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2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa


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The ref finally came out with it: It was a foul on Bocanegra.

Well, I'm sure Bocanegra was probably tugging his man...JUST LIKE 4 OR 5 OTHER SLOVENIAN PLAYERS.



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If the U.S. draws with Algeria and England draws with Slovenia, and England scores exactly two more goals than the U.S., the U.S. and England would be even on all tiebreakers for second place. The tie would be broken by drawing lots.

I would really like to see this happen!

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If the U.S. draws with Algeria and England draws with Slovenia, and England scores exactly two more goals than the U.S., the U.S. and England would be even on all tiebreakers for second place. The tie would be broken by drawing lots.

I would really like to see this happen!

Why? I sure as hell don't want a coin flip to determine the future of the US team's World Cup run.

If the US was trailing in all tie-breakers and needed some sort of miracle to force the drawing of lots, that's one thing. If the US can simply win their way in, hoping for a coin flip is stupid.

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Right, I'm not sure hown many people listen to BBC 5Live's 606 Phone-In (their call in show right after games), I'm not listening but apparently one caller suggested that Capello should be sacked and replaces for the rest of the tournament by wait for it......David Beackham :lol: :lol: :lol:

Everyone should listen to the show at least once, you can't make up some of the people that call in

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The ref finally came out with it: It was a foul on Bocanegra.

Well, I'm sure Bocanegra was probably tugging his man...JUST LIKE 4 OR 5 OTHER SLOVENIAN PLAYERS.

And it only took him, what, 6 or 7 hours to figure out what he called? Buffoon.

On 1/25/2013 at 1:53 PM, 'Atom said:

For all the bird de lis haters I think the bird de lis isnt supposed to be a pelican and a fleur de lis I think its just a fleur de lis with a pelicans head. Thats what it looks like to me. Also the flair around the tip of the beak is just flair that fleur de lis have sometimes source I am from NOLA.

PotD: 10/19/07, 08/25/08, 07/22/10, 08/13/10, 04/15/11, 05/19/11, 01/02/12, and 01/05/12.

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If the U.S. draws with Algeria and England draws with Slovenia, and England scores exactly two more goals than the U.S., the U.S. and England would be even on all tiebreakers for second place. The tie would be broken by drawing lots.

I would really like to see this happen!

Why? I sure as hell don't want a coin flip to determine the future of the US team's World Cup run.

If the US was trailing in all tie-breakers and needed some sort of miracle to force the drawing of lots, that's one thing. If the US can simply win their way in, hoping for a coin flip is stupid.

For the shear madness of it all. I would love to see the national backlash that stems from the loser of the outcome.

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And Benny Feilhaber better be in the starting 11 against Algeria.

F :censored: K NO!!!!

I missed the first minute of the second half, and it took me 20 minutes to even realize he was on the pitch....he did nothing.

You'd rather Torres? I'm generally a fan of Torres, but he was terrible. Feilhaber played well.

No....I'd start with Edu in place of Torres with the same lineup played today. Torres is a guy who you send on if you're chasing a game(like I dunno...Turkey), but I'm not sure about starting him, but I'd still rather him than Feilhaber, who just does nothing for me.

Wow, way to ruin any credibility you had with me. Feilhaber does nothing for you? Ugh.

#1 - Feilhaber is one of the few US players that actually understands possession and properly using passing lanes and angles. He does tend to disappear from time to time and needs to improve on that, but he is the most creatively gifted midfielder we have. Clark is all north and south the few times a game he actually touches a ball, Torres always either plays support or tries to send a miraculous ball over the top (he also has a tendency to give extremely soft passes, which drives me crazy), and Edu never seems to incorporate himself into the offensive attack because he likes to drift so far back. The team also runs much smoother with him distributing the ball (see the +2 with him on the pitch).

#2 - Feilhaber seems to be the only midfielder capable of developing any sort of chemistry with Michael Bradley. They compliment each other very well in terms of size and skill set. In the second half, he tried sliding a seam pass through the Slovanian back line to Bradley who stopped his run. Also, around the he slipped a nice little horizontal pass between two defenders to Bradley (which was a little behind him) for a Bradley shot from about 25 yds out (I believe it got blocked). With more time, chemistry would develop between the two.

#3 - Feilhaber has this knack for coming through in the clutch. See the 2008 Gold Cup vs. Mexico. See last years Confederations Cup vs Spain and his run to set up the second or third goal (I forget, but he beat 2-3 guys off the dribble) to clinch that game. And like it or not, he was part of what should have been a 3-goal swing in a World Cup game. Even on Donovan's goal, he is exactly where he is supposed to be; right at the penalty mark. If Dempsey runs far post like he is supposed to then Landon slides that ball up to Benny for the easy finish.

#4 - Many people will point to his defense, and yes, it needs some work. His refusal to run out and challenge the shot late in the second half is unexcusable. However, none of the other midfielders have faired any better. Clark lost Gerrard via a mental lapse and you tell me why Torres is floating in no man's land on the first goal today. Torres' size is also a handicap defensively.

While I may be the driver of the Benny Feilhaber bandwagon, to say that he does nothing for this team is complete bull :censored:.

BTW, "Chasing a game"? Umm, the only chasing I want Torres to be doing is the American bus as they drive off to the 2014 World Cup when his sorry arse is left off the squad (see Brian Ching).

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Edu never seems to incorporate himself into the offensive attack because he likes to drift so far back.

No kidding....he's a holding midfielder...that's kinda his job..sorry.

And if you want to call Feilhaber clutch, fine. You know what's more clutch, scoring a stoppage time goal in one of the biggest, most intense derbies in the world....Wonder, who's done that?


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Alright, fellas, this seems personal. Try and take the venom elsewhere, eh?

That's fine....just find it crazy that I "lost all credibility" because I don't rate Benny Feilhaber, not exactly like I said "Eh that Messi guy is pretty average" Just my opinion....

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Edu never seems to incorporate himself into the offensive attack because he likes to drift so far back.

No kidding....he's a holding midfielder...that's kinda his job..sorry.

And if you want to call Feilhaber clutch, fine. You know what's more clutch, scoring a stoppage time goal in one of the biggest, most intense derbies in the world....Wonder, who's done that?


You don't need the video. I am well aware of Rangers/Celtic. But that goal was far from the toughest finish. In fact, almost any varsity high school soccer player would have finished that off. His finish today was much better. The two moments I mentioned were of a slightly higher class.

Uh, yes Edu is a holding mid. But that doesn't mean he can't get involved in the offense instead of sitting back in front of Gooch and Demerit like a stopper.

And don't take it so personally. If you believe that playing Maurice Edu is the best way for the US to win, then go ahead. All I really said was I believe that Feilhaber is the best of a mediocre bunch in the midfield (outside of Bradley)... that's not exactly putting him on the "Messi" level. Maurice Edu isn't far behind Benny... but for how I want the US to attack, Edu just doesn't have the ball skills and creativity (yet)... But saying Feilhaber brings nothing to the table is completely untrue.

Go Yanks!

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