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Everything posted by McCall

  1. The bottom of the letters and numbers. And Black.
  2. Nothing says "city of San Francisco" like the letter G...
  3. According to the article on the mothership, the "Nationals" white is now the official home uniform.
  4. Or is it a navy star outlined in yellow on an orange background? Hmm. Confusing.
  5. 1st Inning CREW CHIEF: The previous play is under review because Angel Hernandez. CREW CHIEF: The previous call has been overturned because Angel Hernandez. 2nd Inning CREW CHIEF: You already know.
  6. As much as I dislike the Brewers, they already have a pretty good team. They didn't really need to spend a whole lot on free agency. I'm actually somewhat surprised the Orioles spent that much.
  7. Yeah, wasn't their whole "rebuild" after 2011 to basically right the ship after they had such a bad farm system during they're successful run, so they needed to set up some long term sustainability? And now, they're spending all this money on players... because they have such a bad farm system? Just an outsider's perspective. Or am I off-base with that analysis?
  8. Him and Schwarber's positions will be determined by who's least worse at playing the outfield.
  9. I don't like the modification to the double hook DH rule. I've always been in favor of just a straight DH for the starting pitcher only. Don't know how I feel about the dropped pitch rule. Almost seems gimicky in a way.
  10. They've said the games will be taken only from the divisional schedule. Based on that, I could see this: DIVISION: 13 games vs 4 teams (52 games) LEAGUE: 6 games vs 8 teams & 7 games vs 2 teams as it is now (62 games) INTERLEAGUE: 3 games vs 14 teams (42 games) INTERLEAGUE RIVAL: 6 games (home and away every season)
  11. I know some may say that the shift is no different than the double-team in basketball (I don't know if I've seen that comparison around here), but double-teaming has been around for much of the game's existence and hasn't caused a deterioration in quality of the game. Shifting has, one can argue. I admit, that's a subjective-based analysis, but it has caused a change in the game like there hasn't been in the past. As Sport mentioned, it's killing left-handed hitting. To me, that brings a negative effect to the game. Sometimes, you have to look at the issue and make a judgement call.
  12. Actually, the competition IS the entertainment. But I do agree about the shift. I've never been a fan of it. And I find it ironic that, typically, the people complaining about it's eventual banning are the same who wanted the DH and more offense. The shift decreases offense. I agree that an MLB hitter should be able to adjust and hit the ball where the defense isn't, but one could also make the argument that an MLB defender should be able to field a ball from his standard position. Basically, one could make an argument for or against just about any rule change.
  13. Hadn't seen this posted yet, but MiLB leagues are getting their names back, i.e. Pacific Coast League (with a new logo as well), International League, Texas League, etc. Apparently, the regional names of 2021 were in place while MLB worked to acquire the rights to the original league names. https://www.milb.com/news/minor-league-baseball-historical-league-names-to-return-in-2022 As for the new PCL logo, it's beautiful. My only qualm is why the evergreen trees are navy outlined in green rather than just... green... against a navy background? Doesn't make any sense and would look a whole lot better.
  14. Yes. The very first time, EVER, in all of professional sports. Never thought it would happen involving a position with limited number options. Mind blowing.
  15. It IS light blue-white-plum-white-light blue. No champagne on the jersey stripe.
  16. I'm surprised the Rays went navy and yellow instead of columbia and yellow.
  17. We're arguing about gold, too. So, no.
  18. Which is pantone 1235. Probably the most commonly used gold/yellow across major sports leagues. And commonly referred to "gold" AND "yellow", so the assertion that they are red and gold is accurate. Especially since the Philadelphia Stars themselves refer to it as "gold". And, yes, one could argue that the "champagne" color is also a form of metallic/vegas gold.
  19. Have! For the love of all that is holy and good in this world, could HAVE, would HAVE, should HAVE! (Or could'VE, would'VE, should'VE) (Unless I'm missing something and you were intentionally being facetious with your miswording.)
  20. I disagree on both. Why is the Blue Jays' navy and gray? Did they realize they used too light of a navy for the Yankees and the Blue Jays were just like "hey, will take those"? No royal anywhere, nor even light blue. Just navy and gray. And I don't see anything wrong with the Phillies' red with blue sleeves. They look fine.
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