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Rite of Spring '14: Can you fall asleep with a panic switch?


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Well of course that will skew the numbers - that's kind of the point. Look outside the year with the Cup. It's a bit more than alarming to see a team this stacked with talent to be 1-4 at home in Game 7's. It's not 2-3 or 3-2. It's 1-4, with that one win coming from a once in a lifetime comeback. I think that speaks volumes for the way this team looks at itself. And really I shouldn't of counted 2008, that Montreal team wasn't losing that series. Now of course the Cup negates this conversation, but it really shouldn't. It's not a free pass to fall on your ass.

What I was referring to in my built for the playoffs line was, the Bruins don't show up when it counts (yes, in 2011 they did, I know). It's almost maddening to watch this team's game plan when their usual shtick doesn't work. They don't have one, they have no cohesiveness or creativity outside of what they do best - they're easily thrown off their game and don't recover quickly.

I get the parity argument and all, but where's the killer instinct? A team this seasoned, and this loaded, with their constantly stellar goaltending should not be bounced in game 7's year after year. It's a bit more than "wonky" when it's a continual trend. That's all I'm trying to say.

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Now that Los Angeles forced Game 7, I'm rooting for one last Game 7 road victory in this round. All due respect to the Ducks and their fans, of course; I just really want that LA-Chicago rematch.

Dead to me.



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Part of me also wants them to fail to continue the Curse of Marty McSorley for all of Canada to suffer forever.

You care more about this "curse of Marty McSorley" then anyone in Canada. Truth be told I'm pretty sure you're the first person I've ever seen, on the net or in real life, who has referred to it as a curse.

Your team won a Cup less then five years ago. So stop whining about the time they chocked away a Cup before you were even watching the league.

So yeah. I echo Zach's comment. I pray for the day you decide to stop posting forever.

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Part of me also wants them to fail to continue the Curse of Marty McSorley for all of Canada to suffer forever.

You care more about this "curse of Marty McSorley" then anyone in Canada. Truth be told I'm pretty sure you're the first person I've ever see, on the net or in real life, who has referred to it as a curse.

Oh c'mon. Is it really all just coincidence of what has happened to teams from Canada since those 1993 Habs? 0-5 in Cup Final series for all Canadian teams since then, including four Game 7 losses. The relocation of the Nordiques to Denver and two Stanley Cups within a 5-year period for the Avalanche. The Martin Gelinas goal no-call. Dwayne Roloson's knee injury. The Chris Phillips own-goal. The Vancouver riots.

You really don't believe that there is any superstition at all to explain this pattern of short-comings over the past two decades?

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Part of me also wants them to fail to continue the Curse of Marty McSorley for all of Canada to suffer forever.

You care more about this "curse of Marty McSorley" then anyone in Canada. Truth be told I'm pretty sure you're the first person I've ever see, on the net or in real life, who has referred to it as a curse.

Oh c'mon. Is it really all just coincidence of what has happened to teams from Canada since those 1993 Habs?
Yes. Let's look at the record.

1994. Vancouver loses to New York in seven games. Two evenly matched teams that went the full seven. Someone had to win, someone had to lose.

2004. Calgary loses to Tampa Bay in seven. Again, it was an even series. Back and forth.

2006. Edmonton loses to Carlonia in seven. Edmonton loses their red hot starter in game one and thus blows a game they should have won. They made it all the way to game seven with their third string goalie. If Roloson stays healthy they probably win that series.

2007. Ottawa loses to Anaheim in five. Ottawa was just outclassed. Simple as that.

2011. Vancouver loses to Boston in seven. Vancouver was going up against a complete team with a red hot goalie while all they had was Roberto Luongo, known high pressure choke artist.

The only "curse" like element there is Roloson getting hurt in 2006. Which is, well, a coincidence. :censored: happens. If there is a G-d in heaven then I believe that He wouldn't be dicking around with hockey curses centred around Marty McSorley justifiably being penalized for using an illegal stick.

Now here's the kicker. Hockey IS a superstitious sport. To the point that a superstition Eric Lindros pulled out of his :censored: in 1997 is now accepted as holy hockey law. And I was born and raised in the epicentre of hockey fandom in the world. Yet despite that I never heard of any "Marty McSorley curse" until you started whining about a Finals series you were to young to remember anyway. So yeah. If I hadn't heard about it then I can say with confidence it's something you either made up or greatly exaggerated in your quest to be as attention starved as possible here.

