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2009 NCAA Football Thread


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Well...looks like Papa Bowden is about to call it a career.

Been looking through two different FSU fanboards, and apparently, some folks over there "have inside info" that Papa Bowden intends to announce his reitrement tomorrow.

EDIT: And, as I typed that, Chris Berman basically just regurgitated some of what I read on those boards, so if the talking heads at the worldwide leader are to be believed, along with these insiders at the FSU fanboards, the curtain is all but set to close on an era at Florida State tomorrow.

I'll wait until Bowden himself officially speaks to relay my own thoughts/feelings about this, but basically, it looks like they've pretty much forced the guy out.

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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See, the problem with Notre Dame's head coaching job is that no coach should be insane enough to do it. Let's face it, the alumni expect the team to go undefeated and win the national championship every year, and since they don't face a particularly tough schedule as it stands now (this could be the first year since 1998 that they didn't play a BCS participant in the regular season).


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There's no way a 13-0 Boise State team gets passed over by USC, even if the Trojans win this weekend. All the damage those losses in Pac-10 play have done is enough to keep USC out of the BCS race.

Now, for Boise fans, they're going to need what Hedley mentioned. Georgia Tech is going to the Orange Bowl to keep it's tie with the ACC. The Florida-Alabama loser will go to the Sugar Bowl to keep it's tie with the SEC. That leaves three at-large bids: TCU, Iowa and either Boise State or Penn State.

TCU will more then likely land in the Fiesta Bowl. Cincinnati (or Pitt) would land in the Orange Bowl to face Georgia Tech. This leaves the two at-large spots to those three teams and those spots are either in the Fiesta Bowl against TCU or in the Sugar Bowl against the Florida-Alabama loser.

Oh, if Iowa goes, Penn State can't. Virginia Tech can though.


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Well...looks like Papa Bowden is about to call it a career.

Been looking through two different FSU fanboards, and apparently, some folks over there "have inside info" that Papa Bowden intends to announce his reitrement tomorrow.

EDIT: And, as I typed that, Chris Berman basically just regurgitated some of what I read on those boards, so if the talking heads at the worldwide leader are to be believed, along with these insiders at the FSU fanboards, the curtain is all but set to close on an era at Florida State tomorrow.

I'll wait until Bowden himself officially speaks to relay my own thoughts/feelings about this, but basically, it looks like they've pretty much forced the guy out.

Many of us (FSU fans) don't see it as him being forced out. There are many selfish reasons he wanted to stay. I love the man for what he did but it was time to go. He was using the school as a personal financial parachute (he's lost a lot on legal fees keeping on of his sons out of prison, the whole family lost a lot of money on land deals that went bad) and that's the main reason he has stuck around.

He essentially did go out on his terms. He said he would go out after his 4-loss season. That didn't happen. He acted like he was larger than the university because of TK's treatment of him, because TK fired an AD who supported the buyout of Jeff Bowden, TK forced an AD to step down that didn't want to give Bobby a lifetime contract (the same guy that is now Alabama's AD in waiting) by reporting some, what TK thought were, minor violations to the NCAA. That backfired on him as now Bobby looks like he will be losing 14 wins.

Bobby's comments this season have made it seem like he thinks he is bigger than the university. His wife said FSU needed them (not just Bobby but them) more than they needed FSU. He did nothing to try and "clarify" what she said.

He hasn't really coached in years. And when he has, it hasn't ended well. Earlier in the season, our offense was destroying defenses, when they got inside the 20, the headphones left Jimbo's head and moved to Bobby's and from there it was run, run, run. Thus we put up some guady numbers but lacks the scoring because the defenses knew what was coming. He stopped doing that later in the season and we scored more.

He has been loyal to the wrong people for too long. Chuck Amato has spent his entire 2nd stint at FSU trying to get a HC position or subverting Jimbo Fisher. Our horrible special teams and horrible special teams decisions were made by our DE coach Jody Allen, a man who's never even played or coached DE. With proper coaching, Everett Brown could have been a 1st round draft pick.

I would like to thank Bowden on last time for what he has done but this move first starts with the hiring of Jeff Bowden as OC. Bowden, with lack of coaching and constant asking for more money, has been handicapping FSU for years. You have a limited number of coaches and when one isn't pulling their weight, it hurts the whole team.

