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What a kick by Prater! That thing would've been good from 65-66 yards out. Congrats on the record. I wonder how long it will stand?

The man can boot it, especially in that Denver altitude. I was wondering what affect the cold would have on it, but I guess it was minimal.

And that was a bad call on Pollard, right there. That was a clean play.

All this talk about Peyton in cold weather... he looks incredible today. He is putting balls right on the money down field. If not for about 8 drops the Broncos would be winning.


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The Broncos should be slaughtering the Titans you just know the Pats luck it will always work out for them. It is scripted Boston Strong out of the Marathon Sawx Pats and Bruins non stop ESPN is in orgasmo mode .

So you'd rather wanted St. Louis to have won the World Series, and have us all endure an offseason-full of putting up with the whole, "Cardinals Puritan Way of Latter Day Saints and every other baseball fan in existence is a sinner and the antichrist to the almighty baseball lord" gushfest?


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Hey Eli. Welcome back to San Diego.



10 years later and I'm still peeved at the fact he got to choose where he got drafted. Obviously the choice worked out but come on! He was rookie that had yet to step on an NFL field and he should've been happy to play anywhere. The NFL is a privilege not a birth rite.
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Hey Eli. Welcome back to San Diego.



10 years later and I'm still peeved at the fact he got to choose where he got drafted. Obviously the choice worked out but come on! He was rookie that had yet to step on an NFL field and he should've been happy to play anywhere. The NFL is a privilege not a birth rite.
Tell that to the Mannings.

Hey Eli. Welcome back to San Diego.



Just 10 years too late. Sucks.
If the score holds Eli will be 0-3 against the Chargers, 0-2 in San Diego, and 0-2 against a Phillip Rivers led Chargers team.
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A new record for longest Field Goal ever Matt Prater bye bye Tom Dempsey and your wooden foot, you are now just a foot note.

Really, Francis?

Haha...The Sports E-cyclopedia with a bit of revisionist history...

Tank...the shoe insert was made of wood, the foot wasn't...

Smart is believing half of what you hear. Genius is knowing which half.


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Hey Eli. Welcome back to San Diego.



10 years later and I'm still peeved at the fact he got to choose where he got drafted. Obviously the choice worked out but come on! He was rookie that had yet to step on an NFL field and he should've been happy to play anywhere. The NFL is a privilege not a birth rite.

I think you're horribly underestimating the power the NFL has in America.

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Hey Eli. Welcome back to San Diego.



10 years later and I'm still peeved at the fact he got to choose where he got drafted. Obviously the choice worked out but come on! He was rookie that had yet to step on an NFL field and he should've been happy to play anywhere. The NFL is a privilege not a birth rite.

I think you're horribly underestimating the power the NFL has in America.

He means playing in the NFL is a privilege and that Eli should've been happy just to have that privilege and played for whomever.


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Hey Eli. Welcome back to San Diego.



10 years later and I'm still peeved at the fact he got to choose where he got drafted. Obviously the choice worked out but come on! He was rookie that had yet to step on an NFL field and he should've been happy to play anywhere. The NFL is a privilege not a birth rite.
I think you're horribly underestimating the power the NFL has in America.
Not really. I'm just of the mindset that a very select few ever make it to the league and those that do should cherish that blessing. I can think of a few guys that would've killed to be in Eli's position and would've gladly went wherever they got drafted. I may be wrong because I flat out don't remember but I don't think Peyton protested going to Indy.
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Well I hope so, I cant take more Boston Strong Bullship

Then cheer on successful teams. Done. Your anti-Boston rhetoric got tiring about four years ago.

Stick to Twitter for anger explosions, willya?

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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Hey Eli. Welcome back to San Diego.



Two Super Bowl wins later, while the Chargers haven't accomplished jack sh1t.
Hey Skip...I mean Curt. I don't particularly care.

"Skip." Perfect. Very nice work, Mike. Skip is a lot nicer than the names I'd like to call our buddy Curt.

EDIT: Maybe we could combine the two - how do you like Skip-Jo?






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Just got home from the Lions/Eagles game...despite the outcome and how got-damn cold I was, it was freaking awesome. When I saw that they played in December, I was hoping for a snowy game, and well, I got it. The only thing that sucked was the beginning of the game...I couldn't see the other end of the field (I sat in the endzone). It cleared up after the first quarter.

Here's an extremely blurry picture of the pre-game field from my phone:


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