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Proposed Seattle MLS Logo & Uniform Designs

Brian in Boston

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Why are you people getting concept 1 confused with Celtic? Seriously. Celtic doesn't even have vertical stripes.





The similarity is still there. What OTHER major professional soccer club do you know of that has verticle or horizontal green and white stripes? There are probably a bunch, but I bet its not one that comes into many people's minds right off the bat. So thats why I mentioned Celtic. It was the first uniform that came to mind. That might explain why people keep getting concept 1 confused with Celtic.

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The similarity is still there. What OTHER major professional soccer club do you know of that has verticle or horizontal green and white stripes? There are probably a bunch, but I bet its not one that comes into many people's minds right off the bat. So thats why I mentioned Celtic. It was the first uniform that came to mind. That might explain why people keep getting concept 1 confused with Celtic.

I'm sorry, but how can you confuse vertical with horizontal? Those aren't exactly closely-related concepts.

In addition, Sporting Lisbon has horizontal stripes on their shirt, and the most famous vertical-striped club is Werder Bremen.

[Croatia National Team Manager Slavan] Bilic then went on to explain how Croatia's success can partially be put down to his progressive man-management techniques. "Sometimes I lie in the bed with my players. I go to the room of Vedran Corluka and Luka Modric when I see they have a problem and I lie in bed with them and we talk for 10 minutes." Maybe Capello could try getting through to his players this way too? Although how far he'd get with Joe Cole jumping up and down on the mattress and Rooney demanding to be read his favourite page from The Very Hungry Caterpillar is open to question. --The Guardian's Fiver, 08 September 2008

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the first logo is a bad juventus ripoff.

I'm not even a soccer/football fan and that's the first thing that came to my mind.

Really? First thing I thought of was Celtic FC. I think thats why I like the look so much.

That was exactly my response too. I understand that Sounders have been around on and off since 1974, and everyone knows that everything from 1974 is totally awesome in every way, but that kind of team nickname is just not how MLS is swinging these days. "Seattle Emerald City" would be terrific -- a nice balance between MLS's deliberate foreign team-name vibe and an American-style sports nickname, and it would fit well with the current MLS lineup without being too similar to any current teams.

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Having grown up in Seattle, I can't imagine soccer here without the Sounders name or their traditional light blue/green color scheme. I was in 3rd grade in 1974 and I remember that some of my classmates' favorite players were Pepe Fernandez and Adrian Webster.



Photos from the Puget Sound Soccer Museum website http://goalseattle.com/gallery/albums.php

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I think the "Seattle FC Sounders 74" is a mouthful, but I think the logo attached to that name is far superior to the others. While I think the badges including the Space Needle are handsomely rendered, the inclusion of the city seal in the other logo is very nice.


The colors are great too.

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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Even if Sounders is not part of the actual name, what's to stop fans or the media from calling them that anyway?

Which begs the retort: If, as seems to be the case in the Seattle marketplace, the vast majority of fans and media members want to call the team the Sounders, why not include said moniker in the official name?

Look... I understand what Major League soccer is trying to do. The league is desperately trying to establish credibility amongst soccer purists by apeing the branding conventions of club teams in traditional soccer hotbeds around the globe. I have my doubts as to whether such moves are going to convince expatriate international soccer supporters to suddenly embrace Major League Soccer en masse with the same sort of fervor they typically reserve for their favorite homeland-based sides. Rather, I think the primary appeal of such branding is going to be amongst already "captive", soccer-loving poseurs.

Further, my biggest complaint with Major League Soccer's rush towards international-style club branding at the expense of North American-style pro sports branding is that it seems to be an all-or-nothing proposition. Thus, there is the prospect that what little legitimate pro soccer history and tradition does exist in the United States and Canada will be jettisoned for some ersatz EPL, La Liga or Bundesliga-wannabe branding.

In a market like Seattle, where the tradition of professional soccer is overwhelmingly linked to the Seattle Sounders brand, what possible reason is there to abandon said official team identity for a rather generic knock-off of what the suits in MLS headquarters think sounds suitably English, Spanish, German, French or Portuguese enough? I've got news for you... there is no reason. The Sounders brand has been officially linked to a professional soccer club in Seattle for 24 seasons over the past 34 years. Teams bearing the name have played in seven league championship matches and captured the title in four of those games. The name is synonymous with soccer in Seattle in a way that no other brand can be. Seattle FC? Emerald City FC? Seattle Emerald City? What, in God's name, do any of those brands have to do with the tradition of pro soccer in Seattle? Nothing! Embracing such names would be scrapping what tradition and history soccer in Seattle does possess for a faux-international moniker created from "whole cloth".

So-called soccer purists drone on and on about how North American-style pro sports branding is beneath the aesthetics of "the beautiful game" and the sport's glorious international tradition. Well, the reality is that North American-style pro sports branding is part-and-parcel of the aesthetics and tradition of "the beautiful game" in this country. Just as various countries and cultures throughout the world have brought their own "flavor" to the manner in which the sport is played on the field, so too should clubs in countries and cultures around the globe be able to contribute to a multi-faceted approach to branding teams.

Bottom line? If an American or Canadian city doesn't have a long-standing branding tradition tied to franchises in the sport of soccer or a team name synonymous with a significant soccer accomplishment in that market, MLS should feel free to embrace whatever soccer branding traditions it likes. However, if a North American-style team name exists that has intrinsic ties to soccer in the market (Chicago Sting, Portland Timbers, San Diego Sockers, San Jose Earthquakes, Seattle Sounders, Tampa Bay Rowdies and Vancouver Whitecaps all leap to mind), it shouldn't be dismissed out of hand simply because it doesn't conform to international team-naming conventions. Embracing the latter course of action, rather than building upon the tradition of soccer in this country, actually ignore's the sport's history here.

