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Soccer Jersey's for the MLB


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I'm not sure if this has been done before, but I've wanted to do this for a while. Hopefully I'm going to post Home, Away and Alternate jerseys for each team. I was going to do Goalie jerseys but they're relatively arbitrary and it was difficult to make them unique, so I left them as it is. I also gave the teams a sponsor, based on what is the biggest or at least most famous company based in or originating from that city (for example, the Atlanta Braves jerseys will feature the coca-cola logo). I'm new here so I'd really appreciate C&C not only on the designs but also on if I'm going about posting this in the right place and so on. Without further ado the first set, the New York Yankees (not a fan, but I had to start somewhere):


Oh is this where you put your teams title successes?

Well let's see, I support Northampton Town FC...

We've spent just one year in the top flight of English football in our entire history and that was in the 60's...

And that's it. We've been around for 115 years and that's all we have to show for it...

Oh, and I like the Cubs. I think I hate myself...

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Right I've absolutly messed this up, if someone could send this to the graveyard or move it to the right forum, it would be much appreciated, many apoligies

Oh is this where you put your teams title successes?

Well let's see, I support Northampton Town FC...

We've spent just one year in the top flight of English football in our entire history and that was in the 60's...

And that's it. We've been around for 115 years and that's all we have to show for it...

Oh, and I like the Cubs. I think I hate myself...

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Can't wait to see some of these, but no pinstripes on ANY of the Yankees shirts? FAIL!

This + Move to Concepts + More concepts = Awesome.

I would also maybe expand beyond the "cap logo as crest" idea and try to develop something more soccer-esque. I think the 2008 ASG logo with the Yankee Stadium facade on it (or whatever it's called), would be a good starting point for expanding the logo into a soccer team crest.

Also, pinstripes.


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Thanks for the comments guys, hopefully this will get moved soon and I'll start adding more teams. In the mean time, it seems obvious that everyone thinks pinstripes should be featured. I tried back before I posted and couldn't get it to work but I've given it another go and I'm pretty happy with it now; I'll probably be posting the new jerseys very soon, I've scrapped the old third logo and done a bit of rearranging but its taking shape.. I've put together a logo like Gfonk04 suggested (and thanks for the idea about the façade, it looks great) and probably will do for all the other teams now. I'm relatively happy with it but I'd like some feedback on it if you could, here it is:


Oh is this where you put your teams title successes?

Well let's see, I support Northampton Town FC...

We've spent just one year in the top flight of English football in our entire history and that was in the 60's...

And that's it. We've been around for 115 years and that's all we have to show for it...

Oh, and I like the Cubs. I think I hate myself...

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I like this idea.

Not many people know this, but in 1894, there was a major soccer league in the US created by six people who also owned baseball teams. The teams played in the baseball stadiums, and were even named after their baseball counterparts! Sadly, it barely lasted a single season. Seems the owners only wanted to make some extra revenue during the baseball offseason and didn't really give a damn about soccer, but that's just my opinion...

Like this concept. Also I prefer you stick with the cap logo, at least for the Yanks. It simple and cool, and it reminds me of Rangers' crest (interlocking "RFC".) Also pinstripes plz.

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I agree BigRed, I think the Yankees cap logo looks pretty cool on the shirts, and I've always been a big fan of what rangers do with their kits. However, I quite like the facade-crest so I put that on the home and away, leaving the cap logo on the alternate strip. Oh and I added those pinstripes everyone's going mad over!


EDIT: Thankyou to whoever moved these over and apologies for the earlier mistakes

Oh is this where you put your teams title successes?

Well let's see, I support Northampton Town FC...

We've spent just one year in the top flight of English football in our entire history and that was in the 60's...

And that's it. We've been around for 115 years and that's all we have to show for it...

Oh, and I like the Cubs. I think I hate myself...

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I would scrap the 27 on the logo. It doesn't make sense to celebrate baseball world series titles on a soccer jersey.

