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When do you think there is going to be a European NFL Team?


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Not for many years, if ever. The economy's just as weak in most of Europe as it is here, if not more so.

If the NFL were daft enough to put a team in Europe in the near future, my money would be on either London (where the International Series has been quite successful, and it would be a good way to get additional use out of the Olympic Stadium they're building) or Moscow (lots of oil tycoons in Russia, including one of whom already owns Chelsea FC and another that's trying to buy the New Jersey Nets).

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I agree with dfwabel. The NFL first has to get it's head screwed back on straight before it even thinks of relocation or expansion.

I've said this before if and when LA get's that Industry Stadium built, LA gets a team and no one else. Not Toronto, not Mexico City, not London, not Tokyo. The NFL is an American league always has been always will be. The CFL made the mistake of going south of the border - okay that's a bad example but still.

But if Goodell has his way they'll be in London in just a matter of years.




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Listen, Fpie. Shnookie.

I get that you're new, probably really young, and want to try to fit in.

But this is a more advanced crowd than you're probably used to. You might want to sit back a bit, get a better feel for the place, then start some threads that people are going to want to respond to meaningfully.

I've already had to graveyard one of your threads, let's not go for the sweep, k? thanks.

Welcome to DrunjFlix

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My guess is that it's not really all that likely ever. Only a few western European cities are viable, in terms of travel and so. Russia is a complete non starter. Really I would suggest it's Limited to London, Paris, Madrid and Barcelona. As far as London is concerned, the only viable stadium would be Wembley. The new Olympic stadium in Stratford is likely to be scaled back and used as an athletics and rugby, and I believe lower league soccer venue. Even the proposal to have West Ham United move in looks DOA.

But I think it's one of those ideas that will flat around for years and nothing will come of it ever.


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I don't know, this seems like a pretty reasonable topic, the way he presented it was pretty simplistic but it is still a relevant topic.

But I seem to recall Goodell making a Kennedy-esque prediction, saying that we would have a team in Europe by the end of the decade. So if it doesn't happen before then I guess they'll just film it in a studio.

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Listen, Fpie. Shnookie.

I get that you're new, probably really young, and want to try to fit in.

But this is a more advanced crowd than you're probably used to. You might want to sit back a bit, get a better feel for the place, then start some threads that people are going to want to respond to meaningfully.

I've already had to graveyard one of your threads, let's not go for the sweep, k? thanks.

You do realize we went four pages talking about how to pee don't you?




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Listen, Fpie. Shnookie.

I get that you're new, probably really young, and want to try to fit in.

But this is a more advanced crowd than you're probably used to. You might want to sit back a bit, get a better feel for the place, then start some threads that people are going to want to respond to meaningfully.

I've already had to graveyard one of your threads, let's not go for the sweep, k? thanks.

You do realize we went four pages talking about how to pee don't you?

But it was about the sophisticated way to pee!

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Listen, Fpie. Shnookie.

I get that you're new, probably really young, and want to try to fit in.

But this is a more advanced crowd than you're probably used to. You might want to sit back a bit, get a better feel for the place, then start some threads that people are going to want to respond to meaningfully.

I've already had to graveyard one of your threads, let's not go for the sweep, k? thanks.

You do realize we went four pages talking about how to pee don't you?

But it was about the sophisticated way to pee!

Thumb and forefinger pinch, or index-middle finger line em up?

Welcome to DrunjFlix

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Hopefully never...

This is the National Football League, not the International Football League.

I'm fine with a few exhibition or regular season games there, but thats it.


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Look, I only see Los Angeles getting a team in the forseeable future, with Toronto possibly landing someone. Unless Goodell shoves it down our throats, cities like Portland, Salt Lake, Sacramento, Wichita, Fairbanks, and Fargo have a better chance than London of getting an NFL team by the simple fact that they are located in North America.

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Having a team in London is not out of the question. When the Patriots played the Buccaneers there last season, most of the players said they were not concerned about the travel because it was about the same time and distance as a trip to the West coast. Locally, games would most likely be played at 6pm, so they would be 1pm EST.

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Having a team in London is not out of the question. When the Patriots played the Buccaneers there last season, most of the players said they were not concerned about the travel because it was about the same time and distance as a trip to the West coast. Locally, games would most likely be played at 6pm, so they would be 1pm EST.

So what happens when San Diego or San Francisco have to play London. That's one hell of a flight.

I just don't see how this can work.

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I still haven't gotten the impression that England is really genuinely clamoring to have an American football team. If we absolutely have to gavage them with one of our sports, it should at least be baseball, a game worth growing internationally. Heck, they gave us the basic idea; let's return it to them fully-formed.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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While it's fun to speculate, in reality the idea is out of the question. There are just too many issues with having an NFL team based in Europe. Let's say the team is based in London.

A London NFL team will never be competitive because no one will want to play there. Not because players are provincial or anything but because there would me major tax issues, exchange rate issues, etc. The tax rate in London is a whole lot higher than it is in say Dallas. If players live there then they're going to have to pay the local income taxes. Good luck getting them to go along with that.

The travel would be a nightmare. Imagine a London team that has to make a west coast swing. There's no way to schedule it otherwise. West coast teams will have to go there and they'll have to go to the west coast. Not to mention that The NFL will be sending a teams over there at least 8 times a season. Once a year is one thing because it's an event but we're talking about a regular season schedule that requires division rivals to make a trip to Europe every season.

Unless you're ready for a London team that only plays teams in the eastern time zone or you've got a British government that is willing to let the players ear millions without the royals getting a penny of it, it just ain't ever gonna happen. Besides, how sure are we that a full time team would even be successful in Europe? Once a year is one thing because it's an event (think the popularity of Curling during the Olympics) but would the locals really be interested in following the "London Royal Princes" through a bunch of 4-12 seasons? I don't think so.




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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