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2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa


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North Korea's defense was very good in qualifying, but nobody figured that it would translate to the World Cup, especially against Brazil...but I guess if you give any World Cup team enough time to prepare for a team like Brazil, this will be the result. But yeah, North Korea has been absolutely smothering Brazil on defense. They've got 8 or 9 back everytime Brazil gets it in their 3rd.

Of course, North Korea is heavily lacking offensive punch. Pretty obvious that their best chance of getting points is in a 0-0 draw...but wow, if they can hold on for 45 more minutes, this would be one hell of a stunner.



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37 minutes, and Brazil is yet to score. How is Dear Leader's team still in this one?


Ummmm...They're playing well.

I meant it in more of a "who expected this?" way ;)

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WOW, how on earth did that go in? The keeper thought he was going to cross it into the box in front, instead he drilled it from about an 89º angle and the thing swerved in like a Jimenez 2-seam fastball.

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So the announcers have just informed us that the group of North Korea fans in red that are feverishly waving the North Korean flags are actually paid, handpicked actors from China.

Those crazy North Koreans. :P

EDIT: Now you can say 'Those poor North Koreans.' 2-0 off of a great goal from Elano, with the help of two great passes. Then Elano gets subbed off immediately afterwards. Hilarious.



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:shocked: Wow, what a finish! I am proud that they were in the match until the end and relieved that they were able to walk away with their first point ever in the World Cup. Plus with the Group all tied with one point apiece, the second match against Italy is very critical.
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was in dc today at a bar (near the australian embassy) and watch all of the new zealand game today. there was about 5 new zealand fans who stayed until the end. was very happy with how it ended. also in honor of the world cup:

so long and thanks for all the fish.

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