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North Carolina Football


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I decide to redo the UNC's football jerseys after Nike unveiled their template-y stuff for UNC. I added the argyle that is on the UNC's basketball's jersey.


The pants are interchangeable. Should I add a white helmet?


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These are really nice. I would suggest scaling back the helmet logo quite a bit, it's pretty big. Also maybe outline the helmet logo in the darker blue.

I like these, though. I don't think you need a white helmet.


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I hate the argyle. It absolutely makes no sense for North Carolina unless they want to change their state nickname to The Argyle State. I always thought it looked silly on the UNC uniforms.

But, because of the history on the UNC basketball uniforms, the argyle does say North Carolina. So as a design, this is pretty darn good.

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Put the argyle on the side panels, like on the bball jerseys. It looks really out of place where you have it. On the pants, think about limiting it to just the top half as opposed to the whole way down. Or get rid of it all together.

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I don't think I've ever hatted a team.

Drew: I now have a headache and you will be hearing from my lawyer. Maybe ... ok probably not. As far as the original, scale down the helmet logo, and add some dark blue trim to the collar and you have a winner.

Athletic Director: KTU Blue Grassers Football

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