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Universities Tell High Schools Logos Are Off Limits


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Taking a pro or college identity is really having no identity at all. I'm sure all these high schools have art programs with students who can produce something unique the school can use as a real identity. I have a sneaking feeling that booster clubs going for the okey doke are driving much of this copycat business.


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well in my town every school is using a stolen logo of some kind my school, in my sig and all the other schools using a SC usc logo a NC northcarolina logo and a logo that resembles the michigan state spartans logo

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well in my town every school is using a stolen logo of some kind my school, in my sig and all the other schools using a SC usc logo a NC northcarolina logo and a logo that resembles the michigan state spartans logo

So crime runs rampant in your town. I hope you're not suggesting that a massive volume of theft somehow makes it right.

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Taking a pro or college identity is really having no identity at all. I'm sure all these high schools have art programs with students who can produce something unique the school can use as a real identity. I have a sneaking feeling that booster clubs going for the okey doke are driving much of this copycat business.

You make a very good point mentioning art programs. At some point, someone in any given school in any given town in America is going to turn out a logo that the school can take and run with. Better yet, it came from someone who actually attends the school; who better to be able to capture the school's identity than one of their own?

It sets a pretty poor example to your art students when you tell them to be creative and original while your own faculty willingly rips off someone else's work.


There comes a point when you don't stand for the constant heartbreak anymore, and walk away.

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The school I went to had a unique logo designed by our assistant coach who is a legit artist/comic book artist. However my first high school is ripping Wisconsin's motion W logo. Interesting thing is, the big high school I first went to that is ripping Wisconsin had no art classes while the second one in a small town did. If you guys have been out of high school for a while then you've avoided the budget cuts where unessential classes like art have been cut.



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I'm just playing devils advocate here. Yes there is pen and paper, but on the budget these schools have nowadays all they can afford is making copies of that piece of paper and cutting out the paper and taping it onto the helmets. Schools that have stolen their identities from a while ago sometimes don't have the money to completely rebrand to something unique.

I'm all for unique identities, that's what I loved about my second high school, even though we started to steal from Gonzaga (which brings me to the fun fact that Mark Few, bball coach for the Zags is from the town and went to the high school)

I wish each high school had its own identity as much as the next guy, but there are some real budget crises these days, they spend their money elsewhere



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It doesn't have to cost anything.

Have a student design a new logo. Then phase that logo in as existing elements need to be replaced. The problem isn't necessarily that a high school once stole its logo, but that it continues to steal every single time it uses that logo.

Where exactly is the rationalization for theft in this?

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And as much as you've played Devil's Advocate Dmo, it doesnt' take much for a HS to have a even semi talented person create a unique logo, even as simple as a block / interlocking / unique letter to serve as the schools identity....As someone involved greatly in a spectrum of high school athletics, I know how low budgets can be for this type of thing, but creating something unique and original should be the forefront...

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You can also go to a place like istock and purchase art for around $20 and adopt it as your logo, if you don't have anyone who can draw. If you need new stickers for your helmets there are a lot of ways to earn money. When I was in school and we needed money for something (class trip, new uniforms, etc.) we had a fund raiser and raised money. Can't imagine 30-40 helmet stickers would be something a bake sale couldn't take care of.

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The high school I teach and coach at had someone on the boards here design our schools logo and wordmarks. The price was very reasonable and we are very happy with it. It is great to have an athletic identity that only we have.

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Not everyone has access to logo designing software

Adobe CS5 Design Standard is only priced at about $250 for educational licenses--that's a seal! Any high school student seriously interested in design should have a personal copy of some version Adobe CS...

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Principals don't have time for the "logo infringement" issues, they busy getting test scores up. An Athletic Director will be made aware of this (yes, most A.D.s are principals too).

Our high school, Raytown South (Kansas City) was using the Illionis State Redbird logo when the A.D. was contacted about the 'infringement' law(s). We had 2 years to change, we had our new logo designed within the year by one of our members here on the CC Boards.

The movement of changing logos will not go away and will be coming like a tidal wave.

There is a market for our guys here on the boards to get their work purchased by the the high schools who will need new logos.

I'd love to be that "logo broker". Just think, you find the schools w/ the copyrighted logos, contact the college/pro teams who then send a letter telling them to stop using the logo, we move in and "sell" them the rights to logos designed by the graphics crew here.

We would be doing the H.S. a favor and promoting "great logos" instead of the crappy ones a lot of the schools get: "clip art crap".

Kansas-BB-banner.png My-son-Soldier-banner.png

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You can also go to a place like istock and purchase art for around $20 and adopt it as your logo, if you don't have anyone who can draw. If you need new stickers for your helmets there are a lot of ways to earn money. When I was in school and we needed money for something (class trip, new uniforms, etc.) we had a fund raiser and raised money. Can't imagine 30-40 helmet stickers would be something a bake sale couldn't take care of.

You've got to watch using stock art for logos. 1 it might not even be ok by the license you purchase it under. Most of istock's stuff has restrictions against reselling the work as is. and 2 you still aren't getting a unique logo. Nothing is stopping anyone from going out and getting that art as well and using it as a logo.

The thing schools need to be convinced of is once they "Own" their logo they own the rights for merchandise and anyone producing anything has to pay a royalty. As it is now, Walmart or whomever can go out and create shirts and such for these schools and sell them without royalties. Once you own that logo and you trademark your school/team name, they have to pay.

I used Walmart cause I know they do Local HIgh Schools. Walgreens does this as well. I could be wrong but I'm doubting they are paying a royalty to the schools...

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It's about time. I think high schoola too lazy and just steal logos too much. i never understood why this wasnt an issue earlier. For those who say it's because high schools dont have the budget to afford a real desing of their won, I'd say there are enough talented and willing students out there who would take pride in designing their school's identity. I know I would have. Now we can start seeing more unique high school logos and add some variety to the high schoo level of sports.

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