I agree, I get it, but soccer crests usually incorporate the year the team was founded. I like the pinstripes, good work incorporating them on one uniform. You could even go white-on-blue on the home. I love the new crest, and thanks for using my suggestion!

Keep this series going, it's a good way to take familiar logos and identities and translate them to a completely different medium.


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Well sorry for the delay in getting these out, life's been pretty hectic lately, here's the latest yankees concept, I've changed the "27" (number of Yankee titles) with a "1901" (the year the team was founded as the Baltimore Orioles) to keep in with soccer conventions, and I've made the pinstripe kit the home strip. Next up is the Philadelphia Phillies


Oh is this where you put your teams title successes?

Well let's see, I support Northampton Town FC...

We've spent just one year in the top flight of English football in our entire history and that was in the 60's...

And that's it. We've been around for 115 years and that's all we have to show for it...

Oh, and I like the Cubs. I think I hate myself...

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Well sorry for the delay in getting these out, life's been pretty hectic lately, here's the latest yankees concept, I've changed the "27" (number of Yankee titles) with a "1901" (the year the team was founded as the Baltimore Orioles) to keep in with soccer conventions, and I've made the pinstripe kit the home strip. Next up is the Philadelphia Phillies





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Hmm, usually I am horrified and livid when I see my sport have baseball have it's likeness shown in soccer jerseys or kits or whatever you call them. With that being said - I LOVE THESE, like you've kept the tradition of the Yankees alive while incoropating alot of new ideas in there - I LOVE IT.



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Thanks for the compliments guys, it really means a lot for a new member to have some good feedback. Moving onto the next team, the Philadelphia Phillies. I will openly admit that I'm not happy with the logo, I really came up blank on this one but if anyone's got any ideas on improvements or a totally new concept I'd really appreciate them. There wasn't a lot of inspiration, as the Phillies have stayed with the same kind of uniforms for a long time, so I made up some red/blue stripes to vaguely hint at the pinstripes (I didn't want to do the same thing again!). The away jersey is just something that I thought looked cool, whilst the alternate is using the same colour scheme and logo as the 73-88 Phillies Road Uniforms, a uniform that I really like and that I tried to transfer over here. Personally it's my favourite of the set, but any C&C on anything that I've posted will be gratefully received.


Oh is this where you put your teams title successes?

Well let's see, I support Northampton Town FC...

We've spent just one year in the top flight of English football in our entire history and that was in the 60's...

And that's it. We've been around for 115 years and that's all we have to show for it...

Oh, and I like the Cubs. I think I hate myself...

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Well sorry for the delay in getting these out, life's been pretty hectic lately, here's the latest yankees concept, I've changed the "27" (number of Yankee titles) with a "1901" (the year the team was founded as the Baltimore Orioles) to keep in with soccer conventions, and I've made the pinstripe kit the home strip. Next up is the Philadelphia Phillies



Do not agree. I really like the logo but it's size and use of a single color hurts its translation to the jerseys. I preferred when the cap logo was in there.

Phillies look great by the way.

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Thanks for all the great feedback and comments guys, I really appreciate it. Next up is the Baltimore Orioles. I'm pretty happy with these, but I'll take a guess and say that the alternate may be a bit unpopular. I really wanted to incorporate the Maryland flag in the alternate as well as the logo. Of course it's pretty busy and any opinions and potential improvements on the alternates, the other kits or the logo would be greatly appreciated.


Oh is this where you put your teams title successes?

Well let's see, I support Northampton Town FC...

We've spent just one year in the top flight of English football in our entire history and that was in the 60's...

And that's it. We've been around for 115 years and that's all we have to show for it...

Oh, and I like the Cubs. I think I hate myself...

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Nice the thing with "Barce-more" Orioles

I did borrow heavily from the logo, but they are meant to be inspired by European soccer :)

Oh is this where you put your teams title successes?

Well let's see, I support Northampton Town FC...

We've spent just one year in the top flight of English football in our entire history and that was in the 60's...

And that's it. We've been around for 115 years and that's all we have to show for it...

Oh, and I like the Cubs. I think I hate myself...

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