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Senators Colors (or a discussion about the Cowboys colors)


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The current Senators colors show a darker, metallic gold. But the logos from sportslogos.net have a much lighter shade of gold. The jerseys appear to use the lighter gold. So what is the official gold? Is one for printing or embroidery only or something? Thanks in advance for the help.

I have been getting this question a lot lately.

In almost every case where a team uses a metallic color, there usually is a flat, non-metallic alternate color designated. On the SSUR, I am not including the alternates; in a lot of cases, it just gets kind of crazy displaying all of the colors (re: Dallas Cowboys for one!). I have been debating this issue in my head; I don't know - I should do a poll or something.

Anyway, here's the current Senators' color palette (with flat alternate color for the Gold):


In addition, here is the Senators' primary crest - optimized for RGB using the metallic Gold:



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For the heck of it, here are ALL of the Cowboys' colors (including alternates)...the bottom three colors wouldn't show on the SSUR color swatch images I generate:


Not to further highjack this thread but...

So the main uniform, the white uni they wear practically all the time, is called alternate?

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Not to further highjack this thread but...

So the main uniform, the white uni they wear practically all the time, is called alternate?

Yeah, for some reason (unbeknownst to me), the Cowboys consider their primary colors to be Navy, Silver (the Silver-GRAY used for their "road" pants) and White.

I find it odd as well.

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Not to further highjack this thread but...

So the main uniform, the white uni they wear practically all the time, is called alternate?

Yeah, for some reason (unbeknownst to me), the Cowboys consider their primary colors to be Navy, Silver (the Silver-GRAY used for their "road" pants) and White.

I find it odd as well.

It seems to me that the Cowboys need to be the main example for uni-obsessed fan hate. A lot of teams have bad logos and bad colors, but the Cowboys have no identity as far as colors go. It's just stupid...

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Do you think Cowboy fans would be up in arms if they standardized their colors into one set for home, road, and alternate?

I've always thought that if they did it without any major announcements or hoopla, that the changes would really end up being relatively minor, and people (not us) would pay it little attention and certainly not freak out.

But if the Cowboys announced changes and made a big deal about unveiling it, I could see people unreasonably freaking out.

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We've completely strayed from the original topic...but what the heck.

I've always thought that the Cowboys should strip all the colors down to two (plus White)...either Navy or a Dark Royal Blue, and the Metallic Silver-Blue of the helmet. Here are some proposed color sets in both solid/spot colors and fabric/textile colors:



With the "Dark Royal Blue", think Indianapolis Colts Blue:



I agree - who besides us would really notice or care?

(It'd make ME feel better.)

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from my daily dealings with dallas cowboys fans, they would not notice if they changed uniforms, as long as the general rule of silver helmet, blue star, simple white jersey, silver pants is in tact.

i've had "arguments" with cowboys fans about whether or not the cowboys have black stripes on the arms of their white jerseys for years now. cowboys fans apparently never noticed.

and i'm greatly in the minority here, but i'd love to see the cowboys come up with a dark royal blue that's in between navy and royal, and use their metallic silver green color as their silver. it's just so much more unique. metallic silver green is a great color.


tell me those pants aren't awesome. if only the helmet's silver and all the blues matched, and the jersey wasn't stupid and with random black stripes on it.

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or we can go with these:


why the practice jerseys aren't the basis for a new set of uniforms is beyond me. i really hope they turn these in to full time uniforms.

Not sure I'd want those, in particular, as a basis for a new uni set; reminds me of the Jets too much. Now, using their current navy jerseys as a template would be a different story. I love those, and I'm sure many people here do as well.

So, does anybody really know why the organization stubbornly refuses to do anything about the color problem? Do they really not care enough?

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The greenish-silver pants are the Cowboys. They can't change that. I love that they are the way they are "just because". No focus groups, no generic uni design firm and study, etc.

Are you kidding? Those pants are loathed by Cowboy fans everywhere. Green had never been a part of the Dallas color scheme. The sooner they return to metallic blue, the better.

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The greenish-silver pants are the Cowboys. They can't change that. I love that they are the way they are "just because". No focus groups, no generic uni design firm and study, etc.

The whole Silver-Green issue didn't become one until around 1991. I have a fairly detailed theory as to why it happened in the first place...sounds like a good blog topic to me...

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