Athletic Director: KTU Blue Grassers Football

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Many of us (FSU fans) don't see it as him being forced out. There are many selfish reasons he wanted to stay. I love the man for what he did but it was time to go. He was using the school as a personal financial parachute (he's lost a lot on legal fees keeping on of his sons out of prison, the whole family lost a lot of money on land deals that went bad) and that's the main reason he has stuck around.

Oh, trust me cat...I'm right there with you on that. I thought the guy should have stepped away five whole years ago, once it became apparent he and JoePa were basically in a geezer fight for the most wins--well that and the whole "head-coach-in-waiting" thing. The other thing was all the disciplinary issues that kept popping up under Papa's watch. That never did sit cool with me...nor did his seeming hesitance to do much about them, and in some instances, nothing at all. Sometimes, Grandpa got to whup them kids...make sense? (Please understand I didn't mean that literally...I meant stern, hard discipline.)

He essentially did go out on his terms. He said he would go out after his 4-loss season. That didn't happen. He acted like he was larger than the university because of TK's treatment of him, because TK fired an AD who supported the buyout of Jeff Bowden, TK forced an AD to step down that didn't want to give Bobby a lifetime contract (the same guy that is now Alabama's AD in waiting) by reporting some, what TK thought were, minor violations to the NCAA. That backfired on him as now Bobby looks like he will be losing 14 wins.

Bobby's comments this season have made it seem like he thinks he is bigger than the university. His wife said FSU needed them (not just Bobby but them) more than they needed FSU. He did nothing to try and "clarify" what she said.

I remember that. It also kinda troubles me that TK was also once an FSU QB...just saying. Still waters run deep sometimes. And his wife really was in no place to go there with those comments. I understand she loves and supports her hubby, but that wasn't the venue to spout off, in my opinion.

He hasn't really coached in years. And when he has, it hasn't ended well. Earlier in the season, our offense was destroying defenses, when they got inside the 20, the headphones left Jimbo's head and moved to Bobby's and from there it was run, run, run. Thus we put up some guady numbers but lacks the scoring because the defenses knew what was coming. He stopped doing that later in the season and we scored more.

He has been loyal to the wrong people for too long. Chuck Amato has spent his entire 2nd stint at FSU trying to get a HC position or subverting Jimbo Fisher. Our horrible special teams and horrible special teams decisions were made by our DE coach Jody Allen, a man who's never even played or coached DE. With proper coaching, Everett Brown could have been a 1st round draft pick.

I've long viewed Bowden as more of a "delegator"...but I didn't realize the predictable red-zone playcalling was directly him until you just pointed that out. Either way it goes...I kinda get the feeling we may see a pretty fresh group of faces in the coaching staff in the years to come. We'll see.

I would like to thank Bowden on last time for what he has done but this move first starts with the hiring of Jeff Bowden as OC. Bowden, with lack of coaching and constant asking for more money, has been handicapping FSU for years. You have a limited number of coaches and when one isn't pulling their weight, it hurts the whole team.

I wholeheartedly concur.

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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With Groh getting canned and Jimbo taking over for Bowden, that makes 9 of the 12 ACC schools who have hired new coaches since 2006. Beamer and Grobe aren't at any risk of losing their jobs, but Maryland needs to fire Friedgen and make it an even ten.

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Fridge will be back only because Maryland can't afford to come up with the 4 million bucks they'd need to can his ass. They don't want him, they're just stuck with him.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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Florida DE Carlos Dunlap was arrested for DUI early this morning.

Urban Meyer is expected to drop the hammer on Dunlap and suspend him for the pregame warmups and maybe even the first play against Alabama (only if the Gators get the ball first) to show his team and recruits that this type of behavior will not be tolerated from Florida athletes!

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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I'm also hearing his locker will be on the opposite side of the room away from his friends and could be suspended from all remaining offensive plays.

Athletic Director: KTU Blue Grassers Football

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as for Ohio State's opponent in the Rose Bowl, I'm hoping for Oregon to beat Oregon State for the very simple reason that an Oregon christmas cookie would be easier to create than an Oregon State christmas cookie. Plus, Oregon would allow me to create 4 cookies, one for each of the possible helmets they might wear. Making OSU and OSU's bowl game matchup cookies has been a personal tradition dating back to the 2003 Fiesta Bowl. I also made OU-Southern Mississippi cookies in 2006. Here's last year's matchup


I love those! great idea and detail! Be sure to post pics, looking forward to seeing them :)



"Why would anybody ever eat anything besides breakfast food?"-Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler), Parks and Recreation

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I agree with what everyone has said about Bowden and I do think it was time to go. As a fan of Florida State, I always thought that FSU would win every year and I always thought Coach Bowden will be there. Now the School will not have a winning football team or their long time coach. I love Bowden, but if the team is not winning, boosters and fans are going to start running out of reasons to keep him around. I don't know if he was trying to wait for the opportunity to win another National Championship, but the Noles have not been in a position to do that in years.

