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Greatest Tradition Teams In Sports


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ok, lets say, hypothetically, that you take ANY six teams in the NHL right now excluding the "original" six, and have them play only each other for about 40 or so seasons, at least one of those teams is bound to have a lot of championships, simply because the odds are better. in a six team leage even the longshot team has favorable odds of winning a cup.

So? The Habs are the ones that did it--not any of the other 5, and the other teams that were in the NHL way back when didn't survive, the original six did, and the Wings and the Leafs both had some periods where they dominated--but overall it was the Habs.

And by the way there were 6 teams for 25 years, not 40, before that they had 7 for 4 years and prior to that form 8 on up. I get your point in saying 40 years, but in terms of NHL history there is a big differenc between 25 & 40 years.

Still my point stands--maybe other teams "could have" done it--but they didn't--the Habs did--and that's the point. It of course isn't the only reason I'd mention them--but it is one of the many.

Keep this in mind too. Up to 1967, the Habs had won 14 cups, the Leafs had won 13. The Habs only won one more cup, so the six team league did have some sort of parity to it. The ultimate legend status was still up for grabs. But once the league doubled and expanded more, the Habs managed to win 10 more! (And that team from the 1970's, even with 18 teams, just dominated the game.) That's why they're the original six team that broke free. It was after the expansion when the dominance began.

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

Follow me on Twitter if you care: @Animal_Clans.

My opinion may or may not be the same as yours. The choice is up to you.

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Keep this in mind too. Up to 1967, the Habs had won 14 cups, the Leafs had won 13. The Habs only won one more cup, so the six team league did have some sort of parity to it. The ultimate legend status was still up for grabs. But once the league doubled and expanded more, the Habs managed to win 10 more! (And that team from the 1970's, even with 18 teams, just dominated the game.) That's why they're the original six team that broke free. It was after the expansion when the dominance began.

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

And it's good.


Chris Creamer
Founder/Editor, SportsLogos.Net


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Don't worry bs2282, just some good-natured ribbing.

The only real thing Winnipeg has to brag about is the fact that it's not Regina. :P J/K

hey if we were discussing greatest tradition team in the WHA, I'd pick the Jets-they won 3 of 7 Avco Cups-including the last one--and did the most to make people notice the league by signing Bobby Hull, and introducing Noprth America to Kent Nilsson & Anders Hedberg, and..

Well I could go on, but I don't want and Winnipeggers to get big heads.

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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You're right. I am a homer, but I'll be damned if I'm ever pro-Yankee anything. I'm sure you Yankee fans know what I mean.

Wow, i am simply stunned at the level of fairness and unbiased opinions...

If your going to start a thread to ask people what they think, you can't be biased. Yes, i hate the Red Sox with every fiber of my being, but i also understand their history and cultural significance in Boston... with the white people anyway... the way i understand it, since Boston has such a lovely history of racial tolerance, not too many black people or any other race for that matter have deep-rooted traditions with the Sox.

Anyways, point being, if your gonna start a thread, asking people about their unbiased opinions, you should at least have one yourself.

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The term, "unbiased opinion" ranks right up there with "Jumbo Shrimp", "Miliary Intelligence", and "President Bush."

An opinion, by definition is biased. If you ask for my 'opinion' you will hear that the Yankees suck, I am very cool, Metallica is the biggest sell out in music, and Dogwood Brewing's Decadent Ale is the best beer in the world. These are my VERY biased opinions.

If you ask me for strictly facts, yes the yankees are an impressive winning franchise with crazy history, I'm probably slightly cool but slightly a dick, Metallica has some of the more influential guitar riffs in modern music, and there are plenty of good microbrews.

My opinion comes from my heart, facts from my brain (or google)

Opinions are biased. To their core.

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You're right.  I am a homer, but I'll be damned if I'm ever pro-Yankee anything.  I'm sure you Yankee fans know what I mean.

Wow, i am simply stunned at the level of fairness and unbiased opinions...

If your going to start a thread to ask people what they think, you can't be biased. Yes, i hate the Red Sox with every fiber of my being, but i also understand their history and cultural significance in Boston... with the white people anyway... the way i understand it, since Boston has such a lovely history of racial tolerance, not too many black people or any other race for that matter have deep-rooted traditions with the Sox.

Anyways, point being, if your gonna start a thread, asking people about their unbiased opinions, you should at least have one yourself.

Hey you have to admit, I was honest. I completely admit to being completely biased.

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An opinion, by definition is biased.

Opinions are biased. To their core.

Hey I was going to post that--more or less.

No one is unbiased.

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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Eh, Mockba, SyPhi, so sue me for taking pride in my home and my teams, lol.

I tend to see Shark's point completely, but yes, you still do have to give the Habs credit. The point is not just about championships. It's about everything.

As for the Yankees national and international appeal...there are Yankees fans scattered outside of NY...at least half are bandwagon...most others hate them.

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Wow, i am simply stunned at the level of fairness and unbiased opinions...

If your going to start a thread to ask people what they think, you can't be biased. Yes, i hate the Red Sox with every fiber of my being, but i also understand their history and cultural significance in Boston... with the white people anyway... the way i understand it, since Boston has such a lovely history of racial tolerance, not too many black people or any other race for that matter have deep-rooted traditions with the Sox.

Anyways, point being, if your gonna start a thread, asking people about their unbiased opinions, you should at least have one yourself.


I'm not looking to start a fight here but you of all people shouldn't be the one to talk.


Utah Jazz Retired Number's

#1 - Frank Layden - #7 Pete Maravich - #12 John Stockton - #14 Jeff Hornacek - #35 Darrell Griffith - #53 Mark Eaton

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#00 The Bear (Best Mascot In NBA) - #4 Adrian Dantley - #32 Karl "The Mailman" Malone

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Just coz noone has mentioned them yet, I am gonna throw Real Madrid in there. Countless spanish championships and I think 7 European Cups/champions league wins, and some of the best players ever in the game, Puskas, De Stefano, and today Zidane and Beckham. If there is a soccer club to rival the Yankees it is Real.


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Just coz noone has mentioned them yet, I am gonna throw Real Madrid in there. Countless spanish championships and I think 7 European Cups/champions league wins, and some of the best players ever in the game, Puskas, De Stefano, and today Zidane and Beckham. If there is a soccer club to rival the Yankees it is Real.

You probably did not read my message on the first page :D

I saw, I came, I left.

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hey jqk! its the habs, hands down! this is comming from a leafs fan who hates "les canadians" with every fiber of his being. tgat being said, the habs beat out the yankees. both teams have been around since the early 1900's, and during that time the yankees have been baseball's best team some decades, and the worst others. on the other hand, the habs have always been contenders with the exeption of 4 years in teh mid 90's.

team with the greatest legacy=canadians :flagcanada:

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hey jqk! its the habs, hands down! this is comming from a leafs fan who hates "les canadians" with every fiber of his being. tgat being said, the habs beat out the yankees. both teams have been around since the early 1900's, and during that time the yankees have been baseball's best team some decades, and the worst others. on the other hand, the habs have always been contenders with the exeption of 4 years in teh mid 90's.

team with the greatest legacy=canadians :flagcanada:

That's les Canadiens!

I saw, I came, I left.

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