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Possible Toronto Indiana Deal


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For his fan-punching and missing a lot of games, I'm not a fan of Jermaine O'neal. However, Calderon is probably ready to take over the reins at PG for a whole season. It's kind of like the Bucks when they traded Ford to play Mo Williams full-time. Nesterovic has been a solid role-player, but they can afford to lose him if Bargnani doesn't mind backing up the 4 and the 5.

I agree with Squse1, though, and say that O'neal and Bosh would be pretty intimidating.

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Other than O'neals "reputation" his background is great.

Seeing he will be healthy this season coming off injury I think he would do great with Bosh.

Bosh wouldn't have to take all the pressure and they would work pretty good together, imo.

As long as they don't give up the #17 pick, im okay with this trade.


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For his fan-punching and missing a lot of games, I'm not a fan of Jermaine O'neal. However, Calderon is probably ready to take over the reins at PG for a whole season. It's kind of like the Bucks when they traded Ford to play Mo Williams full-time. Nesterovic has been a solid role-player, but they can afford to lose him if Bargnani doesn't mind backing up the 4 and the 5.

I agree with Squse1, though, and say that O'neal and Bosh would be pretty intimidating.

yeah, that's worked out greaaaat...true, Larry K's braindead strategies didn't help Mo all that much, but I'm still of the opinion that TJ Ford should still be running the Bucks point.


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For his fan-punching and missing a lot of games, I'm not a fan of Jermaine O'neal. However, Calderon is probably ready to take over the reins at PG for a whole season. It's kind of like the Bucks when they traded Ford to play Mo Williams full-time. Nesterovic has been a solid role-player, but they can afford to lose him if Bargnani doesn't mind backing up the 4 and the 5.

I agree with Squse1, though, and say that O'neal and Bosh would be pretty intimidating.

yeah, that's worked out greaaaat...true, Larry K's braindead strategies didn't help Mo all that much, but I'm still of the opinion that TJ Ford should still be running the Bucks point.

Yeah, you're not alone. No one likes a shoot-first PG when that's not how the offense previously worked. So they may have the same problem in Toronto... although Calderon could spread the offense where Bosh and O'neal would score mostly in the paint. The Bucks didn't have that option when TJ left and Redd took most of the shots.

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Yea if Jermaine O'Neal can stay relatively healthy, this deal is top-notch IMO.

Jermaine O'Neal is still a solid player, he may even be better suited in Toronto where there are a lot of high-energy, younger guys.

Remember he started his career with Portland, and that move to Indiana really allowed him to blossom, it could be a similar situation if this deal goes through.

Also, TJ ford is a pretty good point guard, and if Indiana wants anything outta this deal, he's gonna have to stay healthy as well, cause he could end up being the face of the franchise in a few years.



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I love the deal for Indy. Get rid of someone that isn't producing, get back a player that can start at a position they need, and an extra draft pick to boot.

I say if they can't trade their two picks and a small time player to get into the top 6 picks, they should let Owens, Murray, and Kareem Rush walk, then draft his brother Brandon Rush at 11 and Darrell Arthur or Robin Lopez at 17. That would leave them with something like this:






within 2 months the starting line-up could be CNesterovic, PFArthur, SFDunleavy, SGRush, and PGFord. Not bad for the future.

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Travis Diener...yes! Man, I hope this guy sticks around in the NBA. I loved watching him at Marquette!

As for the trade...I love it...from a Raptors standpoint. Giving up Ford doesn't hurt that badly with the way Calderon has stepped up the last 2 seasons.

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I like this trade for the Raps.

The Raps would be only loosing their draft pick out of this trade.

For the PG is np because they will still have Calderon ( if he stays ), and for Center O'Neal would take that place.

As far as gaining that money contract from O'Neal, other than loosing the draft pick, that's all they pretty much lost.

( I know, some may not agree lol )

But I still think BC is still up to something such as getting another draft pick, but if so who would go ?

He said something in the press conference today talking about how he might still have some offers.

O'neal is coming off a injury and took the season off, so he should be healthy as possible, plus Andrea Bargnani went back home/ or is to train or work on his playing, to improve.

Bosh wouldn't have to take all the pressure so with Bosh, O'Neal, Bargnani and a solid PG Calderon, things could look good although , the team still needs work.

Anyways I like this trade.


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I still don't know what to make of it.

Bosh finally gets someone who can battle with him in the paint. The two of them - when healthy - make for a scary frontcourt.

C O'Neal / Brezec

PF Bosh / Bargnani / Humphries

SF Kapono / Moon / Graham

SG Parker / Delfino

PG Calderon / ?????

One of these backups is going to Indy to balance the deal.

Not a bad place to be before free agency.


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The raps now need a backup centre, and a backup point guard. They have Roko Ukic in the system, although I'm unsure on his status. And I'm sure we can find a scrub centre through free agency or the draft to fill in for O"neal.

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Good trade for both teams.

Indiana sheds O'Neal, gets back a solid starting guard in Ford, a good 6 fouls from [stephenasmith] Raaaaaaasho Nes-ter-o-vic [/stephenasmith] and gets the 17th pick to grab someone to solidfy the bench and hopefully contribute steadily.

Toronto brings in, when healthy, an all star forward/center who can score, rebound and defend. It's a no brainer for Toronto, simply because all they lose is a useless backup center and a draft pick which, at 17 overall, will likely not amount to much more than a steady role player. And whoever they toss in to make the salaries work really isn't all that special.

JO/Bosh/Bargnani/Parker/Calderon. When healthy, that ain't too shabby. I'm not sold on Bargnani, he really disappointed last year. Wonder if they can just admit defeat with him and try and package him and whatever else they've got to bring in a new forward.

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JO/Bosh/Bargnani/Parker/Calderon. When healthy, that ain't too shabby. I'm not sold on Bargnani, he really disappointed last year. Wonder if they can just admit defeat with him and try and package him and whatever else they've got to bring in a new forward.

Bargnani is developing, but rather than starting him in the above lineup, they will probably make him back up O'Neal and Bosh at C and PF. Whether he is the "sixth man" or not depends on the other back-ups, but he will probably not start unless they need him to because of injury or something.

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