I just wish him the best, and I hope he can just take pride in the fact that he made FSU one of the greatest programs in the nation, and nobody can take that away.

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Florida DE Carlos Dunlap was arrested for DUI early this morning.

Urban Meyer is expected to drop the hammer on Dunlap and suspend him for the pregame warmups and maybe even the first play against Alabama (only if the Gators get the ball first) to show his team and recruits that this type of behavior will not be tolerated from Florida athletes!

Gosh, that's a bit harsh isn't it? I think "we're going to wait until all the facts come out" would be a more effective punishment in this case. Dunlap is a starter after all.






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Florida DE Carlos Dunlap was arrested for DUI early this morning.

Urban Meyer is expected to drop the hammer on Dunlap and suspend him for the pregame warmups and maybe even the first play against Alabama (only if the Gators get the ball first) to show his team and recruits that this type of behavior will not be tolerated from Florida athletes!

Gosh, that's a bit harsh isn't it? I think "we're going to wait until all the facts come out" would be a more effective punishment in this case. Dunlap is a starter after all.

Hate to break it to you, fellas...but apparently, Urban Mayer (or somebody down there in Gainesville) has grown some balls and suspended Carlos Dunlap indefinitely.

(Here's the part I find funny..."indefinitely". Keep an eye on that.)

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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Florida DE Carlos Dunlap was arrested for DUI early this morning.

Urban Meyer is expected to drop the hammer on Dunlap and suspend him for the pregame warmups and maybe even the first play against Alabama (only if the Gators get the ball first) to show his team and recruits that this type of behavior will not be tolerated from Florida athletes!

Gosh, that's a bit harsh isn't it? I think "we're going to wait until all the facts come out" would be a more effective punishment in this case. Dunlap is a starter after all.

Hate to break it to you, fellas...but apparently, Urban Mayer (or somebody down there in Gainesville) has grown some balls and suspended Carlos Dunlap indefinitely.

(Here's the part I find funny..."indefinitely". Dude's good as gone after this year. It's the last game he would have played.)

Bowl game anyone?

On 8/1/2010 at 4:01 PM, winters in buffalo said:
You manage to balance agitation with just enough salient points to keep things interesting. Kind of a low-rent DG_Now.
On 1/2/2011 at 9:07 PM, Sodboy13 said:
Today, we are all otaku.

"The city of Peoria was once the site of the largest distillery in the world and later became the site for mass production of penicillin. So it is safe to assume that present-day Peorians are descended from syphilitic boozehounds."-Stephen Colbert

POTD: February 15, 2010, June 20, 2010

The Glorious Bloom State Penguins (NCFAF) 2014: 2-9, 2015: 7-5 (L Pineapple Bowl), 2016: 1-0 (NCFAB) 2014-15: 10-8, 2015-16: 14-5 (SMC Champs, L 1st Round February Frenzy)

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Bowl game anyone?

Check the edit above.

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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8 Michigan State players suspended, 2 dismissed

8 MSU players were suspended from the team and 2 were kicked off the team, for an assault at some potluck on campus just over a week ago. One of the players kicked off the team was Glenn Winston, who was just let back on the team before the season, the minute the cell door opened from a previous assault of an MSU hockey player. The suspension will probably last until the end of their loss in the Little Caesar's Bowl, knowing Dantonio.

More detail on the Altercation


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Hey, Infrared? How would these brackets look to you?

Troy at (1) Florida

Georgia Tech* at (8) Ohio State

Pittsburgh at (4) Texas Christian

Brigham Young at (5) Cincinnati

Central Michigan at (2) Alabama

Iowa* at (7) Oregon

Houston at (3) Texas

Virginia Tech at (6) Boise State

(11 conference champs and 5 at-larges (no more than one at-large to a conference. GT and Iowa are switched in the bracket to avoid a conference matchup in the first round.)

...you know what, nevermind answering that. I already know how you're going to complain that Ohio State isn't ranked high enough. Homer.


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