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2010 NCAA Football Thread


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I've decided that willmorris is either one of the legions of idiot Paul Finebaum callers, or Paul Finebaum himself. I'm not sure which possible identity is scarier.

I hate to break it to you but when it comes to college football, you and willmorris are basically interchangeable. If we changed SEC to Boise State in will's posts and switched Boise State to SEC in your posts would anyone even notice the difference?

I don't think that's a fair comparison.

No, it isn't. I speak truth, he speaks opinion.

You've got that backwards.

Mighty Ducks of Anaheim (CHL - 2018 Orr Cup Champions) Chicago Rivermen (UBA/WBL - 2014, 2015, 2017 Intercontinental Cup Champions)

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Kevin W. debating willmorris to defend Lights Out. You guys have been called a lot of things around here and self-aware wasn't any of them.

Well, it's partially me defending a fellow Chargers fan and also because I haven't seen Lights Out say anything nearly as outlandish as the complete bull :censored: that willmorris spews.

Mighty Ducks of Anaheim (CHL - 2018 Orr Cup Champions) Chicago Rivermen (UBA/WBL - 2014, 2015, 2017 Intercontinental Cup Champions)

King's Own Hexham FC (BIP - 2022 Saint's Cup Champions) Portland Explorers (EFL - Elite Bowl XIX Champions) Real San Diego (UPL) Red Bull Seattle (ULL - 2018, 2019, 2020 Gait Cup Champions) Vancouver Huskies (CL)

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Thank you!

I'll admit that I've been a total homer at times in this thread, but I wouldn't say willmorris would be an apt comparison. If I had gone around saying "Boise State is the only true non-AQ, TCU is just second-tier," then yeah, that'd be willmorris-esque. But I've tried to defend all of the non-AQ schools, even TCU who I've grown to hate.

But anyway, I apologize for offending people with my Boise State homerism. Now can we stop beating the dead horse already?


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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Thank you!

I'll admit that I've been a total homer at times in this thread, but I wouldn't say willmorris would be an apt comparison. If I had gone around saying "Boise State is the only true non-AQ, TCU is just second-tier," then yeah, that'd be willmorris-esque. But I've tried to defend all of the non-AQ schools, even TCU who I've grown to hate.

But anyway, I apologize for offending people with my Boise State homerism. Now can we stop beating the dead horse already?

Well first off, you need to know when people are just busting your chops. You're an easy target because you're so damned serious about your teams. Seriously dude, half the time we're just giving you a hard time. No one takes this place that seriously. Well...almost no one anyway.




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Miami hires now-former Temple coach Al Golden as new HC.

Unlike the Will Muschamp hire that came out of left field, this is a rumor that actually turned out to be true.

That's a really good hire for Miami. Al Golden was able to turn Temple around for christ's sake. He's a good recruiter, his teams play hard, and they're well-disciplined. Plus, he's got the best head of hair in the business.


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It's official: Heisman Trophy = joke.

I just think it's hilarious that his win is being followed by the 30 For 30 about the SMU cheating scandal. How appropriate.

Anyway, even fourth place in the Heisman voting is a giant step for non-AQ schools and their players. The small schools in college football have broken through all over again.

Okay I did not want Cam to win at all, but him winning the award is not a joke by any means. Just because Kellen Moore was last doesn't mean the award is a joke, the other 3 guys were better and he is just lucky to be a finalist. Despite all the character and integrity issues that Cam has he was by far the best football player on the field and for that he deserved the award, even though he is probably going to get it taken away in a year or two.

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I don't think it's a joke because Kellen lost, I would have been happy with Andrew Luck or even LaMichael James winning too.

Your case for Cam lost all credibility at "Despite all the character and integrity issues that Cam has." The Heisman guidelines clearly state that the award should be given to a player that shows integrity and honesty. Cam has shown none of these things. Even excluding the pay-for-play incident, he stole laptops and plagiarized papers at Florida and almost got expelled before hastily transferring to a junior college. That right there shows a deep lack of integrity and honesty and therefore he does not merit the Heisman by their own guidelines.

LaMichael James has had legal troubles, but he owned up to his wrongdoing and didn't try to escape his problems like Cam has done several times now. And Andrew Luck and Kellen Moore are hardworking, studious, excellent players and leaders, and have no known character issues. Any one of those three deserved the Heisman over Cam easily in my opinion.

