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MLS Design Concepts


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When someone suggested the MLS logo needed a redesign I figured I would make a new logo. The I decided to do a series out of possible expansion opportunities. Not including Vancouver, Portland or Montreal.

First up is the new MLS logo. Enjoy.


Kits coming soon.

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As a Tampa Bay resident, I would much rather see a return of the Mutiny, rather than the rowdies. As far as the league logo, I like it, but I think it could do without all of those highlights.



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As a Tampa Bay resident, I would much rather see a return of the Mutiny, rather than the rowdies. As far as the league logo, I like it, but I think it could do without all of those highlights.

I too would like to see Tampa Bay return to MLS, but just looking at the success of the new FC Tampa Bay using Rowdies colors and informally being called the Rowdies, I think thats the way to go. Many people look at the Mutiny as a flop, but if the Rowdies were to return I think they could succeed.

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What does the light blue diamond in the middle of your MLS logo stand for?

How would it look with a mainly white/-ish soccer ball instead?

the rest is pretty cool

I'm looking forward to your other concepts, if you have time, why not do a San Diego one too.

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I think it looks too Canadian. The leaf seems to overpower everything else (including the star to represent the US), and makes it look more like a logo for the National Soccer League of Canada. I just don't think a star shouts "America!" like a maple leaf shouts "Canada!"

What does the light blue diamond in the middle of your MLS logo stand for?

While I'm not the designer, I can tell you the "diamond" you mention is what would be a black panel on a traditional/stereotypical soccer ball. That part I actually got right away. White panels are hexagons, black panels are pentagons. See below.





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I really like what you did with the logo there.

GTA United(USA) 2015 + 2016 USA Champions/Toronto Maroons (ULL)2014, 2015 + 2022 Gait Cup Champions/Toronto Northmen (TNFF)

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I really like what you did with the logo there.

GTA United(USA) 2015 + 2016 USA Champions/Toronto Maroons (ULL)2014, 2015 + 2022 Gait Cup Champions/Toronto Northmen (TNFF)

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Ok. First expansion team. Battle Born FC. Sounds bad ass and has significant meaning for the creation of Nevada during the Civil War. I used elements from the flag. If Las Vegas does get a team, and there are investors that want to build a stadium (the stadium appeared on the initial round of 2018/22 possible venues), anyway, it should be a dome of some sort with a lot of spritzers. I go to 51's day games, but I get the covered seats behind the plate...I burn easily.


*******Kits by KaTo


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Battle Born - Looks too much like a team for Dallas, probably because of the huge blue star. Just maybe a few too many elements and colors, and the FC looks tacked on.

Alamo - Much better, I like all the parts of the crest. The alamo could be lowered a little bit, and I think there's too many colors. Either stick to black or the darker gold, and the ball would look better white.

Love to see some kits to go with these.


erikas | go birds | dribbble 

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Alamo looks good, however with that being said, San Antonio is known for its hispanic heritage, and i think it would be important to tie that into the logo a bit more, right now it looks a bit too european, which isn't bad, just doesn't say san antonio to me. They're looking good though, keep 'em coming.

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Love Battle Born as a name. Colors look good, as does the logo. It does feel like something is missing, though I can't quite put my finger on it.

Alamo looks really nice. I like how you have incorporated the Alamo into the crest. Agree that a white ball might pop more.

Solid work so far.

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Call me biased, but I think Milwaukee should get a team before Chicago gets a second one. They're only 90 miles apart and their suburbs touch each other... I think it could still be considered a derby.

Not that I wouldn't still love to see a modern Sting concept though...

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I like the league logo idea, but as other have said it looks a bit more Canadian than American or equal. I think since it was founded as the US Division 1 and Canada is piggybacking with 3 teams, it should equally represent both countries or neither.

As for the first two teams, neither really does anything for me. Both give me that generic Pro Evo crest vibe. The rendering is solid but something just seems off to me.

I'm intrigued to see how yo execute the Strikers. Miami FC of the USSF D2/NASL is rebranding to the Strikers next year. There is a split among fans whether they should go all out and call the team Ft. Lauderdale Strikers, or for the umpteenth time try to pander to the Miami-Dade crowd, which has shown time and time again that it is uninterested in D2 domestic soccer, with a more generic name like Strikers FC.

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