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2008 MLB Season


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As a Phillies fan, its not too hard to see why stuff like this continues to happen to the Mets. I think Tank will agree with what Im about to say. As an observer, Ill be honest, I think the Mets have a VERY talented team. Does their bullpen have problems? Yes, but so do most teams. What they need to worry about is BASEBALL. This team, in my opinion, is WAY too cocky, especially for a team that hasnt really won anything lately. Best example here being Jose Reyes. He has more talent that most guys Ive seen play the game. He can hit, he can fly, and he plays a pretty solid defense. The problem? He has :censored: for brains. Why do you need to dance around like a moron when you make a routine play? If I were a Mets fan, every time him and one of the other underachievers on that team (Delgado) did that stupid handshake or whatever the hell they call it, Id be royally pissed. Respect the game, play the right way, and maybe this stuff will stop happening. It all starts at the top. There was clearly no accountability for this from Willie, and it appears to be the same way with Manuel.



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Here's my photoset from before the roof caved in...


And yes, I "forgot" to take a picture of the final linescore on the scoreboard. And by "forgot" I mean I stormed out of there and made a dash for the 7-Train to beat as many people onto the line as I could to get the hell out of there.


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I want Mark Cuban to buy the Mets.

Did you see tonights loss its a season destroyer and Billy Goat No Account Wagner faking shoulder pain so he would not be blamed.

If you saw what happened tonight you would see they are cursed or they enjoy ripping their fans hearts out, we finally believed again and they did this to us. It is actually quite amazing, their new fight song should be Build me up butter cup becuase thats all they ever do.

You're one helluva supporter Tank.

The Mets are not cursed, there is no such thing as curses (and this is coming from a life long Red Sox fan). The team just isn't THAT good. Not one starting position player is batting over .300, and outside of Johan Santana the rotation is a black hole.

They have a handful of great players but no supporting cast anywhere in sight. Too many holes to fix in a season. The lineup needs work, the bullpen has many issues to address, and well.. you can't win without starting pitching, no matter how good your offense is. Before attempting to fix all those issues, I'd look into hiring a competent GM.

So do us all a favor Tank, keep your word and stop posting useless garbage about a team you have said numerous times you don't care about.

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Does ANY group of people (up here at least) bitch and moan as much as Mets fans?

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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Does ANY group of people (up here at least) bitch and moan as much as Mets fans?

Red Sox fans before 2004? Now they are just annoying and cocky.

I'd have to agree, what with the constant flip-flopping according to last night's performance, talk of curses, and just plain bad luck.



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You try living with Yankee fans and you will understand why Mets fans are so furious

Isn't that just jealousy...?

You know, I rarely visit ccslsc anymore. I really should fix that.

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Well, Shumway, I believe we've finally found our starting catcher...

Jeff "Beav" Mathis!

Apparently, we have. And I thought he was the crappy hitter of the two. Weird.

I think the problem was the platoon aspect, where neither could get consistent ABs, and thus couldn't get in any rhythm. Napoli has thus far shown that he's the more injury-prone of the two, and besides, Mathis was the tabbed starter a couple years ago.

In all honesty, I think the platoon aspect is also why Izturis/Aybar/Wood/Rivera haven't been what they could be. So, hopefully the Braves see that with Wood, which would help in a Teixiera trade.


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Does ANY group of people (up here at least) bitch and moan as much as Mets fans?

Red Sox fans before 2004? Now they are just annoying and cocky.

Mets fans are really on the fast track to being every bit as annoying as Red Sox fans.


*relieved sigh* Well it's nice to have company now, it was getting wicked lonely! Woo!

Oh, wait, sorry, excuse me. I forgot who I am. [deep voice] Oh, sure. Like anyone could be as good as the Red Sox. Even in the from of cockiness. Me, cocky? Me, arrogant? Ha ha ha. Your team just sucks. [/deep voice]


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Does ANY group of people (up here at least) bitch and moan as much as Mets fans?

Red Sox fans before 2004? Now they are just annoying and cocky.

Mets fans are really on the fast track to being every bit as annoying as Red Sox fans.


*relieved sigh* Well it's nice to have company now, it was getting wicked lonely! Woo!

Oh, wait, sorry, excuse me. I forgot who I am. [deep voice] Oh, sure. Like anyone could be as good as the Red Sox. Even in the from of cockiness. Me, cocky? Me, arrogant? Ha ha ha. Your team just sucks. [/deep voice]


After watching these Mets fans act like one :censored:-ing game in the third week of July was the end of their season I am beginning to soften my stance on Red Sox fans. You guys seem positively wonderful by comparison.




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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Does ANY group of people (up here at least) bitch and moan as much as Mets fans?

In relation to what they're actually bitching and moaning about? No. Not even close. They're one game out in late July but by listening to them you'd think they just lost the World Series by giving up a 7 run lead in the 9th inning of Game 7. I used to like The Mets but their fans are quickly changing my feelings on that.

To all Mets fans. Today is July 23rd. There are two entire months of baseball to be played. If you beat The Phillies tonight it will be nothing more than another game in the win column. If you lose to them tonight you'll be 2 games back WITH 61 TO PLAY!!! 61 games is enough for The Nationals to climb back in it. Why not worry about that while you're at it?




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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