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Lycan38's MLB - Rockies Added


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I have been looking to do something new in the concepts world. So, I've decided to branch out and start on baseball. Planning to hopefully do every team. So, on with the concepts.

Houston Astros

No need to bore with a description. Feedback is welcomed.

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Alright, I finally got around to completing my Padres concept. Here it is.

San Diego Padres


I don't have any problems really with the current colors they use. I just feel that brown and sand works perfectly for them. On to the design, I took cues from the past for the set.

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I think that brown needs to be a key part of the Padres' color scheme, mostly because of how distinct it is in MLB; that said, my concern is that this color template -- while distinct -- is also too bland. I think that the sand/gold secondary color sort of blends in too much with the darker brown. While this set is definitely far from being unpleasing, it just comes off as generic despite being anything but.

I realize that the following suggestions are retreads, but I think having a bright orange or a yellow might be better...I'd be curious to see either of those two colors in the modern Padres uniform template. If you don't want to do a retread, I'd also consider green -- brown and green together, while very earthy, can logically play up the San Diego military connection that the Padres emphasize so much.

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  • 2 months later...


Haven't forgotten about this just got preoccupied with hockey but got a new concept.

Detroit Tigers


The Tigers' current look is not bad (its classic) but I wanted to take a shot at a "new" look for them. I based all the designs on the teams uniforms of the past. *note I see some minor issues on like no sleeve patch on the navy alt and no Majestic logo will fix when I get the the chance*

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I like the Padres set overall. Since Brown/Yellow is the overall preferred throwback to the (superior) Brown/Orange, this is a less gaudy update. (I love the brown, but hate it with the yellow). They need to be the "brown team" and this does the trick in a more modern way. I am not a fan of the S and D being different colored. I'd make 'em both gold.

I don't think the pinstriped alt works for the tigers. It's too detailed of a logo for the front chest. The road alt and road primary are great. The home primary is pretty solid too (ignoring the fact that it's replacing a nearly untouchable jersey).

Disclaimer: If this comment is about an NBA uniform from 2017-2018 or later, do not constitute a lack of acknowledgement of the corporate logo to mean anything other than "the corporate logo is terrible and makes the uniform significantly worse."



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Thanks once again for the feedback on the Tigers. I will play around with the concept when I have the time. In the meantime, here are the Brewers.

Milwaukee Brewers


Not much to say. I combined colors from the current scheme and the past for them. The design I don't have much to say about it.

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