Personally, I see this as just another example of how the NCAA has become the SEC's bitch. When Reggie Bush faced his own pay-for-play controversy this past summer, the NCAA ruled that Bush can and will be held responsible for his parents' actions and took that into account in his punishment. But when Cecil Newton orchestrates a pay-for-play scheme, suddenly Cam isn't held responsible for his father's actions? There's a double standard in place: the SEC has one set of rules, and everybody else has to follow another, stricter set.


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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Great hire for Miami. Golden turned a long-miserable Temple team into a legitimate program both on the field and off. His positive influence on Temple's program can't be overstated, and Miami makes a very smart move in replacing one academically-minded coach with another. And, as has already been mentioned... that hair!




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Miami hires now-former Temple coach Al Golden as new HC.

Unlike the Will Muschamp hire that came out of left field, this is a rumor that actually turned out to be true.

That's a really good hire for Miami. Al Golden was able to turn Temple around for christ's sake. He's a good recruiter, his teams play hard, and they're well-disciplined. Plus, he's got the best head of hair in the business.

and this week, Miami will sell 269 season tickets.

This is more than terrible unless he can keep many kids from South Florida.

No cache = no more people in the seats.

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I don't think it's a joke because Kellen lost, I would have been happy with Andrew Luck or even LaMichael James winning too.

Your case for Cam lost all credibility at "Despite all the character and integrity issues that Cam has." The Heisman guidelines clearly state that the award should be given to a player that shows integrity and honesty. Cam has shown none of these things. Even excluding the pay-for-play incident, he stole laptops and plagiarized papers at Florida and almost got expelled before hastily transferring to a junior college. That right there shows a deep lack of integrity and honesty and therefore he does not merit the Heisman by their own guidelines.

The Heisman isn't a lifelong achievement award. It's for what he did in the 2010 season. Whatever Cam Newton did two years ago at Florida is not germaine to the 2010 awarding of the Heisman Trophy.

I'm going to give you some homework. You can either choose to accept the challenge, or shut your god-damned mouth about all your wild conspiracy theories. It's up to you.

1. Simply prove that a Newton (Cam or Cecil) did do something that broke NCAA rules.

2. Simply prove that Kellen Moore is attending all his classes and doing all his classwork.

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I don't think it's a joke because Kellen lost, I would have been happy with Andrew Luck or even LaMichael James winning too.

Your case for Cam lost all credibility at "Despite all the character and integrity issues that Cam has." The Heisman guidelines clearly state that the award should be given to a player that shows integrity and honesty. Cam has shown none of these things. Even excluding the pay-for-play incident, he stole laptops and plagiarized papers at Florida and almost got expelled before hastily transferring to a junior college. That right there shows a deep lack of integrity and honesty and therefore he does not merit the Heisman by their own guidelines.

The Heisman isn't a lifelong achievement award. It's for what he did in the 2010 season. Whatever Cam Newton did two years ago at Florida is not germaine to the 2010 awarding of the Heisman Trophy.

I'm going to give you some homework. You can either choose to accept the challenge, or shut your god-damned mouth about all your wild conspiracy theories. It's up to you.

1. Simply prove that a Newton (Cam or Cecil) did do something that broke NCAA rules.

2. Simply prove that Kellen Moore is attending all his classes and doing all his classwork.

So when we do our college football radio show I think we should have a daily " :censored: Lights Out says" segment.




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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I don't think it's a joke because Kellen lost, I would have been happy with Andrew Luck or even LaMichael James winning too.

Your case for Cam lost all credibility at "Despite all the character and integrity issues that Cam has." The Heisman guidelines clearly state that the award should be given to a player that shows integrity and honesty. Cam has shown none of these things. Even excluding the pay-for-play incident, he stole laptops and plagiarized papers at Florida and almost got expelled before hastily transferring to a junior college. That right there shows a deep lack of integrity and honesty and therefore he does not merit the Heisman by their own guidelines.

The Heisman isn't a lifelong achievement award. It's for what he did in the 2010 season. Whatever Cam Newton did two years ago at Florida is not germaine to the 2010 awarding of the Heisman Trophy.

I'm going to give you some homework. You can either choose to accept the challenge, or shut your god-damned mouth about all your wild conspiracy theories. It's up to you.