You want to know the real reason why Canadian teams have struggled on the ice since 1993? The vibrant Quebec separatist movement of the early/mid 1990s and the 1995 referendum on independence crashed our dollar (amazing how currency tends to dip when the country breaking up is a real possibility). So with a weak currency Canadian teams weren't able to sign the best players. Amazing that Canadian representation in the Finals has gone up since the Canadian dollar has rebounded, eh?

So yeah. There's no "curse." Just hard economics at play coupled with a few game seven series that could have tipped either way.

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Part of me also wants them to fail to continue the Curse of Marty McSorley for all of Canada to suffer forever.

You care more about this "curse of Marty McSorley" then anyone in Canada. Truth be told I'm pretty sure you're the first person I've ever see, on the net or in real life, who has referred to it as a curse.

Oh c'mon. Is it really all just coincidence of what has happened to teams from Canada since those 1993 Habs? 0-5 in Cup Final series for all Canadian teams since then, including four Game 7 losses. The relocation of the Nordiques to Denver and two Stanley Cups within a 5-year period for the Avalanche. The Martin Gelinas goal no-call. Dwayne Roloson's knee injury. The Chris Phillips own-goal. The Vancouver riots.

You really don't believe that there is any superstition at all to explain this pattern of short-comings over the past two decades?

You're right, it's definitely some sort of supernatural curse. :rolleyes:




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Stay classy Habs fans:


I was downtown celebrating last night. And besides a couple of drunk morons like the guy in that picture baiting the cops, there was no rioting, looting, or vandalism.

Around 95% of the Habs fans (myself included) celebrated by having fun without looking for problems. It's a good thing because it helps bring a little something positive to the perspective everyone else has towards Canadiens fans.

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Speaking of that subject, this is great.

I found a video where a guy screencapped the faces of individuals who caused damages from the Canucks riot, with a link and phone number to the Vancouver police department. Yeah, they thought they couldn't get caught because riot squad officers can't arrest everyone. Serves them right...

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Only the most casual of hockey fans in Canada actually care about a Canadian team winning the Stanley Cup. Every year the media tries to get every citizen to rally around the Canadian team that makes it the furthest, and every year a couple of writers that are actually in touch with how hockey fans operate call out what a load of crap that is. The only Canadian hockey teams other than the Sens that I care about are the ones that won gold medals in Sochi. Most of the time the teams that have the most Canadian-born players don't play their home games north of the border anyway.

EDIT - Here's an article by the always excellent Bruce Arthur that articulates the point I'm trying to make: http://sports.nationalpost.com/2014/04/06/canadiens-likely-to-be-canadas-only-team-in-nhl-playoffs-but-no-need-to-cheer-for-the-habs-outside-montreal/

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Stay classy Habs fans:


I was downtown celebrating last night. And besides a couple of drunk morons like the guy in that picture baiting the cops, there was no rioting, looting, or vandalism.

Around 95% of the Habs fans (myself included) celebrated by having fun without looking for problems. It's a good thing because it helps bring a little something positive to the perspective everyone else has towards Canadiens fans.

I'm sorry, but I think that picture is pretty funny. I'm not proud of finding it funny, but I do.




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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I thought the Marty McSorely curse ended when the Kings won the Stanley Cup? That was my understanding of that whole narrative. As for Canada's terrible luck in the finals being the result of a supernatural curse? Maybe, maybe not but I definitely don't think it's all a big coincidence. Simple probability debunks that claim. Either there is a curse or the fix was in. I refuse to believe luck would be that one sided.

The only "curse" like element there is Roloson getting hurt in 2006.

What about the non-call of the Gelinas' goal that would have won the Flames the Stanley Cup? If that wasn't the result of a curse, it was the result of a royal screwjob. The puck was clearly in the net and there wasn't even a review! Find me another example of that happening in the finals let alone with the cup on the line. The Flames were screwed out of that series so badly it was ridiculous! And I'm not even a fan. The Game Winning (and only) goal in game 4 came as a result of two extremely questionable penalties leading to a 5 on 3. I remember Darryl Sutter addressing after the game like it was yesterday. "We know we're not supposed to be here" Then there was the ridiculous penalty call by Kerry Fraser in the last 2 minutes of game 7 with the Flames down by only 1 goal. The fix was clearly in for that series or the curse is real, I don't care what anyone says.

