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KSU Owls Concept 2.0

Brave-Bird 08

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Kennesaw State Owls Concept 2.0

-So, I got into doodle mode this morning and tried to come up with something different than my other KSU Owls concept. I decided the head on my old one was a little too cartoony and sloppy.

The goal in this update was to:

1-Make the owl head more realistic

2-use all three school colors

3-use the same original script

My problem with it is it's reminding me of a lot of other Owl logos out there. I've just seen so many that my free-hand went on auto pilot. I can't really envision Owl rendering that would look different, if you catch my drift. Overall, though, I think it's presentable and finished looking. C&Cs welcome, and updates likely coming. I might try to do one similar to my Owl-on-Mountains logo I've posted before, but with this head.


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Really nicely done, I think this head says Owl to me a lot more than the other. A couple things. First, you said you wanted to use all your school colors. Unless silver is a school color, I wouldn't mind seeing this with that red color as an outline. It may make things look weird, and the silver isn't bad or anything, I just wouldn't mind seeing that. Also, there's a couple really minor things design wise I see wrong with this. First, the black stroke around that white part at the bottom, it's larger on the left side then on the right. Also, with the wordmark, there's more black space to the right of the wordmark than there is on the left. Lastly, is the left eye supposed to be turned how it is? I think it would look better if it just mimicked the right eye. But again, those are just some really minor things I noticed, and other than those it's really well done!

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Took the advice, made some fixes. I think this looks less crowded and more complete. Here's some variations for yall. The top right would be the easiest transition, as burgundy is seldom used. But, for the concept, I really like the tri-color scheme on the top left.


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I like the design, I think the red and yellow is the best. I know you wanted to include all 3 colors, but it looks a little forced. Also, the curve of the script looks off compared to the curve outline, that bothers me, i'd flatten the outline to match the curve of the script.

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It looks better now that you fixed the spacing issues with the wordmark and the oval. I think the top left is the best. Top right second best. But really nice logo. It flows together rather well. The only thing is that the swoosh behind the head could be mistaken as horns. Obviously everyone knows owls dont have horns but if you flipped those swooshes so the point comes together at the bottom, it might be an improvement.

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I liked that you fixed the spacing issue, but I still feel like the wordmark placement is odd. It makes the owl appear to have a mushroom head or something...it just adds to the owl design too much.

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This is one heck of an update Mike...big-time step up from where you were before. Nice! Now, if I may...

- Re: colors. You mentioned wanting to use all three colors--not a bad thing. I have this question for you: just how much play does the red have in the overall scheme--in other words, does the school just arbitrarily use it, or does KSU go chiefly yellow and black? If that's the case, then the red eyes would work perfectly...it includes that third school color, but also doesn't look so out out place. Speaking of which...the shadow effect on the bottom right creates a nice, sharp visual. The problem in that is that you, in effect, just created an additional spot color. (This is me going back into pre-press editor mode now.) Now, having said that, it is possible to reproduce that effect on a printing press...but then I'd have to explain to you how overprinting works and then go into plate separations and all that jazz. Just know that (and this is something to keep in mind for the red, as well), in the printing business, at least for press jobs, the more spot ink colors you use, the more money it'll cost, and very rarely are three-color plate jobs ever ran. (I think we might have done a total of two the entire time I worked at that print shop in Pittsburgh.) While that's on my mind, that exterior keyline...you have it yellow on three of the four. One thing you might look at is using a 20% or so shade of the same yellow...what it in effect does is make it look silver to the naked eye, but it really isn't. Or, set it to whatever shade of black you prefer. Try a version with a "silver" outline to see how it looks...if nothing else, it'll also tie in to the silver shaded portion of the beak on your logo. While you're at it, you might also want to make that keyline a lil' bit thicker than what it is now. Now, for on-screen graphics...hey, go to town with the red. Ain't no worrying about plate separations or ink colors there. ^_^ But, for the sake of unity, I really wouldn't think it to be a great idea to create two differently-colored versions of the same logo.

Re: spacing/placement...what program(s) are you using, by chance? (I don't know, just curious.) Here's what I'm seeing: a lot of ovals. Don't know if you did that intentionally or not, but either way, that's actually a pretty clever use of geometry...for what it's worth, it's the same line of thinking Ford used for the late-90s model Taurus. If that design language is good enough to use for a car, it's good enough to use for a logo. ^_^ Here's where I'm going with this: for the eyes, and maybe even the "belly" area, try taking an oval similarly proportioned to the one used as the backdrop for the test (though probably not as elongated), and using one for the belly, and two perpendicular ones for the eyes. if not canted inwards just a bit. What this will also do is hwlp smooth out those curves in the black shading around the eyes, as well as the whites themselves, because right now they look a little rough. As far as the rest of the logo, I also notice the "KENNESAW" text off-aligned with the top of the oval it's set it. If it'll help you, try doing a couple minus-offset ovals (that is, smaller to the center) to give you some guidelines to use when setting your text. And speaking of that text, this may just be me, but all the letters have serifs pointing one direction...but then it's also radially arched. For a pretty symmetrical logo, that throws the balance off for me. You might try similar serifs on the other side of the letters, as well(?).

Now, I know I went real in-depth here (in fact, this may be the deepest I've gone in-depth on anyone's critique)...but I see the potential. I see what this can be, and it is almost there. Try these few little technical clean-ups and see how it turns out. If you do, and like your reversioned edition, post back up a version so we can check it out. Either way, Imma be keeping an eye on this...keep up the good work, Mike!

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

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I think Buc pretty much nailed the revisions this could use. If you do with the arched box instead of the oval, you may want to revisit the type. It looks like you used the "type on a path" option, but that is giving you some slightly clunky results. I know it would take some super-OCD powers, but may I recommend busting out a compass and ruler and flat-out drawing the type? I can speak from personal experience when I say this: my work improved immensely when I bit the bullet and started making my own type. Not to take away from the rest of the logo; it's great. But the attention to detail on the type would be the final touch that pushes this over the top (plus buc's suggestions, of course).

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I'm with Buc 100% on this one especially when it comes to the text. Right now it's really pulling this down which is a crying shame cos it's a beauty. When curving text you have to make sure that the first and last letter are level with one another (at least visually) and that the curve it's on, if it's not parallel with any outer curve at least compliments it and any space above the first and the last letters is equal otherwise it's really gonna look off.

Really like this one and it has potential to be something really impressive. Look forward to seeing it progress.


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