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Rite of Spring 2013 (NHL Playoffs): "You have no fear of the underdog, that's why you will not survive."


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You cant stomach another Bay Area championship??? There's only been two in the last 20 years or so.

He's probably more irritated with the past 8 months of bay area sports in general:

-Giants win their second World Series in 3 seasons.

-A's win AL West on last day of season and then take Detroit to 5 games.

-Earthquakes win Supporters Shield in MLS but lose in playoffs. Announce construction of new stadium.

-Stanford wins the Rose Bowl.

-49ers go to the Super Bowl but ultimately lose.

-Warriors advance to the second round of the playoffs. (Lakers & Clippers don't.)

-Kings stay in Sacramento.

-Sharks are currently tied with the Kings in their second round series.

-Santa Clara lands Super Bowl 50 in 49ers new stadium.

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Sens were getting all the bounces and Pens were making some mistakes, but the Pens kept at it, turned it around, then buried them. Excellent. Keep it up and finish them on Friday.

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - 2006  |  New Orleans JazzCats - Major League Hockey (AHL) - 2023

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I'm rapidly advancing to the point where I'll have to root for the Penguins out of the East, provided the Rangers don't channel their inner Flyers or Red Sox (I'm not fancying it - the whole 0-3 comeback craze died in 2011).

I can't stomach another Boston sports championship. And, yes, I know I'm a bad person for saying that.

No you're not. Rooting against the Bruins because of what happened at the marathon doesn't make you a bad person. Let's be honest, in terms of things that are actually important in life, it really doesn't matter because it's just a sports team.

Hell, I live miles from Manhattan. I could see the smoke from 9/11 a couple of blocks from where I live. Yet I was rooting HARD for Arizona AGAINST the Yankees in 2001. When Rivera blew Game 7 in the 9th I went nuts. Does that make me a bad person? Come on, it really doesn't matter.

If you root for the Yankees then the terrorists win.

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Should be rule of hockey #35: If something good happens to the farm team, something bad should happen to the major-league team


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With Dan Bylsma's playoff track record, there's a strong chance that the Corel Centre hasn't seen it's last hockey game of the season.

sorry, had to point out:


for about 6 years now


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Don't care.

Much like it's still Pac Bell to Giants fans, it'll always be the Corel Centre to me.

Meh, maybe why we sucked for a while, right after the name change...

I do hope they'll change it soon (preferably back,) but Corel isn't really worth a damn now to sponsor an arena


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I've actually never heard Giants fans call it Pac Bell in years. Then again I don't follow the Giants too closely, so who knows. Kind of like that foggy time where Candlestick Park changed it's name for a couple years, but everyone still called it Candlestick.

Didn't see all of the game, when I last checked the game it was 3-2 Pittsburgh. Check the final score and it's 7-3. The offensive barrage of the Pittsburgh Penguins does it again.

Bracket updated.



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They got Iggy dirt cheap and then he started playing really well with the superstars. And they traded away what they didn't need for what they needed.


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