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Rite of Spring 2013 (NHL Playoffs): "You have no fear of the underdog, that's why you will not survive."


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Boston was a #3 seed in 2011, and perhaps some of the luck they had in two of the Game 7's they played (vs. Montreal and Tampa) were just some balancing out for their wretched play in close-out games in the two seasons prior.

To call that run "miraculous", to me, is selling them a bit short.

They also played a pretty important game 7 in Vancouver that year too.


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What's with the Toronto crowd booing the national anthem in between verses? We're still doing that? To their credit they eventually get drowned out by cheers towards the end, but still.

They weren't booing the anthem. They were booing Chara, who happened to be shown on the tron while the American anthem was playing. Baaaaaad timing to be sure, but nothing nefarious.

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BTW, KramericaIndustries, Detroit half-assed it longer than Washington- Caps picked up their game in March. Detroit basically sleepwalked up through the Vancouver game with 4 games left. Since the Phoenix game with 5 days left in season, they've been in 'You're gonna have to kill us to beat us' mode.

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Again, call me naive, but I don't think Detroit was so much half-assing it, as it was they simply aren't at their usual level this season. This is probably the worst Red Wings roster since before Fedorov signed.

Washington, with the division they were in, had no excuse to be under .500 for, what 3/4 of the season? They started 2-11, for 'cripes sakes. They were wretched.


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They didn't win by luck. They pasted the Canucks in that game (and that entire series).

Probably should've phrased it better, that there were three Game 7's overall, but I meant what I said.

They did dismantle the Canucks, I don't think the Bruins could've asked for a better matchup in the Final. Two completely different styles of play and the Bruins just took the body to them. Now, that's exactly what Toronto is doing in this series. They're beating the Bruins at their own game, and beating them handily.

What's with the Toronto crowd booing the national anthem in between verses? We're still doing that? To their credit they eventually get drowned out by cheers towards the end, but still.

They weren't booing the anthem. They were booing Chara, who happened to be shown on the tron while the American anthem was playing. Baaaaaad timing to be sure, but nothing nefarious.

Ah, well, that makes more sense.

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I am certainly against the NHL moving the Red Wings to the eastern conference and leaving the Hawks alone on the Island of Misfit Toys, but I think last night's game perfectly demonstrated Detroit's complaint. I almost think the NHL scheduled their potential last game of the season as an "F you" to the Wings for bitching about the conferences.

How the hell do they have a freaking game 7 on a Sunday night, starting at 10:00 local time? I understand that there were two earlier games, but that's freaking ridiculous.That game should have started at 8:00 EST. It's a Sunday, people are off work and we're used to having all-day sports, and the west coast is used to having live sports come on at 5:00, anyway.

As for the outcome, I guess I wanted Detroit to win. The Ducks were the better team and obviously had the Hawks' number this year, a Ducks win would have paired the Hawks with the Sharks, who are hot right now. However, the Red Wings are just the type of :censored:s to slosh around all year and then pick it up come playoff time. I think this might be a more dangerous series for the Hawks that most people think. Still, hopefully the Hawks can win all the close games and wrap it up in 5.

Careful, that is a slippery slope.

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A little early for that, eh? ;)

Anyway I'm very proud of this Maple Leafs team. I though for sure they'd be 4 and done (or go 1-4 at best) when they got paired up with Boston. Whatever happens tonight, this season's been a hell of a ride.

Go Leafs Go!

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The Bruins have to play better than the last 2 games if they want to win tonight. As long as they get in the play and take shots on net, they should be fine.

That's the name of the game. They have to do more than just take shots, they need good shots. Toronto does a great job forcing the play to the outside, and Boston refuses to do anything about it.

Jagr needs to stick to the boards, force the puck down low, make good passes. The Leafs are completely shutting him down, he needs to get rid of the puck quicker, guys will be open, he just needs to find them. Watch the turnovers, move the puck efficiently. This team tends to over pass sometimes. Let your point men take some shots and stuff in the rebounds, they'll be there. I've never seen a goalie so susceptible to juicy rebounds than I have with Reimer. Punish his glove, and do it often.

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When you're consistently good, you kinda make the playoffs consistently. No conspiracy here. Sorry, champ. Show me a team that doesn't die when their top 3 players aren't producing...


I can only count 6, but...


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So there's a Game 7 about to start, between the Rags and Caps. The Rangers (who can't score even if supermodels fondled themselves in their bed) have never won a road Game 7, 0-5 in such games. But Washington (who played a cop-out and half-assed the laughable Southeast Division) is just 2-6 in home Game 7s in their lifetime.

It's the suckish battle of the sucky sucks who just plain suck and the winner will continue to suck against the Bruins-Leafs winner.

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The Bruins have to play better than the last 2 games if they want to win tonight. As long as they get in the play and take shots on net, they should be fine.

That's the name of the game. They have to do more than just take shots, they need good shots. Toronto does a great job forcing the play to the outside, and Boston refuses to do anything about it.

Jagr needs to stick to the boards, force the puck down low, make good passes. The Leafs are completely shutting him down, he needs to get rid of the puck quicker, guys will be open, he just needs to find them. Watch the turnovers, move the puck efficiently. This team tends to over pass sometimes. Let your point men take some shots and stuff in the rebounds, they'll be there. I've never seen a goalie so susceptible to juicy rebounds than I have with Reimer. Punish his glove, and do it often.

Well, they just did that in the first 45 seconds, so that's a good sign.

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The Bruins have to play better than the last 2 games if they want to win tonight. As long as they get in the play and take shots on net, they should be fine.

That's the name of the game. They have to do more than just take shots, they need good shots. Toronto does a great job forcing the play to the outside, and Boston refuses to do anything about it.

Jagr needs to stick to the boards, force the puck down low, make good passes. The Leafs are completely shutting him down, he needs to get rid of the puck quicker, guys will be open, he just needs to find them. Watch the turnovers, move the puck efficiently. This team tends to over pass sometimes. Let your point men take some shots and stuff in the rebounds, they'll be there. I've never seen a goalie so susceptible to juicy rebounds than I have with Reimer. Punish his glove, and do it often.

Well, they just did that in the first 45 seconds, so that's a good sign.

And there it goes with a power play, deja vu.

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The Bruins have to play better than the last 2 games if they want to win tonight. As long as they get in the play and take shots on net, they should be fine.

That's the name of the game. They have to do more than just take shots, they need good shots. Toronto does a great job forcing the play to the outside, and Boston refuses to do anything about it.

Jagr needs to stick to the boards, force the puck down low, make good passes. The Leafs are completely shutting him down, he needs to get rid of the puck quicker, guys will be open, he just needs to find them. Watch the turnovers, move the puck efficiently. This team tends to over pass sometimes. Let your point men take some shots and stuff in the rebounds, they'll be there. I've never seen a goalie so susceptible to juicy rebounds than I have with Reimer. Punish his glove, and do it often.

Well, they just did that in the first 45 seconds, so that's a good sign.

And there it goes with a power play, deja vu.

If they get a good PK, they usually gain momentum from it.

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I actually found myself hoping that Boston wins this. Then I woke up, realized the Leafs weren't starting Jussi Rynnas and realized they had no chance.


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I actually found myself hoping that Boston wins this.

You don't say :P:hockeysmiley:

Lesser of two evils :$


Edit: It's pronounce BartoVski, but anyway... that's just the slav in me


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