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Buffalo Bills Concept


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over all i like it except i kind of get the feeling that the buffalo has wings and is floating upward. maybe make the hair ridges less drastic and then it wont feel so much like wings. and you seem to have taken out the eye which is fine i guess but i like the eye there as minor as it is. i sound like i dont like it here but for the most part i do.

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It wouldn't work as a helmet logo because the B couldn't be reversed without looking really awkward.

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Wow I like this a lot. I never got that red line...

The red line, I believe, is supposed to show that the buffalo is in motion. I like it. The Bills probably have one of the better logos in the league in my opinion.


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It wouldn't work as a helmet logo because the B couldn't be reversed without looking really awkward.

let me play with it for a second

That's what she said.

In all seriousness, I think it has great potential...just need to work a little on not making it look like it has wings or like a flying buffalo, and how the B might be reversed.


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Very nice - I like it.

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I like it. For the B problem, look at other teams that have letters on their helmets. Baltimore also has a B, and they just flip the B inside the logo.

Yes, but it's a B and only a B. This has a B and streak, meaning you'd have to flip the streak so that instead of the streak extending out of the back half of the B it would extend out of the front half of the B if it was flipped. Hard to explain, but if you think about it, it makes sense.

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My first thought was ?Baltimore Ravens helmet problem?, and I'm not sure it can be figured out in a way that makes it work. I do love the logo posted above though, forgetting about the helmet problem. Maybe there is some option to explore in the way of the Bengals and Eagles, you know, turning the whole helmet into your canvas, not just the sides.

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My first thought was ?Baltimore Ravens helmet problem?, and I'm not sure it can be figured out in a way that makes it work. I do love the logo posted above though, forgetting about the helmet problem. Maybe there is some option to explore in the way of the Bengals and Eagles, you know, turning the whole helmet into your canvas, not just the sides.

That may just work, sort of like the Cleveland Browns "B" that you never see anywhere except on TV.


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