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ESPN buys rights to show EPL Games


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Well, considering that I don't have FSC and will now have to rely on streaming to watch the Champions League, ESPN made up for that loss by capitalizing on Setanta Sports' loss, picking up the rights to show EPL games LIVE and in HD.

And as Mockba will inform you in a few posts, this is for the UK, not the US. No EPL stateside. :(



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Well, considering that I don't have FSC and will now have to rely on streaming to watch the Champions League, ESPN made up for that loss by capitalizing on Setanta Sports' loss, picking up the rights to show EPL games stateside LIVE and in HD.

I'm trying to see if this means that US soccer fans can watch or if this just means that ESPN in Europe gets the rights to show it. I hope that's the case, it'll be damn cool to have the Premier League on ESPN. Makes it that much easier to follow the Villans. :P

The rights they won in auction from Setana are only for the rights to air in the UK; BSkyB has the majority of the EPL rights. On the other hand, you will be able to see La Liga on ESPN2 (~20 games), ESPN360.com, and ESPN Desportes starting this season.

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I think the fact that ESPN has now got a relationship with EPL may well mean in the medium to long term coverage of the EPL on ESPN in the US.

Incidentally, if they were shown live in the US, Kick off times for EPL games would range from around 10am to about 3pm Eastern time.


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I think the fact that ESPN has now got a relationship with EPL may well mean in the medium to long term coverage of the EPL on ESPN in the US.

Incidentally, if they were shown live in the US, Kick off times for EPL games would range from around 10am to about 3pm Eastern time.

Certainly better than the same episode of SportsCenter over and over again.

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - est. 2006 

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I hate you Flame. I was all excited.

Well :censored:, we still get La Liga, which, IMO, is more exciting than the EPL. They actually have a whopping 6 teams that could possibly win the title instead of 4. :P

Seriously, though, good for ESPN for getting La Liga to the US. It really is an exciting league.



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This is all a precursor to ESPN Classic becoming ESPN3 or ESPN International, with European soccer as the cornerstone.

One problem with that. ESPN basically has little of the US rights to the Euro league. ESPN lost the US rights to the EPL and Champions league recently. All they have now I believe is just a few games of La Liga. That is not enough to support a new/restructured channel.

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This is all a precursor to ESPN Classic becoming ESPN3 or ESPN International, with European soccer as the cornerstone.

One problem with that. ESPN basically has little of the US rights to the Euro league. ESPN lost the US rights to the EPL and Champions league recently. All they have now I believe is just a few games of La Liga. That is not enough to support a new/restructured channel.

The EPL international rights come up for bid later this season, and I fully expect ESPN to get them then.

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So FSC is not affected?


koizim said:
And...and ya know what we gotta do? We gotta go kick him in da penis. He'll be injured. Injured bad.

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