...)

Oh and you forgot one thing. Mizzou beat tOSU's only loss.

No, I didn't forget that. I just didnt wanna play this card...

West Virginia lost to USF who lost to Cincinnati who lost to Pittsburgh

Missouri also lost to Oklahoma who lost to Colorado who lost to Iowa State who lost to Kent State who lost to Northern Illinois

So...maybe we oughta throw Pitt and NIU into the national championship picture? I mean, it's only logical

Actually, no. That's pretty illogical. You can do that conductive reasoning slide for almost any team. I'm talking about doing it for 1 team. Illinois. The one common opponent between the two schools.

Pitt and NIU shouldn't be in the national championship picture because they've lost more than 1 game. If anything there are 4 teams who have a claim to the national championship: OSU, WVU, Hawai'i, and Mizzou.

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Actually, no. That's pretty illogical. You can do that conductive reasoning slide for almost any team. I'm talking about doing it for 1 team. Illinois. The one common opponent between the two schools.

Pitt and NIU shouldn't be in the national championship picture because they've lost more than 1 game. If anything there are 4 teams who have a claim to the national championship: OSU, WVU, Hawai'i, and Mizzou.

and thats all I want you to acknowledge. If you guys win today, then I'm sure we Buckeyes would collectively step back and watch you guys in N'awlins. But after you lose today, we deserve our dues too



when you're replacing an old Carr, you need more than Les Miles

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Jeez... I was reading all of this but had to stop! It's just so insane that the CHAMPIONSHIP in College Football comes down to "who had a better loss". All teams play weak teams, some of those teams are weaker than others. Of all the teams mentioned in the recent posts, one thing is for certain: Would they ALL qualify forthe Play-Offs? Yes.

One thing that does bug me is that teams play an un-even number of games when you add the "Conference Championship" Games. How can the BCS Calculate correctly when some teams play an extra game (or play one less game). If this is how the BCS Champion will be deceided, then all conferences should have the same rules and format. I am an Ohio State fan, but I sit here shaking my head becasue Ohio State does not have a chance to strengthen an argument for themselves. Out of sight out of mind to an extent. Their shot was to beat Illinois, then Michigan. They blew it. The Big Ten has to realize that this may continue to come up as their teams sit idle. Meanwhile, other teams "Strengthen their argument" by playing a *Championship* game. The Big Ten might need to add a team and call themselves the Great Lakes 12 or something. Right now the current format is only hurting themselves.

If Mizzou or VW lose, the only thing I know for sure is that a Play-Off system is needed more than ever.

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BREAKING NEWS!!!! LSU's Les Miles wll be introduced as the next head coach of the University of Michigan in the near future.

Translation: LSU will lose to Tennessee in the SECCG tonight and fall all the way to the Capital One Bowl.

Please ingore this post: Les Miles is staying at LSU. (This is what happens when I post something I heard from an ex-Buckeye(Kirk Herbstreit, that means YOU!))


The CCSLC's resident Geelong Cats fan.

Viva La Vida or Death And All His Friends. Sounds like something from a Rocky & Bullwinkle story arc.

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BREAKING NEWS!!!! LSU's Les Miles wll be introduced as the next head coach of the University of Michigan in the near future.

Translation: LSU will lose to Tennessee in the SECCG tonight and fall all the way to the Capital One Bowl.

Please ingore this post: Les Miles is staying at LSU. (This is what happens when I post something I heard from an ex-Buckeye(Kirk Herbstreit, that means YOU!))

Looks like a Buckeye broke Michigan's heart again this season. :P

Seriously though. I love that ESPN blew this story the way they did. They look like fools and it's all because they forgot the golden rule "it's better to be second and right than it is to be first and wrong." Serves them right. I don't know where Herbstreit got his info but he should have known better.

I really believe there's no way Michigan would have allowed such an announcement to come out with such horrible timing. They would have never put themselves in the position this story, if true, would have left them in. Michigan is far too classy to screw LSU on the day of the SEC title game. I don't know how it happened but I am glad for Michigan's sake that it wasn't true. They may be our arch-rivals but I'd still hate to see them join the league of ordinary schools by pulling an amateur stunt like announcing the hiring of Les Miles on the day of the SEC title game. That kind of :censored: is reserved for The Yankees. Michigan just doesn't act like that.




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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Ok, put bluntly.

Pitt has little to absolutely no chance of beating WV tonight...

...but there is a chance, and should Pitt beat WV keep them from going to the BCS Championship, thatll make one helluva 100th Backyard Brawl...

...hey, a guy can dream, cant he?...

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - est. 2006 

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I really believe there's no way Michigan would have allowed such an announcement to come out with such horrible timing. They would have never put themselves in the position this story, if true, would have left them in. Michigan is far too classy to screw LSU on the day of the SEC title game. I don't know how it happened but I am glad for Michigan's sake that it wasn't true. They may be our arch-rivals but I'd still hate to see them join the league of ordinary schools by pulling an amateur stunt like announcing the hiring of Les Miles on the day of the SEC title game. That kind of  is reserved for The Yankees. Michigan just doesn't act like that.