Oh c'mon. Is it really all just coincidence of what has happened to teams from Canada since those 1993 Habs? 0-5 in Cup Final series for all Canadian teams since then, including four Game 7 losses. The relocation of the Nordiques to Denver and two Stanley Cups within a 5-year period for the Avalanche. The Martin Gelinas goal no-call. Dwayne Roloson's knee injury. The Chris Phillips own-goal. The Vancouver riots.

You really don't believe that there is any superstition at all to explain this pattern of short-comings over the past two decades?

You're right, it's definitely some sort of supernatural curse. :rolleyes:

Too big of a coincidence. Especially the denver thing.

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Stay classy Habs fans:tumblr_n5lfob4uqZ1t1om7ho1_1280.png

I was downtown celebrating last night. And besides a couple of drunk morons like the guy in that picture baiting the cops, there was no rioting, looting, or vandalism.

Around 95% of the Habs fans (myself included) celebrated by having fun without looking for problems. It's a good thing because it helps bring a little something positive to the perspective everyone else has towards Canadiens fans.

I'm sorry, but I think that picture is pretty funny. I'm not proud of finding it funny, but I do.

I hate that I laughed at this, but it is funny.

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What about the non-call of the Gelinas' goal that would have won the Flames the Stanley Cup? If that wasn't the result of a curse, it was the result of a royal screwjob. The puck was clearly in the net and there wasn't even a review! Find me another example of that happening in the finals let alone with the cup on the line. The Flames were screwed out of that series so badly it was ridiculous! And I'm not even a fan. The Game Winning (and only) goal in game 4 came as a result of two extremely questionable penalties leading to a 5 on 3. I remember Darryl Sutter addressing after the game like it was yesterday. "We know we're not supposed to be here" Then there was the ridiculous penalty call by Kerry Fraser in the last 2 minutes of game 7 with the Flames down by only 1 goal. The fix was clearly in for that series or the curse is real, I don't care what anyone says.

Just putting that out there.

Also, these allegations and attacking refs are always centred around the losing team, don't you think there wasn't any bad or questionable calls against the Lightning or any Cup winning teams? Just mostly your examples happened at bad timing, coincidence.

Refs are human and they make mistakes, there are no voodoo masters or magical gypsies hiding behind curtains at games controlling these things.

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You want to know the real reason why Canadian teams have struggled on the ice since 1993? The vibrant Quebec separatist movement of the early/mid 1990s and the 1995 referendum on independence crashed our dollar (amazing how currency tends to dip when the country breaking up is a real possibility). So with a weak currency Canadian teams weren't able to sign the best players. Amazing that Canadian representation in the Finals has gone up since the Canadian dollar has rebounded, eh?

So yeah. There's no "curse." Just hard economics at play coupled with a few game seven series that could have tipped either way.

Yeah, any chance you guys could do that one again? It was really fun shopping in Canada when the Canadian dollar was only worth $0.66 US.

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TorenK92, I have seen the CGI footage you posted many times and I'm not convinced at all. If you ask me, that animation is nothing more than the NHL covering their ass after either a ridiculous blunder or a royal screwjob. They even say on the video themselves that they made certain "assumptions" about the puck but that's not even the point. The point is there was zero review for a potential cup-winning goal. They didn't even give it a second look and the game just carried on like nothing happened. I have never seen anything like it before or since.

Too big of a coincidence. Especially the denver thing.

It's part of a curse that the province of Quebec couldn't afford to throw money at an arena?

No, its part of the curse that they won the Cup immediately after leaving town. Maybe it was a huge coincidence, my gut just tells me no. Especially when coupled with everything else Mr McSorely Curse outlined.

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TorenK92, I have seen the CGI footage you posted many times and I'm not convinced at all. If you ask me, that animation is nothing more than the NHL covering their ass after either a ridiculous blunder or a royal screwjob. They even say on the video themselves that they made certain "assumptions" about the puck but that's not even the point. The point is there was zero review for a potential cup-winning goal. They didn't even give it a second look and the game just carried on like nothing happened. I have never seen anything like it before or since.

I don't know, based on that the puck is level with the black stripe on the goalies pads, and how far across the puck looks on the replay (not looking at when they CGI it up,) it looks like it could swing both ways.

Should there have been a review, definitely! Would it have won Calgary the cup, possibly. Should it have won Calgary the cup, I don't know.

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