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2011-12 NHL Season


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I'm pretty sure that Ron Wilson is now gonna tell the media that ever Leafs injury is an "upper-body injury" because one reporter phoned Reimer's mom to ask her whether or not he had a concussion.


Nobody cares about your humungous-big signature. 

PotD: 29/1/12



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It's hard to win if, well, this:

Here is a startling stat.

Most teams have played about 15 games, some less or more. 15 is a fair average. That means, using 15, there have been about 225 games so far this season. You come to that conclusion by taking 30 NHL teams (yes, we do still count the Blue Jackets), dividing that number by 2 (since it takes two to tango on any given day or night), to get 15 and then multiply that by 15 games. 15 x 15 = 225. I realize it could be a few more or less but I am not going back to count every game. There are a total of 1,230 games played per season.

I counted how many of those approximately 225 games resulted in a W when the winning team scored less than 3 goals. Ready? 33. I swear. Many nights, not even 3 goals per game was enough to win.

I know you don?t come here for the math, but stay with me. That means, this season, the winning team has scored 3 or more goals about 86% of the time.

Our goals per game average is currently 2.25. Out of 16 games, we have only scored 3 or more goals 4 times (25% of our games). We won every one of those 3+ goal games.

Any questions?

(from here)

Also, this floats my boat.


the worst helmets design to me is the Jacksonville jaguars hamlets from 1995 to 2012 because you can't see the logo vary wall

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Do you think he should've been fired after the playoffs last year, especially after the blown 4-0 lead? Sure you guys didn't have Kopitar, but you still scored 3.5 goals a game that series, but still lost in 6.


2013/14 Tanks Picks Champion

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It's hard to win if, well, this:

Here is a startling stat.

Most teams have played about 15 games, some less or more. 15 is a fair average. That means, using 15, there have been about 225 games so far this season. You come to that conclusion by taking 30 NHL teams (yes, we do still count the Blue Jackets), dividing that number by 2 (since it takes two to tango on any given day or night), to get 15 and then multiply that by 15 games. 15 x 15 = 225. I realize it could be a few more or less but I am not going back to count every game. There are a total of 1,230 games played per season.

I counted how many of those approximately 225 games resulted in a W when the winning team scored less than 3 goals. Ready? 33. I swear. Many nights, not even 3 goals per game was enough to win.

I know you don?t come here for the math, but stay with me. That means, this season, the winning team has scored 3 or more goals about 86% of the time.

Our goals per game average is currently 2.25. Out of 16 games, we have only scored 3 or more goals 4 times (25% of our games). We won every one of those 3+ goal games.

Any questions?

(from here)

Also, this floats my boat.


Oh, so you're one of those "people" who sit there and whine and cry about Terry Murray and the system. I despise you people. You call yourself fans, and yet you don't realize that coaches only have so much control over the game. Hockey, doesn't have too many plays and it's a free flowing game. When a team underperforms, it's the players fault. You want to blame people with the Kings, try starting with the guys in the room. You know, Dustin Brown, Brad Richardson (who said two years ago in his exit interview that he could score more), Jarret Stoll who obviously can't score with another player on the ice and can't hit the net if it was the width of the rink. Yeah, it's Terry Murray's fault Dustin Brown presses when he goes more than two games without a goal. It's Terry Murray's fault that the team is so stupid that they constantly take penalties in the offensive zone away from the puck, I'm looking at you Captain Dustin Brown. Sure, it's Terry Murray's fault that Matt Greene is slow and out of position 90% of the time. Whoever the coach is, I hope he comes in and rips the "C" of Dustin Brown and places it on Kopitar and then rips the "A" off of Matt Green and gives it to Mike Richards and then gives the other "A" to Jack Johnson. If you're going to change coaches, then you need to change the leadership in the locker room too and hold players accountable.



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Not that I necessarily disagree with him (haven't been following LA much this year), but I thought this tied in well with what oddball was saying:

I'm not necessarily defending the coaches who were fired or even trying to relate it to these firings, but I thought I should while we're on the topic of coaches being fired. Ron Wilson was saying last year (paraphrased) that whenever a team goes on a horrible losing streak, it's always the coach who gets blamed and becomes the scapegoat. But when the team's on a winning streak, everyone congratulates the players for chipping in, doing their part, doing the little things etc... In all honesty, has a team ever gone on an extended losing streak where not one article or fan group pops up calling for his head? Has a team ever gone on a big winning streak where people credited the coach at all, let alone before any of the players?


