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2011NCAA Football Thread


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And we're underway in this week's biggest game of all-time. I'm rooting for LSU but...

'Bama wins easy. You heard it here first.

You know, I wouldn't mind that, and if that happens I hope this is finally the year the BCS says, "Okay, Boise, here's your shot." Saban is such as piece of crap that he would run up the score and set out to humiliate Boise.

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Michigan got screwed. That was a catch. What's the point of instant replay if they still get the calls wrong as often as they do?

And that was probably pass interference there at the end.

Exactly. And not only was that pass interference on the last play, it was also pass interference on the INT in the end zone at the end of the first half. Terrible officiating.

With 0:16 left, Michigan called their final time out before it was 1st & Goal at the Iowa 3. That cost them half their playbook and this the game.

If they clocked the ball or ran a play/pass option with Denard, they would have made the Iowa defense not just look pass. Clock it and have three shots from the three with a time out, rather than four plays with no possibility of running the ball.

Umm, yes, I watched the game too. But what does any of that that have to do with anything related to the officials?

Besides, Iowa suicide blitzed their entire linebacker corp on 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th down. They wouldn't have played it any different if they had to account for the run, they still were going to blitz and make Denard beat them through the air.

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3-3 at the half.

I do not like defensive struggles.

The Philadelphia Flyers scored 3 more goals today than LSU/Alabama's points combined. ^_^

EDIT - Now Alabama has kicked a field goal, tying today's point total with the total goals the Flyers scored today.

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3-3 at the half.

I do not like defensive struggles.

It's different when it's two great defenses. I think this game, at 6-3 right now, has lived up to the hype thus far. It's different when it's two inept teams, like Cleveland and Seattle from a few weeks back.


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Great call on the interception. Couldn't possibly be a catch for Bama because he didn't control the ball all the way to the ground. I love the playcall, though. The LSU defense was fooled, but the ball hung in the air too long.


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3-3 at the half.

I do not like defensive struggles.

It's different when it's two great defenses. I think this game, at 6-3 right now, has lived up to the hype thus far. It's different when it's two inept teams, like Cleveland and Seattle from a few weeks back.

It is very good defenses on both sides, but neither coach possesses any confidence in their quarterback(s) to make a play.

This is like going to see "Twilight" with your girl. Lots of running around, but no scoring.

NOTE 1: Gary Danielson is more self-reflective than normal tonight.

NOTE 2: The Alabama dancers are 45/55 on the "cute" side and remember Alabama is one of the most obese states in the union so think about how half will look at age 40.

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Had LSU lost, I could see it happening. But losing at home... I don't think Alabama deserves that shot for certain. I thought it was a great game... but I love it when two elite defenses go at it.

You had to know Alabama would be screwed in OT, especially once they got into third and long from their own 30 with the issues they had with their kicking game. Those misses weren't even close.

By the way, two of the best (or at the very least in Alabama/LSU's case, most significant) games of the year were on opposite of one another, as KSU lost to OK State in a thriller. Crappy.


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With a close final of 9-6, what do all of you think about the possibility of an LSU/Alabama NCG provided both teams win out?

Do not want, but I believe it's inevitable.

Only twice has a one-loss team* reached the BCS title game with their loss at home: 2003 LSU and 2008 Florida.

*- 2007 LSU had two loses but only one was at home.

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With a close final of 9-6, what do all of you think about the possibility of an LSU/Alabama NCG provided both teams win out?

Absolutely possible now, and no reason there shouldn't be if they finish out winners. ESPN advertised that game like crazy and it lived up to its hype.

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This week's greatest game of all-time was a bit of a snoozefest. Alabama really has no one to blame but themselves. Both teams have very impressive defensive units. After what I saw tonight, I just don't see an offense out there that I believe can score enough points on LSU to beat them.






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Hell of a game. A good ol-fashioned slugfest between the 2 best defenses in the entire nation. LSU's defense made play after play after play, they came up big when it was crunch time, and they were able to lock down Trent Richardson within reason, and did it all in front of 101,000+ rabid Bama fans. It might not have been as pretty as OK State's thrilling victory against K-State, but as the saying goes, defense wins championships, and LSU's got themselves a pretty clear shot at playing another Nat'l Title game in New Orleans. Still a decently tough road, but if their offense can catch up with their defense, they can do it.

However, Alabama's gotta be kicking themselves after that one, and like dfwabel said, Saban probably unleashed hellfire and brimstone in the locker room after that one. So many missed opportunities.



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