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Islanders crest question...


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As always, a question....

What is it about this New York Islanders' logo that everyone loves....?


as opposed to this...


or even this....Islanders2.gif

..although I can see where this may be too cartoony...

To me, and of course it is only opinion, the current logo seems dated and uninspired. But, obviously, the majority likes it (is it it's simplicity? Is it because they won 4 Cuips with that crest?)... so what am I missing...?

Once again, thanks for satisfying my curiosity...


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This is all just my opinion, but...

I think teams in "major" cities should play up the city part of their identity before the mascot or nickname part. I think that most mascot logos look really minor league. That's not to say that those types of logos aren't well designed, but teams from New York, Chicago, Washington, Philadelphia, L.A., Toronto, etc. shouldn't rely on gimmicks and cartoons to sell themselves. The markets are big enough. Make some merchandise for the kids, but leave it off the field / court / ice.

As for the NYI logo, I like that the NY is in white and is the focal point of it, and that the island and "Islanders" is in orange. It could certainly be modernized, but IMO it's better than the other logos. That being said, if the team was located in another market, I may argue that the mascot logos are better.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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I think a lot of people here prefer the lighthouse and/or fishstick logo to the classic. Not me. Pretty much for the reasons stated above. I think with the traditional colors, they could make a version of the lighthouse as a good alt. Maybe without the wavy lines and with the lighthouse not slanted.

Disclaimer: If this comment is about an NBA uniform from 2017-2018 or later, do not constitute a lack of acknowledgement of the corporate logo to mean anything other than "the corporate logo is terrible and makes the uniform significantly worse."



POTD (Shared)

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There's equity in the old logo, built over years of fans rooting for that team when it was losing/winning/losing again. You can't discard that to try to keep pace with the latest trends. If every team did that, we probably wouldn't have the classic Habs or Leafs or Bruins logos still surviving.

If the Isles were an expansion franchise again today and the classic was floated around as the proposed team logo, it probably wouldn't fly. Same is true of plenty of others. Can you imagine if someone proposed the Indian head if the B'hawks were an expansion franchise today?

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I've always hated the Islanders logo...it's just Bad I don't care if you're a fan of the team or not...

I thought the secondary logo set at least gave the team a little more direction to take the identity of the team in or something with the lighthouse and fisherman-guy...

but everyone just hates the secondary set...I think if you darkened the colors it'd work...classic or vintage or not this thing just sucks

I also think the 'liberty-head' rangers logo is a great logo that should be worn more and incorporated more into their set

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The primary logo has been and remains terrible in terms of design. The fisherman was never really the way to go.

But, to me, that lighthouse logo--with some tweaks, such as bringing it in line with the current color scheme--would make a brilliant jersey crest.

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POTD 2013-08-22

On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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The fans like it for several reasons. First, it is representative of Long Island and Nassau County where the team plays. Mind you, I'd rather have royal blue back permanently for that purpose. Second, the team won four Stanley Cups with that logo. Third, the fishstix logo is associated with the debacle that was John Spano (the rich guy who wasn't) who made grand promises of bringing the team back to prominence but did his best to destroy the team. Also, the logo and jersey set was just too minor league for an NHL franchise. It would fit well in the AHL or ECHL.

As for the lighthouse, to me whenever I see it I am reminded of the arena project of the same name that is on the drawing board but probably will never make it through the Town of Hempstead planning and zoning boards.

Also, why is it that people constantly criticize the Islanders logo and not the Edmonton Oilers logo? To me if you're going to call the Islanders logo dated and uninspired the same criticisms should be made of the Oilers.

Proud Islanders fan since 1980.

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As always, a question....

What is it about this New York Islanders' logo that everyone loves....?


as opposed to this...


or even this....Islanders2.gif

..although I can see where this may be too cartoony...

To me, and of course it is only opinion, the current logo seems dated and uninspired. But, obviously, the majority likes it (is it it's simplicity? Is it because they won 4 Cuips with that crest?)... so what am I missing...?

Once again, thanks for satisfying my curiosity...


It's this...


Because that traditional Isles logo truly does suck aesthetically. Long Island looks like a turd. The fisherman was a bit over the top, but I rather like the lighthouse.

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Also, why is it that people constantly criticize the Islanders logo and not the Edmonton Oilers logo? To me if you're going to call the Islanders logo dated and uninspired the same criticisms should be made of the Oilers.

