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SEC College Hockey


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Hockey has always been my number one passion, and always will be until the day I die... but having grown up in Alabama and Texas, college football will always be a part of my consciousness as well. Since I have a bit more spare time in the summer than I do the rest of the year, I decided to take another graphical project, since my previous NHL re-design garnered such positive reviews. What better project than to merge the greatest conference in sports, the SEC, with the greatest sport in the world? I present to you, SEC Hockey.

A few notes before we get started. My original plan is to complete a home and away for every team in the SEC. Once I do that, I will throw in alternate jerseys where I see fit. Also, SEC Football has many different uniform manufacturers and sponsors, from Nike to Adidas to UnderArmor. I'm not going to concern myself with those, and find brand-specific uniform cuts. The template I am using is the latest Reebok cuts used in the National Hockey League, but with all brand logos removed, as they are irrelevant to the designs I have created.

I've tried to evoke imagery from these schools' other famous sports programs, without attempting to do stripe-for-stripe crossovers.

I hope you enjoy.

SEC Western Division Schools:

University of Alabama

University of Arkansas

Auburn University

Louisiana State University

University of Mississippi

Mississippi State University

Texas A&M University

SEC Eastern Division Schools:

University of Florida

University of Georgia

University of Kentucky

University of Missouri

University of South Carolina

University of Tennessee

Vanderbilt University

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The first school I'm posting is the Georgia Bulldogs.

I grew up in an Alabama Crimson Tide household, but always had a soft spot for the Bulldogs as well. I was inspired by the two color bold stripes on their silver pants, which always stuck out to me as boldly "UGA." Being a Dallas Stars fan, our new road jersey layout seemed a perfect starting point to highlight those unique stripes in an aesthetically pleasing way.



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The next school on my list cause me physical pain when it came time to put the name and number on the back... Auburn? Yuck.

I showed a great deal of restraint and professionalism as a designer when I fought my urges to intentionally give Auburn ugly uniforms. My original thought was to accentuate the mismatched helmet/jersey/pants stripes that Auburn uses that stick out like a sore thumb to me, by giving them sleeve stripes that don't match the waist stripes... but I did my best to show Auburn the respect that I'd give any team I designed... so the worst I did was keep the mismatched pants stripe. Sue me.



-edit- for posterity's sake, here is the original coloring used on the home jersey, before i succumbed to peer pressure and inverted the colors, based on feedback in this thread. -/edit-

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The last school I'm going to post tonight is the LSU Tigers.

I said I wasn't going to do a direct "stripe for stripe" adaptation of every team's football uniforms, but LSU just has too iconic of a look in football to not play off of. I'm incredibly pleased with what I came up with here. I'd easily buy one of these sweaters, and I can't stand LSU.

LSU hockey, like LSU football, would wear white almost exclusively, with the purple only coming out for special occasions.



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Very solid designs, can't wait for Bama. ROLL DAMN TIDE!!!

You inspired me to finish my Alabama concept and post it early, just because, as you said, Roll Damn Tide.

There's not much explaining needed here. I went for an old school look that I feel is very fitting of the Alabama Crimson Tide.

Dat #hangereffect doe.



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Very solid designs, can't wait for Bama. ROLL DAMN TIDE!!!

You inspired me to finish my Alabama concept and post it early, just because, as you said, Roll Damn Tide.

There's not much explaining needed here. I went for an old school look that I feel is very fitting of the Alabama Crimson Tide.

Dat #hangereffect doe.



-Invert the Auburn logo on the dark Jersey. Also, I'd like to see the A&Elephant logo on the Bama jerseys (maybe the dark ones). That'd be an outstanding crest.

- Not digging the shoulder & sleeve stripes for LSU. Pick one or the other.

Nice work on these. Looking forward to seeing your ideas from some of the non-traditional schools.


CCSLC sig 2016.jpg


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Beauts. The only problem that I have with these is that (like most of college hockey) they are just recolors of NHL team jerseys (NOT LSU, that one is great), but thats only a very minor complaint. Just maybe mix it up for one or two of these, but since these are mostly classic schools, I see why these are like this.

EDIT: Oh yeah, add a yoke onto Bama.


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My only complaint for MY Auburn Tigers is that the Tiger Eyes logo that you have on the shoulders isn't used by any athletic teams any more. It's all but retired. Which, doesn't really matter since hockey is a club sport and they already use the Sailor Cap Aubie on their whites anyway.


"I believe in Auburn and love it!"



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The last school I'm going to post tonight is the LSU Tigers.

I said I wasn't going to do a direct "stripe for stripe" adaptation of every team's football uniforms, but LSU just has too iconic of a look in football to not play off of. I'm incredibly pleased with what I came up with here. I'd easily buy one of these sweaters, and I can't stand LSU.

LSU hockey, like LSU football, would wear white almost exclusively, with the purple only coming out for special occasions.



I approve of this!

I'd love to see a gold alternate jersey.


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Pretty good looks. As was previously stated for LSU, it needs either the shoulder stripes or sleeve stripes...not both. Also I think a gold helmet may look a little better. Also, why not make the "LSU" on the purple jersey gold instead of white? Lastly, I noticed you used the new, refined tiger head that basketball used this year. I'd like to see the Geaux font "LSU" used in place of the helmet font.


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