Wait a minute here. An Ohio State fan insinuating that Michigan is classy?


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Boy, that is one empty stadium BC and VT are playing in. The ACC is an embarrassment.

You have a team from Boston playing a team from Virginia in Jacksonville, Florida. Are you surprised it's not sold out? I don't know if you are familiar with geography but the venue is no where close to those two schools. It's a two day drive from Boston and a full day drive from Blacksburg. It's too far to drive and people aren't going to buy a plane ticket on 1 or 2 weeks notice, it's too damn expensive. Plus they may not be able to get the days off to go down there because people work or have class. If the game was say in Baltimore or Charlotte (two possible locations I have thrown out there) this game is sold out. Plus on top of it is Jacksonville which is a small city which probably can't support the game on it's own and isn't really a draw for tourist.

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I really believe there's no way Michigan would have allowed such an announcement to come out with such horrible timing. They would have never put themselves in the position this story, if true, would have left them in. Michigan is far too classy to screw LSU on the day of the SEC title game. I don't know how it happened but I am glad for Michigan's sake that it wasn't true. They may be our arch-rivals but I'd still hate to see them join the league of ordinary schools by pulling an amateur stunt like announcing the hiring of Les Miles on the day of the SEC title game. That kind of  is reserved for The Yankees. Michigan just doesn't act like that.

Wait a minute here. An Ohio State fan insinuating that Michigan is classy?


As I said, they may be our arch-rivals but there's no denying the fact that they run a first class operation. (Mike Hart excluded)




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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Boy, that is one empty stadium BC and VT are playing in. The ACC is an embarrassment.

You have a team from Boston playing a team from Virginia in Jacksonville, Florida. Are you surprised it's not sold out? I don't know if you are familiar with geography but the venue is no where close to those two schools. It's a two day drive from Boston and a full day drive from Blacksburg. It's too far to drive and people aren't going to buy a plane ticket on 1 or 2 weeks notice, it's too damn expensive. Plus they may not be able to get the days off to go down there because people work or have class. If the game was say in Baltimore or Charlotte (two possible locations I have thrown out there) this game is sold out. Plus on top of it is Jacksonville which is a small city which probably can't support the game on it's own and isn't really a draw for tourist.

I'm a Big East fan, and thus, I have an irrational hatred towards the ACC. I should have mentioned that.

Speaking of, I'm pumped for this WVU game. Judging by their performance so far, so are the Mountaineers. It would be very, very validating for the Big East to win a National Championship in football before the ACC post-conference plundering.

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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Wow. Two picks by Ainge when it mattered. The announcers said he plays like Peyton Manning. :lol:

Peyton Manning only sucked against Florida.

[Croatia National Team Manager Slavan] Bilic then went on to explain how Croatia's success can partially be put down to his progressive man-management techniques. "Sometimes I lie in the bed with my players. I go to the room of Vedran Corluka and Luka Modric when I see they have a problem and I lie in bed with them and we talk for 10 minutes." Maybe Capello could try getting through to his players this way too? Although how far he'd get with Joe Cole jumping up and down on the mattress and Rooney demanding to be read his favourite page from The Very Hungry Caterpillar is open to question. --The Guardian's Fiver, 08 September 2008

Attention: In order to obtain maximum enjoyment from your stay at the CCSLC, the reader is advised that the above post may contain large amounts of sarcasm, dry humour, or statements which should not be taken in any true sort of seriousness. As a result, the above poster absolves himself of any and all blame in the event that a forum user responds to the aforementioned post without taking the previous notice into account. Thank you for your cooperation, and enjoy your stay at the CCSLC.

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Anyone else watching West Virginia blow it to Pitt? How embarrassing. If WVU and Missouri both lose, what does that do to the National Championship game? Does it make OSU and Oklahoma? Or OSU and LSU?

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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Anyone else watching West Virginia blow it to Pitt? How embarrassing. If WVU and Missouri both lose, what does that do to the National Championship game? Does it make OSU and Oklahoma? Or OSU and LSU?

Yes, I am watching both West Virginia-Pitt and Mizzou-Oklahoma. I think it should be OSU-LSU although ABC said something about Georgia. Again, (no offense Georgia fans) if Georgia gets a bid over LSU, Oklahoma or even Va. Tech then I think Michigan fans should storm BCS headquarters. You can't tell Michigan they didn't go last year because they didn't even win their conference then turn around and hand Georgia a shot.

In any case, if both West Virginia and Missouri lose it's going to be a complete cluster-:censored:.

Pitt just had a TD called back and then missed a FG. No way they hang on to win this. Dave Wannstedt will find a way to blow it. How the hell does that guy keep getting Head Coaching jobs?




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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Dave Wannstedt will find a way to blow it. How the hell does that guy keep getting Head Coaching jobs?

Two (disgusting) words: Mustache rides.

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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Pitt just had a TD called back and then missed a FG. No way they hang on to win this. Dave Wannstedt will find a way to blow it. How the hell does that guy keep getting Head Coaching jobs?

The same way Norv Turner keeps getting a job he was on the Dallas Cowboys staff in the early 90's. Who cares that he hasn't done anything since he was on that staff that is all that matters.

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