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The Sounders crest is probably the best, but the name simply isn't soccer. It sounds bush league, just like names such as Mutiny, Earthquakes, Metrostars, Burn, Rapids, etc. Even if their is tradition behind it, it simply doesn't sound professional. That in mind, the Emerald City FC crest and name are the next best combo.

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The Sounders crest is probably the best, but the name simply isn't soccer.

Thank you for not reading Brian in Boston's post. The name has been around since 19-freaking-74, which is an eternity in American soccer. Soccer in Seattle is the Sounders.

You know what else sounds bush league? Red Sox. Just another one of those fly-by-night franchises that'll be lucky to last a couple of seasons, and intentionally misspells their name with an X or Z to come across as "extreme."

On 1/25/2013 at 1:53 PM, 'Atom said:

For all the bird de lis haters I think the bird de lis isnt supposed to be a pelican and a fleur de lis I think its just a fleur de lis with a pelicans head. Thats what it looks like to me. Also the flair around the tip of the beak is just flair that fleur de lis have sometimes source I am from NOLA.

PotD: 10/19/07, 08/25/08, 07/22/10, 08/13/10, 04/15/11, 05/19/11, 01/02/12, and 01/05/12.

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The similarity is still there. What OTHER major professional soccer club do you know of that has verticle or horizontal green and white stripes? There are probably a bunch, but I bet its not one that comes into many people's minds right off the bat. So thats why I mentioned Celtic. It was the first uniform that came to mind. That might explain why people keep getting concept 1 confused with Celtic.

I'm sorry, but how can you confuse vertical with horizontal? Those aren't exactly closely-related concepts.

In addition, Sporting Lisbon has horizontal stripes on their shirt, and the most famous vertical-striped club is Werder Bremen.

The reason I got confused is because I hardly see any EPL games, let alone SPL games, in the states. I know that Celtic is white and green and has stripes, and with my little knowledge or viewing time of the team, yet still having a certain level of knowledge about them, the similarities are bound to show up. Plus link that with Celtic's Catholic following in Glasgow and boom, youve got a team I look upon highly :)


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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The Sounders crest is probably the best, but the name simply isn't soccer. It sounds bush league, just like names such as Mutiny, Earthquakes, Metrostars, Burn, Rapids, etc. Even if their is tradition behind it, it simply doesn't sound professional. That in mind, the Emerald City FC crest and name are the next best combo.

So's Revolution. Bush league name..... :rolleyes:

Of course, Sodboy...he's too young to appreciate the history of the Sounders name, and anywho, the Sounders first started playing in 5 BE (Before ESPN). <_<

On 8/1/2010 at 4:01 PM, winters in buffalo said:
You manage to balance agitation with just enough salient points to keep things interesting. Kind of a low-rent DG_Now.
On 1/2/2011 at 9:07 PM, Sodboy13 said:
Today, we are all otaku.

"The city of Peoria was once the site of the largest distillery in the world and later became the site for mass production of penicillin. So it is safe to assume that present-day Peorians are descended from syphilitic boozehounds."-Stephen Colbert

POTD: February 15, 2010, June 20, 2010

The Glorious Bloom State Penguins (NCFAF) 2014: 2-9, 2015: 7-5 (L Pineapple Bowl), 2016: 1-0 (NCFAB) 2014-15: 10-8, 2015-16: 14-5 (SMC Champs, L 1st Round February Frenzy)

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The Sounders crest is probably the best, but the name simply isn't soccer.

Wrong. It is 24 years of pro soccer.

It sounds bush league, just like names such as Mutiny, Earthquakes, Metrostars, Burn, Rapids, etc.

Mutiny wasn't a "bush league" name per se, but the logo and uniforms that accompanied it were a complete horror show. Metrostars and Burn were contrived names and the logos and uniforms accompanying them were horrible. Rapids was - and continues to be - a fine brand. The team's logos have always been solid. Earthquakes is as traditional a name for a soccer team as you'll find in this country.

Even if their is tradition behind it, it simply doesn't sound professional.

Yet, somehow, Patriots and Red Sox do sound "professional"?

Bottom line? It makes no sense whatsoever to deem place-name/nickname combinations as "professional sounding" in some sports, but not in others. It makes no sense to jettison 24 seasons of existing Seattle Sounders soccer branding tradition for a faux international-style name and logo with absolutely no tradition attached to it.

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Is it Seattle Sounders or is it Seattle FC, or Seattle FC Sounders? Soccer in the U.S. will never catch on if these are the best names they can come up with.

Oh, and it's boring.

Hmmmm, thats interesting since no one has said it before.

The top is AC Milan. the best is the last. And Seattle will never get a team, although very deserving.

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The top is AC Milan. the best is the last. And Seattle will never get a team, although very deserving.

are you sure about that? it seems to be all but certain in the rumor mill that they may start next season and at the very least 2009

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And Seattle will never get a team...

I wouldn't bet on that.

Rumor has it that Paul Allen (yes... the multi-billionaire), Adrian Hanauer (yes... the owner of the USL-1 Champion Seattle Sounders) and Joe Roth (yes... the movie producer) are pretty confident their ownership group will be granted a team to play at Qwest Field (yes... the Seattle stadium managed by Mr. Allens's First & Goal, Incorporated).

Stay tuned.

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