Nobody cares about your humungous-big signature. 

PotD: 29/1/12



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Is it just me, or is the on-the-ice, off-again status of Crosby starting to sound like the retired-no-just-kidding Brett Favre?

Its just you.

"I don't understand where you got this idea so deeply ingrained in your head (that this world) is something that you must impress, cause I couldn't care less"


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Regardless of whether it's Terry Murray's fault for LA's highly disappointing 13-16 start, this is the type of move necessary just to get the Kings' collective head out of their asses.

When do the Lightning fire Bouche?

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They are, talent-wise, the best team in that division, in my opinion, and it's about time they start playing like it.

San Jose is the best team in the division Talent wise IMO.

While we're on the subject of teams on winning streaks and the coach gets praised as well as the players, Minnesota Wild says Hello.


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It's hard to win if, well, this:

Here is a startling stat.

Most teams have played about 15 games, some less or more. 15 is a fair average. That means, using 15, there have been about 225 games so far this season. You come

to that conclusion by taking 30 NHL teams (yes, we do still count the Blue Jackets), dividing that number by 2 (since it takes two to tango on any given day or night), to get 15 and then multiply that by 15 games. 15 x 15 = 225. I realize it could be a few more or less but I am not going back to count every game. There are a total of 1,230 games played per season.

I counted how many of those approximately 225 games resulted in a W when the winning team scored less than 3 goals. Ready? 33. I swear. Many nights, not even 3 goals per game was enough to win.

I know you don?t come here for the math, but stay with me. That means, this season, the winning team has scored 3 or more goals about 86% of the time.

Our goals per game average is currently 2.25. Out of 16

games, we have only scored 3 or more goals 4 times (25% of our games). We won every one of those 3+ goal games.

Any questions?

(from start-scoring-more-than-2-goals-per-game-stat/'>here)

Also, this floats my boat.


Oh, so you're one of those "people" who sit there and

whine and cry about Terry Murray and the system. I despise you people. You call yourself fans, and yet you don't realize that coaches only have so much control over the game. Hockey, doesn't have too many plays and it's a free flowing game. When a team underperforms, it's the players fault. You want to blame people with the Kings, try starting with the guys in the room. You know, Dustin

Brown, Brad Richardson (who said two years ago in his exit interview that he could score more), Jarret Stoll who obviously can't score with another player on the ice and can't hit the net if it was the width of the rink. Yeah, it's

Terry Murray's fault Dustin Brown presses when he goes more than two games without a goal. It's Terry Murray's fault that the team is so stupid that they constantly take penalties in the offensive zone away from the puck, I'm looking at you Captain Dustin Brown. Sure, it's Terry

Murray's fault that Matt Greene is slow and out of position 90% of the time. Whoever the coach is, I hope he comes in and rips the "C" of Dustin Brown and places it on Kopitar and then rips the "A" off of Matt Green and gives it to Mike Richards and then gives the other "A" to Jack Johnson. If

you're going to change coaches, then you need to change the leadership in the locker room too and hold players accountable.

If I remember correctly, didn't you criticize Murray quite a bit last year in the playoffs after that blown lead in Game 3?


2013/14 Tanks Picks Champion

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Kings have asked Darryl Sutter to be their coach. He's a good coach, defensive minded like Murray, but will bring discipline and make the Kings much more aggressive team, haven't seen a King game this year, so I don't know how aggressive they would be.

He would be a great hire, just don't let him be GM.




