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Personal/Company Identity


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I've had ideas of from personal logos and what names i would call my graphics company, if i ever did get it off the ground.

Today i sat down and tried to finally flesh something out. I would like some serious C&C, any ideas to help make it better, tweaks, anything. All comments welcome.


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The white outlines around all of the shapes are too thick, and the shadowing looks to be a bit much.

Also, there doesn't seem to be any real reason for the shape that your initials are in (not that there really needs to be, but it looks too much like you were trying for something specific, but it's not obvious what that is.)

There doesn't seem to be much use for the louvers (not sure what else to call them) in the initials either... kind of like they were just put there just for the sake of not making the letters solid.

Also, a rounded (sorta) symmetrical shape like this doesn't lend itself to drop shadows that are only on one side, but more towards shadowing that is under the middle (like the light source was straight over the shape.)

I think your name lends itself to a natural shape (even if you don't want to go cliche with a crown image, there's still more you could do.) Really not trying to be too much of a dick picking on it, but it's just that I know you're capable of a whole lot more. Looking forward to any updates.

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The white outlines around all of the shapes are too thick, and the shadowing looks to be a bit much.

Also, there doesn't seem to be any real reason for the shape that your initials are in (not that there really needs to be, but it looks too much like you were trying for something specific, but it's not obvious what that is.)

There doesn't seem to be much use for the louvers (not sure what else to call them) in the initials either... kind of like they were just put there just for the sake of not making the letters solid.

Also, a rounded (sorta) symmetrical shape like this doesn't lend itself to drop shadows that are only on one side, but more towards shadowing that is under the middle (like the light source was straight over the shape.)

I think your name lends itself to a natural shape (even if you don't want to go cliche with a crown image, there's still more you could do.) Really not trying to be too much of a dick picking on it, but it's just that I know you're capable of a whole lot more. Looking forward to any updates.

I wrestled with the drop shadow and where to put it. I witched it from left, right, and underneath so many times i gorgot. I may just ditch it all together. It looked good in my head, but now giving it some time, it may not be the best look.

I tried to contour the initials to the curvature of the "q" I had tried several different ideas, including a crown, but nothing really grabbed me. Let go and tinker, and i'll post an update soon.

And Mac, i'm an anarchist. All are welcome. :)

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there is simply too much going on around the letters. Simplify. Start with a black and white logo. I think there's a unique opportunity to you to do some unique combinations with the letters to form a monogram. Play with containing the letters in a shape, make the letters form an image (an elephant, for example as previously mentioned) or something personal to you; try interlocking the letters. Whatever you do, all this should be done with a sketchpad, then take your best ideas into the computer.

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I think you should really play up the King angle. Something simple, like just your initials or a stylized monogram under a crown could work... and would say that as a designer you like to emphasize the simplicity of iconography over fake gradient effects.

Basically, expand on what gordie_delini is saying.

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It's a nice monogram, and I like the font, but it still seems really ornate. I think you should simplify this even more. As obvious as it may seem, why not go with a crown and your initials underneath?

The simpler it is, the more powerful it can be as an icon and brand. It becomes more versatile and memorable.

Back-to-Back Fatal Forty Champion 2015 & 2016

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Can you think of a way i can do the shield up and have it work better? I can see what's being said about it being ornate, and it's not as ornate as i had it in my original mock-up, but i'm kind of reaching for that old-time look. I can see working with the shield, but i'm not sure if i want to part with it completely...

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Well it certainly does need to be simplified. Bring it down to 1 color, then 2. I wouldn't go more than 2 colors here. Next your type - you've got two slab serifs here that don't really complement each other, which also take away somewhat from the monogram. The outline/dropshadow is also unnecessary in this instance. I'm fine with the shield, but it needs to be brought down to just a color and outline, I'd remove the shade lines, the inline, the double outline, etc.

Were it me I would make this a simple black and white logo - black shield, reverse out the monogram. Tighten up the shield/monogram configuration. Black sans-serif, extended type (Akzidenz Grotesk perhaps?).

I further agree with Jim that sometime what may appear to be an obvious solution may perhaps make the best solution - a crown over a JQK makes for an easy to recognize mark that is extremely versatile and will have some longevity to it. Were I you I would explore this option thoroughly.

Don't get down on this - self branding is one of THE most difficult projects for a designer to handle. Been there several times myself, as well as having just gone through a rebranding at the company I work for. It's tough, but it's definitely worth the effort.

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Attempt 2...


Ok explain this to me, you are a NJ Devils fan that is also a fan of the Pittsburgh penguins prospects (baby Pens)?....that seems odd to me. That's like me (a die hard Pens fan) being a fan of Lowell, lol.

Anyways, that JQK logo looks good.


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Ok explain this to me, you are a NJ Devils fan that is also a fan of the Pittsburgh penguins prospects (baby Pens)?....that seems odd to me. That's like me (a die hard Pens fan) being a fan of Lowell, lol.

Anyways, that JQK logo looks good.

Grew up in Bayonne, NJ, a die-hard Devils fan. I've lived in Northeast Pennsylvania for the last 8 years. In fact i now live in Wilkes-Barre. Much easier to go see a Baby Pens game than a Devils game from where i am. I do still hate the Pittsburgh Penguins, and i am still as die-hard of a Devils fan as their is, but yes, i am a fan and do root for the Pens AHL organization. Color me weird, but it's how it happens.

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I still think you're trying too hard here. First off you may want to research your crowns a little bit, as I believe you're using a Queen's crown, so you'll want to double check that. Secondly, the outline around the JQK characters is too delicate. I'm also not a fan of these characters as I was of your previous set. I further think that the shield/crown is too dominant of an element and that the focus needs to remain on the monogram.

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I still think you're trying too hard here. First off you may want to research your crowns a little bit, as I believe you're using a Queen's crown, so you'll want to double check that. Secondly, the outline around the JQK characters is too delicate. I'm also not a fan of these characters as I was of your previous set. I further think that the shield/crown is too dominant of an element and that the focus needs to remain on the monogram.

I did some research. That is indeed a kings crown. Queens crowns were usually much smaller and less ornate. The crown that the Kings originally used was indeed a king's crown, not a queen's crown, as some have stated.

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Was this your inspiration? If so this is a nice adaptation and extension of that design. Not a fan of the curlies on top and below, they feel forced. I must admit I think you were heading in the right direction with the crown/monogram/shield combo. with some more refinement that could be a really solid design.

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