That's a pretty fair comparison. I'd say that the elements in the Oilers' logo don't look as forced, they seem to flow well together. A lot of what's on the Islanders' logo looks very thrown together, without much consideration of how they combine.

(Then again, I'd've taken the 2-D gear from the shoulder logo of the Oilers' old navy third, added some orange on the drop, and used it as a crest.)

Buy some t-shirts and stuff at KJ Shop!

KJ Branded | Behance portfolio


POTD 2013-08-22

On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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The Oilers logo works. It's pleasing to the eye and fitting for the team.

For the sake of argument, a picture of an island doesn't fit a team called the Islanders?

Regardless of how much I like the fisherman logo (I use it for my XHL team), I much prefer the original logo for the Islanders. It has great tradition and is well received by the fans. Could it use some modernization? Absolutely.

As for the Oilers logo, that is the most dated logo in professional sports. The font needs to be changed, and it needs the outline needs to be parralell to the outer circle. I can not stand how the O and S do not flow with the circle. Very annoying IMO.

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This logo = 4 cups and history. I love this logo and have loved the team since 1980 even though the Jets were 50 miles down the highway (I loved them equally too). It is dated but that's what's so nice about it...it reminds fans of the glory days and the rich history even in the dark times such as the past few years. To change would be sacrilage. Much like changing the Blackhawk or the Red Winged Wheel.

Has anyone noticed however that the outline of Long lsland, when superimposed over an actual map of Long Island, has Brooklyn and Queens lopped off? I believe this is to more associate the team and fans with Long Island than New York City proper which is die-hard Ranger area (which I experienced on my honeymoon to Manhattan in July 2005 - case in point - and Islander jersey at Modell's with name and number of Yashin 79 for $20). These buroughs belong to New York City and not Long Island technically so they were omitted. Also the I in Islanders then points to roughly the same area the Nassau Coliseum sits.


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i love the logo and colors, i love it because i am from long island and it represent where we come from, something for us 'islanders' to be proud of...even though the team sucks right now. if we get a new arena ( could happen if we dont have to include the mini city with it) and actually get a team of good players together, this franchise will be repected again, but as for now theyre just the team that everyone wants to play because they will blow it in the 3rd period.

Mets, Jets, Islanders

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Why do people prefer the original Islanders logo over the fisherman and the lighthouse? Simple. It's a hockey logo. The other two logos are as some people have said, "90ish" and cartoony. Leave that for the minor leagues. Not only is the original a classic due to the team's performance in them but the others are just bad. The fisherman is orange? Um what he couldn't get a tan all summer long so had to spray on one? And the shape of the net behind him but underneath Islanders is a half circle with three waves of color? The logo looks like it fell on the guy! And the lighthouse that is leaning, um that's a symbolic statement of strength... NOT! To have a symbol of a light tower which is suppose to guide ships in danger to safety, to have it falling, well that should say enough about the team's management. Symbolically they said in that logo, "Don't trust us, we're not stable." People miss symbolism such as that in logos. And of course let's not forget that the original logo used two complimentary colors orange and blue, which are pleasing to the eye. The newer logos used orange, blue, teal and silver, which proved again a mid 90's phenomenon, that is so out-dated by the fact the team went back to the simple blue and orange colors. Less is more in a logo and that does include colors. This is the difference between Coke and Pepsi. Coke has tweaked over the years, Pepsi, well they change every 4 or 5 years and you 9 times out of 10 order a Coke even though a restaurant serves Pepsi.



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Has anyone noticed however that the outline of Long lsland, when superimposed over an actual map of Long Island, has Brooklyn and Queens lopped off? These buroughs belong to New York City and not Long Island technically so they were omitted. Also the I in Islanders then points to roughly the same area the Nassau Coliseum sits.

I guess it's a matter of interpretation. I always looked at it as though Brooklyn and Queens were on the left side and that the blue in the "I" was there to represent Jamaica Bay and to the left was Brooklyn. I never looked at it that way, but it's interesting and I can kind of see what you're saying.

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IMO the quality of the Islanders' logo is that as "thrown together" as those diverse somewhat incompatible elements may be, the overall results is pleasing on the eye? Why???

NO REASON, esthetically speaking every single elements is so flawed, but there is some sort of chemistry that pre-dates the Dynasty, that make it work.

My favourite element has always been the ISLANDERS' perspective and its semi reversed type in the I, so Tacky, it's beautiful...

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