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Oh, so you're one of those "people" who sit there and

whine and cry about Terry Murray and the system. I despise you people. You call yourself fans, and yet you don't realize that coaches only have so much control over the game. Hockey, doesn't have too many plays and it's a free flowing game. When a team underperforms, it's the players fault. You want to blame people with the Kings, try starting with the guys in the room. You know, Dustin

Brown, Brad Richardson (who said two years ago in his exit interview that he could score more), Jarret Stoll who obviously can't score with another player on the ice and can't hit the net if it was the width of the rink. Yeah, it's

Terry Murray's fault Dustin Brown presses when he goes more than two games without a goal. It's Terry Murray's fault that the team is so stupid that they constantly take penalties in the offensive zone away from the puck, I'm looking at you Captain Dustin Brown. Sure, it's Terry

Murray's fault that Matt Greene is slow and out of position 90% of the time. Whoever the coach is, I hope he comes in and rips the "C" of Dustin Brown and places it on Kopitar and then rips the "A" off of Matt Green and gives it to Mike Richards and then gives the other "A" to Jack Johnson. If

you're going to change coaches, then you need to change the leadership in the locker room too and hold players accountable.

If I remember correctly, didn't you criticize Murray quite a bit last year in the playoffs after that blown lead in Game 3?

They don't. Honestly, it's another typical Terry Murray coached game as he just sits there and lets the opposing team get momentum and just watch completely stupified. The absolutely dumbest coach in the history of hockey is Terry Murray. But I will give props to the the Sharks for digging deep and not giving up. Good job guys.

Dear San Jose Sharks,

Can you be merciful and put an end to this series and do it with A LOT of goals so that Dean Lombardi has to fire that fool behind the bench that has no clue on how to coach or even use a timeout? Please destroy this team and end our suffering of Terry Murray! That is all.

One of the millions and millions Terry Murray haters in the Kingdom,





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Oh, so you're one of those "people" who sit there and

whine and cry about Terry Murray and the system. I despise you people. You call yourself fans, and yet you don't realize that coaches only have so much control over the game. Hockey, doesn't have too many plays and it's a free flowing game. When a team underperforms, it's the players fault. You want to blame people with the Kings, try starting with the guys in the room. You know, Dustin

Brown, Brad Richardson (who said two years ago in his exit interview that he could score more), Jarret Stoll who obviously can't score with another player on the ice and can't hit the net if it was the width of the rink. Yeah, it's

Terry Murray's fault Dustin Brown presses when he goes more than two games without a goal. It's Terry Murray's fault that the team is so stupid that they constantly take penalties in the offensive zone away from the puck, I'm looking at you Captain Dustin Brown. Sure, it's Terry

Murray's fault that Matt Greene is slow and out of position 90% of the time. Whoever the coach is, I hope he comes in and rips the "C" of Dustin Brown and places it on Kopitar and then rips the "A" off of Matt Green and gives it to Mike Richards and then gives the other "A" to Jack Johnson. If

you're going to change coaches, then you need to change the leadership in the locker room too and hold players accountable.

If I remember correctly, didn't you criticize Murray quite a bit last year in the playoffs after that blown lead in Game 3?

They don't. Honestly, it's another typical Terry Murray coached game as he just sits there and lets the opposing team get momentum and just watch completely stupified. The absolutely dumbest coach in the history of hockey is Terry Murray. But I will give props to the the Sharks for digging deep and not giving up. Good job guys.

Dear San Jose Sharks,

Can you be merciful and put an end to this series and do it with A LOT of goals so that Dean Lombardi has to fire that fool behind the bench that has no clue on how to coach or even use a timeout? Please destroy this team and end our suffering of Terry Murray! That is all.

One of the millions and millions Terry Murray haters in the Kingdom,



To be fair, he never said he wasn't one of those people. He may despise himself. In fact, that sometimes shows in the posts.

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Ooh, wow. People who have to dig up old posts to prove their point, I'm impressed! (Not really. *lol*) But I will say I did say fire Murray during the playoffs last year because of his lack of the use of time outs. That wasn't the issue currently. The current issue was not Murray's fault, stupid penalties putting the team in a bind by not giving the lines regular shifts putting the emphasis on the goaltender to win the game. The team just skating around and has over the past few years taken periods off has been an issue and is a player issue. Now, if you want to say that Murray had control over that by benching or scratching players, I have no problem with that criticism. When Kings fans just sit there and critisize the system and I'd say about 90% don't even know what the system is, it's the same system that worked the last three years. It's the guys in the locker room and who put on the skates who the responsibilty falls upon to play the game the way they know how. What concerns me is that the talk of this team needing a kick in the butt. They're getting paid millions and they need to be motivated by a yelling coach? Really? That's disturbing! That makes me question the heart of each and every player.



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