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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. That's how any businessperson's brain functions.
  2. I don't know how the business works these days, but I'd imagine the XFL is in the position of paying the supplier, rather than the suppliers bidding on the deals. I can't imagine having the ad space on an XFL jersey is worth companies outbidding each other for.
  3. Yeah, and the hic that does the ads always ends with "unless you're in mizzoruh or illunoi, I'm not lahsensed in your state... but r attorneys in your state are".
  4. I really hope that I see a Carson Wentz gif in this thread some day.
  5. A few things that annoy me about the live reads I hear on sports radio are: Every host seems to have their own promo code for whatever product they're selling. I guess it's the new way of saying "tell them Bob sent you." The ads for gambling sites where the radio hosts read the ad as if they're betting, and they can't use any real team names. "and looking at the lines tonight, I see that our boys in green are -7 against the team from Dallas - I'd look at the over and bet our home team straight up", and you know that they aren't actually betting or know anything about betting. How everything in sports is about betting now. I had to stop reading the very few blogs that I did read because there's so much ads from gambling companies disguised as news stories. EDIT: Also, maybe it correlates with the rise of gambling ads, maybe not, but I'm hearing more and more ads from divorce attorneys, sorta warning men about what women can do during a divorce, and giving them tips and then an ad for their law firm. Interesting that divorce lawyers would target the market that is big on bitching about sports and gambling on it.
  6. 1. It looks like they use the post-season logos on their division banners. Would look a lot better if they were more consistent. 2. That empty pennant above the scoreboard is silly. Just put a W in there or something. It's weird that they're honoring the championships won by the other teams in such a prominent place. I'd go with the NL and WS flag there, move the old ones to another place in the stadium (like a 'museum' or something).
  7. I think it makes for consistency. In years you don't win the title, you put up the conference banners. Unless you're doing one banner per year and lining them up in a row, it would look like some conference championship banners are missing. The Phillies do this - only hang one pennant per year, just in different colors depending on what they won, but each color is on its own pole, so they only have NL Championship banners for 50, 83, 93, and 09. To me, that pole should also have 80 and 08. The division banner only has 07, 10, and 11, but IMO it should also have 08 and 09. Unless you're the Yankees or Celtics, where you have so many banners you don't know what to do with them, I don't see anything wrong with hanging one for each legitimate title... meaning NO WILD CARD BANNER BECAUSE IT LITERALLY MEANS YOU LOST.
  8. Nuts to that. You won the championship of your league, which is something that some teams will never do, and you might never do again. Show it off. Put it in people's faces. Especially the Stanley Cup, since it has such an iconic look. Lombardi and NBA trophies kinda do too, but the Cup does for sure.
  9. Looks like weird shading on the back and sides of white jersey and sides of white pants.
  10. the side panels weren’t as bad as most, since the pants were solid gold and there couldn’t be any alignment issues. I def like the solid navy top better than the paneled one, but I like the paneled white top slightly better than the solid one.
  11. Do teams really need to plaster their logo and/or name on the banner? I kinda get it if it’s a shared arena, but both the blues and raptors banners would look better without the logo (blues) and name (raptors)
  12. Thanks for reminding me to cancel before Black Friday. I think I’ve read it three times. It’s good, I just don’t care enough about sports to pay for anything more than what the local beat writers and twitterers provide for free.
  13. ESPN's site is basically a huge promo for their shows, and the two are tied together pretty well. Not to diminish some of the good things on the site that aren't tied into programming, but that's essentially what it is. There's just no reason I can think of to go to SI.com. I remember when it was the "sports section" for CNN.com, but even then, I gravitated to ESPN.com, even if the actual writing wasn't as good and the stories were slanted in ways to build drama to entice people to tune into a game conveniently carried by... ESPN. Seems like SI should have become what the Athletic is now. I don't have any stats or figures, but I imagine the Athletic is doing OK, and maybe even better than expected.
  14. The tag says “XFL 20”, not any kind of brand. Pending pants, I think it’d actually look pretty good on a field, despite a few flaws.
  15. Does anyone care about it? It's about as meaningless a stat as wins or saves in baseball. I do think there should be an up/down system. The 'like' has definitely cut down on silly "yes I agree" posts, but there's no way to express a disagreement without wasting a post. It'd be fun to see people get ratioed too.
  16. Are Clippers conformed to be making a change? By that definition, the examples I posted would belong in 'discussion'... no?
  17. Except that wasn't really happening - or, at least the 'last updated' dates on the threads in 'general discussion' would indicate that. Not sure anyone was missing out on discussion of NFL uniforms (which, one could argue, falls into the category of 'general discussion' since a lot of it is not around actual or announced changes, but more... well, general discussion) because the entire community was bumping a thread about chartreuse. What's the exact rule over what goes in one vs the other? It seems obvious, but it's really not. I don't see anything in General that belongs in News, but some of what's in News could also qualify for General. Agreed with a previous post that this isn't worth fighting about too much and in a month we'll probably be used to it, it just seems unnecessary, as the reasons given don't (at least to those of us without the inside knowledge) don't seem to have actually been happening, and now creates another forum to have to go back and browse, vs the one-stop shopping we've enjoyed for years. EDIT: some specific examples - some guy designs his own unofficial Fighting Hawks logo - is that really 'news'? It's not a real sports-team logo. LA Clippers might change logo. There's no real news there to discuss, as nothing has been announced, and there's no designs to discuss. Mega Threads often contain pages of us just 'discussing' things like gray facemasks, rather than actual 'news'. Seattle Brand Discussion - granted there's some news regarding name votes, but nothing tangible. It's more 'general discussion'. High-School football? Inverted football jerseys? That's basically an advertisement, not 'sports logos news', since it has nothing to do with anything that will ever see the field.
  18. I honestly forget the general discussion forum even exists, and have probably missed some discussions there. I peek in every now and then when I remember about it, but my assumption is that the same types of things will just get posted in News, or not at all.
  19. I assume it's because the 'news' forum kept the same ID as the old thread, while the 'other' forum is brand new so it's like the topics are new.
  20. Any stadium that has concourses that aren't completely open is outdated. I get that it's nearly 30-years old, and I totally get its historical significance, but I couldn't believe how old Camden Yards felt when I was there a few weeks ago, and if Angels Stadium has the same type of arrangement, I'd try to get out of that too. The fan experience is a million times better in open-air stadiums - not only in the concourses, but having airflow into the stands makes it much less muggy. Sitting in that stadium was downright uncomfortable.
  21. I’d argue that if threads are being “buried”, then it’s because either interest has faded and there’s no posts so it doesn’t matter, or they were booked against HHH.
  22. Curious what prompted the Sports Logos forum to be split into two - won’t there be a lot of crossover and duplicate topics? A
  23. Charlie Manuel’s last day in Phillies dugout was August 14 (2013). His first day back was... August 14.
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