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2009-2010 NHL Season


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Currently the Caps are up 4-0 on the Panthers in the second period (though I'm not bragging entirely at the current result as they can change instantaneously as we've all seen in this thread). Since Ovechkin's game misconduct, they have been rather efficient in all facets of the game. Then again, the opposition has been the Carolina Hurricanes and the Florida Panthers. A more accurate assessment on how the team can perform without the Great Eight occurs on Saturday against the Philadelphia Flyers.

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They have a deep farm system so that they can replace their roleplayers? It's not as if they can't afford to say goodbye to a Cam Barker or an Andrew Ladd. There's talent in the wings. Ascertaining that your best players aren't going anywhere isn't poor management, but keep lobbing those stones from the glasshouse on Lake Ontario.

I never said or implied that it was 'poor management'. All I'm saying is that we have seen what happens to teams that lock up too much money into a few players and how their depth suffered (Ottawa is the perfect example).

And we aren't a 'glasshouse', if anything we're the most impenetrable fortress in the NHL because we've never come close to going bankrupt or struggled to attract fans unlike most teams (Chicago until a few years ago, cough cough). Although, this status also keeps many fans away from our games because they can't afford to attend games...


Because Korbyn Is Colour Blind, My Signature Is Now Idiot Proof - Thanks Again Braden!!

Go Leafs Go!

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And we aren't a 'glasshouse', if anything we're the most impenetrable fortress in the NHL because we've never come close to going bankrupt or struggled to attract fans unlike most teams (Chicago until a few years ago, cough cough). Although, this status also keeps many fans away from our games because they can't afford to attend games...

Oh, for Christ's sake, I deal with enough misplaced chest-thumping about profitability from my fellow Cubs fans, and more than enough hemming and hawwing about why fans don't come from Sox fans. I never thought I'd have to see the two synthesized. I've learned the hard way that nobody throws a parade for bookkeeping. Your fortress is impenetrable but your crease is a sieve.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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I went tonight's Blue Jackets game on a whim. Bad Idea. They played Toronto and looked like ass. It got as bad as 6-1 before ending at 6-3. The only fun part was being able to talk hockey with some of the leafs fans around my section who had traveled from Ontario to see the game.

This team is slumping and they need to figure it out before it gets worse. The defense, basically the same unit as last year, seems to lack focus. Steve Mason is learning what a sophomore slump is. He was pulled again tonight. They can't score even strength and the whole team hasn't played a complete game all season. I figured Toronto would be a good bet for getting to watch a W if not a close competitive game, but NO.


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And we aren't a 'glasshouse', if anything we're the most impenetrable fortress in the NHL because we've never come close to going bankrupt or struggled to attract fans unlike most teams (Chicago until a few years ago, cough cough). Although, this status also keeps many fans away from our games because they can't afford to attend games...

Oh, for Christ's sake, I deal with enough misplaced chest-thumping about profitability from my fellow Cubs fans, and more than enough hemming and hawwing about why fans don't come from Sox fans. I never thought I'd have to see the two synthesized. I've learned the hard way that nobody throws a parade for bookkeeping. Your fortress is impenetrable but your crease is a sieve.

And that's why we're 5-3-2 in our last 10 and 6 points behind the Islanders for 8th spot. ^_^

You need to attempt to use your imagination to come up with something new because your insults are just about as old as Chicago's Cup drought. Yea, our goaltending mostly sucks but it has been improving steadily along with our defence.


Because Korbyn Is Colour Blind, My Signature Is Now Idiot Proof - Thanks Again Braden!!

Go Leafs Go!

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Last night's Blues/Sharks match-up played out a lot like their miracle win in Boston last year. It was one of those nights where the officiating was gross & yet the Blues never quit & pulled out a win. If they had the same hunger they showed last night for every game this season, their record would be a lot better than it is. Maybe they'll get on a tear just like after the afore mentioned Bruins game. One question to anyone from L.A.--why is Saturday's game in the afternoon?

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I went tonight's Blue Jackets game on a whim. Bad Idea. They played Toronto and looked like ass. It got as bad as 6-1 before ending at 6-3. The only fun part was being able to talk hockey with some of the leafs fans around my section who had traveled from Ontario to see the game.

This team is slumping and they need to figure it out before it gets worse. The defense, basically the same unit as last year, seems to lack focus. Steve Mason is learning what a sophomore slump is. He was pulled again tonight. They can't score even strength and the whole team hasn't played a complete game all season. I figured Toronto would be a good bet for getting to watch a W if not a close competitive game, but NO.

Did we still cheer for chili? :P

For anyone that'd get this, just look to the left it's actually humorous, that is if you get it.


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Pens are getting healthy and are back on a roll. Crosby with 11 points in the last 3 games.

My prediction of Pens and Caps in the ECF is looking better every day.

Speaking of my predictions. We get a preview of my SCF prediction tomorrow night when the Pens play the Hawks. If its anything like last year's matchup, it will be a real good one.

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - 2006  |  New Orleans JazzCats - Major League Hockey (AHL) - 2023

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Last night's Blues/Sharks match-up played out a lot like their miracle win in Boston last year. It was one of those nights where the officiating was gross & yet the Blues never quit & pulled out a win. If they had the same hunger they showed last night for every game this season, their record would be a lot better than it is. Maybe they'll get on a tear just like after the afore mentioned Bruins game. One question to anyone from L.A.--why is Saturday's game in the afternoon?

Clippers game that night.

In the occasion that the Lakers/Clippers have a game the same day as the Kings, the Kings game is in the afternoon. I'm pretty sure it's so the ice doesnt get messed up due to the heat from the basketball game. If they had the day basketball game with the floor down and the heat in the building, the ice wouldnt be as smooth and it would take a little while to set it all up.

It's just an easier arena conversion from one to the next, I beleive.



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Last night's Blues/Sharks match-up played out a lot like their miracle win in Boston last year. It was one of those nights where the officiating was gross & yet the Blues never quit & pulled out a win. If they had the same hunger they showed last night for every game this season, their record would be a lot better than it is. Maybe they'll get on a tear just like after the afore mentioned Bruins game. One question to anyone from L.A.--why is Saturday's game in the afternoon?

Clippers game that night.

In the occasion that the Lakers/Clippers have a game the same day as the Kings, the Kings game is in the afternoon. I'm pretty sure it's so the ice doesnt get messed up due to the heat from the basketball game. If they had the day basketball game with the floor down and the heat in the building, the ice wouldnt be as smooth and it would take a little while to set it all up.

It's just an easier arena conversion from one to the next, I beleive.

better than Verizon Center that schedules Georgetown basketball games at 1 on saturday then a Caps game at 7 that night. makes for awful ice conditions and (right now) the Caps have 0 control over it. Itll change once the sale of the VC and the Wizards happens to Ted. No more afternoon basketball games then night hockey games. Woo hoo!

"I don't understand where you got this idea so deeply ingrained in your head (that this world) is something that you must impress, cause I couldn't care less"


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It's apparent that the Bruins have given up, even though there is still 9 minutes to play. This is why I can't wait for college hockey to start....

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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