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Personal Website [homepage comp]


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So, I have been sporting a chin beard for about the last 3 years or so, and when i went about branding myself, I naturally went with the image of a goat. Further, the goat is known to be intelligent and curious (both good Design qualities). Even more, I enjoy the outdoors and climbing and nature, so the goat just seems to suit me. This is my first draft for a logo...


I would enjoy some CnC on the formal qualities of this and also I need some ideas for a name for this brand. I want to have it ________ Creative / Creations or maybe (c-word) Design / Designs / Productions / etc. For the missing word, I just want it to be something interesting that isn't graphic design related....thanks for taking a look!

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Wouldn't C-word Designs be a little vulgar? ^_^

I like the logo itself, but it feels like it is missing something. Maybe it is just because it is in Black & White, but maybe there needs to be some highlights inside the goat. IDK I guess. The C seems a bit plain, but I think changing it might make it look worse. I guess all I can really say is I like it, and the shape is great. I'm wishy-washy on what you should do with it from here.

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I like the silhouette, my suggestion would be too thicken the C behind the goat and separate it a little (like with a white outline around the goat or something) so it is a little more obvious that it is a C.

I agree with this part, i'd have some variation in line weight in the C, i know you want the viewer to discover the C after the goat, the best logos are the ones where you make a small discovery upon the second viewing (FedEx for example) but it wouldn't do you any harm to give them a clue it's there.

I dont know if i'd go as far as separating the Goat from it and adding serifs to the C would be too obvious, i think just a subtle change of weight to imply a caligraphy pen style stroke is all that would be needed.


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I actually like the third one, but yeah the 2nd one is great as well and the first one is just boring. #2 and #3 ftw.


5x Stanley Cup Champions

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The second one is definitely better, IMO. The C is a lot more prominent. The third one looks good as well, the gold highlights make it too busy and the C seems to get lost.

As for the name, why not Conrad Designs? Or something along those lines. I'm assuming your name is Conrad.

Cardinals -- Rams -- Blues -- Tigers -- Liverpool

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thanks again gentleman...here's a couple more takes on the solution:


are these better than the 2nd one above? i tried to assimilate what was good about the previous drafts

If i was gonna add a second colour (and it would prob be a good idea) i'd go all in and go for the third one in your previous set that has the horn details and the check highlights etc. I dont see any advantages to leaving any of the extra elements off, and having seen the one with them all on those ones just feel like something is missing to me.

If you are going to go single colour though have you considered making some of the parts that are gold just now negative space within the red? Similar to the new mane on the Detroit Lions logo? I think adding the eye and highlights in the beard as cutaways in the red logo could look really effective!

Still looking forward to seeing the versions with variation in line weight, or have you decided against them?


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thanks steve...i had forgotten about the varied line weight C, so here's two takes on that plus the use of negative space for the highlights. I just feel like including the whole range of highlights in gold will be too much and it won't reduce in size well, though i would like some way to include the gold into the mix...


thoughts on these? going in the right direction, or do i need to harken back to something previously made? thanks.

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I'd go without the face detail. You've gotta figure, on a business card/letterhead/envelope, those details are probably going to be too small to really notice. I really think the best one you had thus far is the best route.


A second color might be something to look into, as the "C" is getting somewhat lost when it's all one shape. If you take the middle one here, separate the neck, then thicken the "c" and change the color of it, you might have a winner. You're off to a good start, regardless.

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thanks steve...i had forgotten about the varied line weight C, so here's two takes on that plus the use of negative space for the highlights. I just feel like including the whole range of highlights in gold will be too much and it won't reduce in size well, though i would like some way to include the gold into the mix...


thoughts on these? going in the right direction, or do i need to harken back to something previously made? thanks.

You might be on to something with the middle one. I've been following this here, and the "C" really stood out--like, REALLY stood out. In this application, not so much. It was mainly because of how the top of the "C" was still squared off (there's a name for that piece of a letter, but it ain't coming to me right now), whereas in the middle one it doesn't look so out of place.

Keep at it...I like where this is going.

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

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thanks steve...i had forgotten about the varied line weight C, so here's two takes on that plus the use of negative space for the highlights. I just feel like including the whole range of highlights in gold will be too much and it won't reduce in size well, though i would like some way to include the gold into the mix...


thoughts on these? going in the right direction, or do i need to harken back to something previously made? thanks.

You might be on to something with the middle one. I've been following this here, and the "C" really stood out--like, REALLY stood out. In this application, not so much. It was mainly because of how the top of the "C" was still squared off (there's a name for that piece of a letter, but it ain't coming to me right now), whereas in the middle one it doesn't look so out of place.

Keep at it...I like where this is going.

Agreed. That tapered 'C' is what I was wanting to see I think, and it fits well with the horns. I like the highlights being White, it gives it depth but doesn't muddy it up with other colors.

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thanks again gentleman...i think i'll stick with the tapered C and the 1 color. Do you think the neck should be separated from the C or not? How about the detail inclusion?


also, i think im just going to go with Red Goat Creations / Creative (which sounds better?) ive made some first comps of the website here:

the home page:

click for full view

the "work" page:

click for full view

what do you think of these, and where shall I go from here...thanks.

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thanks again gentleman...i think i'll stick with the tapered C and the 1 color. Do you think the neck should be separated from the C or not? How about the detail inclusion?


also, i think im just going to go with Red Goat Creations / Creative (which sounds better?) ive made some first comps of the website here:

the home page:

click for full view

the "work" page:

click for full view

what do you think of these, and where shall I go from here...thanks.

I think these all look awesome, but I prefer the neck being "attached to the 'C'. My only critique would be the jaw line. It was definately a good thing to add it in, but does it look odd, to anyone else, with it coming so close to the ear? IMO, I would maybe bring it down some. But again, just my opinion. Excellent job, though.

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I think these all look awesome, but I prefer the neck being "attached to the 'C'. My only critique would be the jaw line. It was definately a good thing to add it in, but does it look odd, to anyone else, with it coming so close to the ear? IMO, I would maybe bring it down some. But again, just my opinion. Excellent job, though.

Now that you mention it the jawline coming so close to the ear does look a little off.

The first two look the best though. With the neck attached to the C.

For the name I'd say Red Goat Creations sounds the best. The website looks nice, but I don't like the look of the icons on the left. Try playing around with those maybe.

You've done an excellent job though.

Cardinals -- Rams -- Blues -- Tigers -- Liverpool

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Love the site i think it looks excellent. With regards the logo I'd keep the neck attached to the C it just feels more stable that way for want of a better term.

Awesome work i really like it, I currently dont have a personal logo for my site, it's weird I can do logos for clients all day and love it, but try to do one for me and it's like total creative block, well it's probably more creative overload and i cant decide what i want to do or say but the result is the same... no personal logo.

So kudos to you for coming up with what in my opinion is a very strong personal identity. I look forward to seeing your work once the site goes live.


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