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Football Team Needs A Nickname


Which name do you like best? (See below for explanation of names)  

40 members have voted

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Okay, I've been trying to come up with a nickname for my MLF franchise, which recently moved from Newcastle to Denver. To simulate the ownership polling the citizens of Denver, I'm going to ask you, the good people of Creamerica, to help me name my team. Here are the explanations of the names:

Colorado Cutthroats: The Greenback Cutthroat is the state fish of Colorado. Not to mention, the name sounds pretty cool.

Colorado Altitude: Should be obvious... <_<

Colorado Charge: The concept sounds a lot cooler than the name, but my idea for the logo is a charging ram with lightning bolts for the horns, so it takes on a double meaning.

Colorado Lycans: For those who don't know, a "lycan" is a werewolf. It's where the term "lycanthropy" came from, which is the "disease" people have that causes them to turn into werewolves. This is also the team's original name. I will say this: DO NOT vote for this based upon the original logo, because it may change if this is voted as the winner.

So, vote away! :D And thanks in advance for your help.

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Most of these names would sound better with "Denver" instead of "Colorado." Especially Lycans, though Newcastle sounds even better with that. :D

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On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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Colorado Charge: The concept sounds a lot cooler than the name, but my idea for the logo is a charging ram with lightning bolts for the horns, so it takes on a double meaning.

Kinda like this? ^_^

I voted Colorado Altitude.

Could yield a cool logo involving a fighter jet... isn't Colorado home to the NORAD headquarters?

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Yes, Colorado is the home to Norad. I think something with a fighter jet would be awesome. After all, Colorado is the home of the United States Air Force Academy.

I'm undecided. All the names are great.


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I voted Altitude. I love the imagry that portrays.. it leaves the logo up in the air (wow, what a pun) and would be very interesting to see.

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Altitude? No, no no no i hate names like that. It's like "Glory" or "Spirit" or "Pride".... gawd-awful names that are gawd awful.....

Lycans is the only name worth anything on this list.

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I vote for Cutthroats just because it's original and there aren't enough fish names out there to begin with...

I don't like Lycans at all. If I hear the word "lycan" without seeing how it's spelled, I think of some mossy undergrowth...

I believe there is a team in the National Pro Fastpitch league starting up this year called the Colorado Altitude, though the team may not play till next year...

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I don't like Lycans at all. If I hear the word "lycan" without seeing how it's spelled, I think of some mossy undergrowth...

Yeah, I prefer teams whose names don't require a translation or explanation. I wouldn't want to see the Winnipeg Dancin' Gabes or the Winnipeg Flugzeuge. Cutthroats is a little bit like that, although it's not hard to understand the base root of the term.

Go Goldeyes!

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