1. Simply prove that a Newton (Cam or Cecil) did do something that broke NCAA rules.

2. Simply prove that Kellen Moore is attending all his classes and doing all his classwork.

And of course, 3. Simply prove that Kellen Moore was more deserving going against defenses in the WAC than Cam Newton going against defenses in the SEC.


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I don't think it's a joke because Kellen lost, I would have been happy with Andrew Luck or even LaMichael James winning too.

Your case for Cam lost all credibility at "Despite all the character and integrity issues that Cam has." The Heisman guidelines clearly state that the award should be given to a player that shows integrity and honesty. Cam has shown none of these things. Even excluding the pay-for-play incident, he stole laptops and plagiarized papers at Florida and almost got expelled before hastily transferring to a junior college. That right there shows a deep lack of integrity and honesty and therefore he does not merit the Heisman by their own guidelines.

The Heisman isn't a lifelong achievement award. It's for what he did in the 2010 season. Whatever Cam Newton did two years ago at Florida is not germaine to the 2010 awarding of the Heisman Trophy.

I'm going to give you some homework. You can either choose to accept the challenge, or shut your god-damned mouth about all your wild conspiracy theories. It's up to you.

1. Simply prove that a Newton (Cam or Cecil) did do something that broke NCAA rules.

2. Simply prove that Kellen Moore is attending all his classes and doing all his classwork.

Exactly, I don't like Cam at all, but he was by far THE BEST College Football player this season, without him Auburn is probably 7-5 or 8-4, he won games for them and no player has had the same effect on their team as he did this season. AND He hasn't been proven guilty yet, I mean I think that he will eventually be found guilty but until the NCAA is done investigating that, he is innocent. So for that reason he should win, and like Hedley said what he did at Florida has absolutely nothing to do with what he did this season. Should the NFL decide Michael Vick is not a MVP candidate because of his past troubles? No. It's also funny how you try and stick up for LaMichael James now but if he had won you would have said the trophy is a joke, You would have said "James got a car from Oregon blah blah blah KELLEN MOORE IS THE BEST PERSON ON EARTH blah blah blah." Somewhere in this thread you ranted about Jame's whole situation, and now you are saying he should have won over Cam? That is a joke.

You have done something that was nearly impossible, make me stick up for Cam Newton, but its worth it because him winning the award doesn't make the Heisman a joke, he was THE BEST college football player this season.

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I don't think it's a joke because Kellen lost, I would have been happy with Andrew Luck or even LaMichael James winning too.

Your case for Cam lost all credibility at "Despite all the character and integrity issues that Cam has." The Heisman guidelines clearly state that the award should be given to a player that shows integrity and honesty. Cam has shown none of these things. Even excluding the pay-for-play incident, he stole laptops and plagiarized papers at Florida and almost got expelled before hastily transferring to a junior college. That right there shows a deep lack of integrity and honesty and therefore he does not merit the Heisman by their own guidelines.

The Heisman isn't a lifelong achievement award. It's for what he did in the 2010 season. Whatever Cam Newton did two years ago at Florida is not germaine to the 2010 awarding of the Heisman Trophy.

I'm going to give you some homework. You can either choose to accept the challenge, or shut your god-damned mouth about all your wild conspiracy theories. It's up to you.

1. Simply prove that a Newton (Cam or Cecil) did do something that broke NCAA rules.

2. Simply prove that Kellen Moore is attending all his classes and doing all his classwork.

So when we do our college football radio show I think we should have a daily " :censored: Lights Out says" segment.

No kidding. But hopefully we'll have a three-hour show....the " :censored: Lights Out Says" segment could take a while....

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I don't think it's a joke because Kellen lost, I would have been happy with Andrew Luck or even LaMichael James winning too.

Your case for Cam lost all credibility at "Despite all the character and integrity issues that Cam has." The Heisman guidelines clearly state that the award should be given to a player that shows integrity and honesty. Cam has shown none of these things. Even excluding the pay-for-play incident, he stole laptops and plagiarized papers at Florida and almost got expelled before hastily transferring to a junior college. That right there shows a deep lack of integrity and honesty and therefore he does not merit the Heisman by their own guidelines.

The Heisman isn't a lifelong achievement award. It's for what he did in the 2010 season. Whatever Cam Newton did two years ago at Florida is not germaine to the 2010 awarding of the Heisman Trophy.

I'm going to give you some homework. You can either choose to accept the challenge, or shut your god-damned mouth about all your wild conspiracy theories. It's up to you.

