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RIP Mark Fidrych

BJ Sands

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I'm so sorry for him... I really loved him, he was very funny and was an excellent pitcher. If not for those injuries that shortened his career, he could be a true HOFer.

My condolences for his family and friends. Go Fidrych, go Tigers!!!




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Been a life long Tigers' fan. This is crushing. And given that I have become a Phillies fan the last nine years, this has been a sad, sad day.

I remember my brothers and I going down the street to play baseball, trying to imitate Fidrych. Whispering to the ball, fixing the mound, the same kick on his delivery. What a shame that his career ended so quickly, and it's a bigger shame that his life ended rather young.

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These things really do come in threes. Unfortunately, it was baseball's turn and this time the sport lost a budding talent, a legendary voice, and one of the most well-remembered pitchers in the game. It's really a sad week for baseball.



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RIP Mark Fidrych. I am lucky. The Bird came along when I was plenty old enough (15) to enjoy watching him pitch and get caught up in all the hoopla. You really had to be there to truly understand "Bird-mania." It was sure a lot of fun. We could sure use a lot more "Birds" and a lot fewer guys like Barry Bonds and Mark McGwire.

What a tough week for baseball.




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I was born in Detroit and I grew up watching Tiger Baseball in old Tiger Stadium. One of my earlist memories was the 68' series, and watching the younger players mature (Trammell, Whitaker, and later on Gibson). I still remember watching that Monday Night game in the upper deck on the First base side (I think it was section 428, it's hard to remember). The fans all stood long after the game ended screaming "we want Bird" and then seeing him come out that cramped tunnel and back on the field. The look on his face was one of pure joy and supprise how he had energized fans and a team long dormant.

The last time I saw Mark was in July of 1999, during the home stand with the Brewers (intra-league game). He had come out to throw a "first pitch" as a part of the last year at "The Corner" promotion. Later in the game Mark was being escorted by the director of promotions, to give autographs next to the Tiger team shop in Tiger Plaza. I was asked to help with crowd control as the person doing event security recognized me from several Star Trek conventions, where I provided Star security. They gave me a Tiger orange "Security" windbreaker and I stood next to Mark as he autographed balls, pictures and jerseys.

After he was done, Mark signed a ball for me and stood for a picture, a great guy. and he will be missed.

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That's a shame what happened to him, it sounds like he may have been crushed under the truck he was working on, that must have been a painful way to die.



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