1. Simply prove that a Newton (Cam or Cecil) did do something that broke NCAA rules.

2. Simply prove that Kellen Moore is attending all his classes and doing all his classwork.

Exactly, I don't like Cam at all, but he was by far THE BEST College Football player this season, without him Auburn is probably 7-5 or 8-4, he won games for them and no player has had the same effect on their team as he did this season. AND He hasn't been proven guilty yet, I mean I think that he will eventually be found guilty but until the NCAA is done investigating that, he is innocent. So for that reason he should win, and like Hedley said what he did at Florida has absolutely nothing to do with what he did this season. Should the NFL decide Michael Vick is not a MVP candidate because of his past troubles? No. It's also funny how you try and stick up for LaMichael James now but if he had won you would have said the trophy is a joke, You would have said "James got a car from Oregon blah blah blah KELLEN MOORE IS THE BEST PERSON ON EARTH blah blah blah." Somewhere in this thread you ranted about Jame's whole situation, and now you are saying he should have won over Cam? That is a joke.

You have done something that was nearly impossible, make me stick up for Cam Newton, but its worth it because him winning the award doesn't make the Heisman a joke, he was THE BEST college football player this season.

An Alabama fan sticks up for the best player on Auburn. This is incredible.



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I don't think it's a joke because Kellen lost, I would have been happy with Andrew Luck or even LaMichael James winning too.

Your case for Cam lost all credibility at "Despite all the character and integrity issues that Cam has." The Heisman guidelines clearly state that the award should be given to a player that shows integrity and honesty. Cam has shown none of these things. Even excluding the pay-for-play incident, he stole laptops and plagiarized papers at Florida and almost got expelled before hastily transferring to a junior college. That right there shows a deep lack of integrity and honesty and therefore he does not merit the Heisman by their own guidelines.

The Heisman isn't a lifelong achievement award. It's for what he did in the 2010 season. Whatever Cam Newton did two years ago at Florida is not germaine to the 2010 awarding of the Heisman Trophy.

I'm going to give you some homework. You can either choose to accept the challenge, or shut your god-damned mouth about all your wild conspiracy theories. It's up to you.

1. Simply prove that a Newton (Cam or Cecil) did do something that broke NCAA rules.

2. Simply prove that Kellen Moore is attending all his classes and doing all his classwork.

Exactly, I don't like Cam at all, but he was by far THE BEST College Football player this season, without him Auburn is probably 7-5 or 8-4, he won games for them and no player has had the same effect on their team as he did this season. AND He hasn't been proven guilty yet, I mean I think that he will eventually be found guilty but until the NCAA is done investigating that, he is innocent. So for that reason he should win, and like Hedley said what he did at Florida has absolutely nothing to do with what he did this season. Should the NFL decide Michael Vick is not a MVP candidate because of his past troubles? No. It's also funny how you try and stick up for LaMichael James now but if he had won you would have said the trophy is a joke, You would have said "James got a car from Oregon blah blah blah KELLEN MOORE IS THE BEST PERSON ON EARTH blah blah blah." Somewhere in this thread you ranted about Jame's whole situation, and now you are saying he should have won over Cam? That is a joke.

You have done something that was nearly impossible, make me stick up for Cam Newton, but its worth it because him winning the award doesn't make the Heisman a joke, he was THE BEST college football player this season.

An Alabama fan sticks up for the best player on Auburn. This is incredible.

Yeah, what the hell am I thinking? :P

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Miami hires now-former Temple coach Al Golden as new HC.

Unlike the Will Muschamp hire that came out of left field, this is a rumor that actually turned out to be true.

That's a really good hire for Miami. Al Golden was able to turn Temple around for christ's sake. He's a good recruiter, his teams play hard, and they're well-disciplined. Plus, he's got the best head of hair in the business.

and this week, Miami will sell 269 season tickets.

This is more than terrible unless he can keep many kids from South Florida.

No cache = no more people in the seats.

Miami is about as fickle a sports city as there is. If he wins, people will show up. You don't need cache if you're winning.


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Miami seems to have the same problem as UCLA. It's hard to get fans to show up and to recruit when your home stadium is 25+ miles away, and in Miami's case, you're a secondary tenant. It's only hope is to somehow get an on-campus stadium built, because nobody's going to want to make that drive.


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