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PWHL 24-25 Season - Names/Logos in August

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So, I think the two comparisons to make here are against the name leak last offseason, and the PHF identitiea they're replacing (Ottawa notwithstanding):


New York: Sirens is better name than Sound, and maybe even a slight improvement on Riveters. I like their color scheme, but that logo is bad. Definitely an overall downgrade from Riveters in their iconic RWB, especially in those first two seasons before the Devils partnership. Only a slight step back from the Rivs in their final form, but that is partially because that red RIVS alternate is one of my favorite women's hockey sweaters ever. Give them a few years to redo their logo, and they could have a real winner on their hands.


Boston: Fleet is my least favorite of the six names. Wicked would have even been better. Pride is great by comparison. The color scheme is okay, and I do miss them matching the Bruins. That said, the new logo is easily the best of the bunch. It alone makes me okay with them leaving the PHF identity behind.


Toronto: Sceptres is a huge step up from Torch and Six. That spelling is going to get butchered by American media, I think a fledgling league should probably have considered an identity that wouldn't have that consideration, but that isn't enough to put me off of the name. I like the color scheme, but the logo isn't doing anything for me. The old Six logo was a great example of excellent execution of a bad brand name. Overall, a slight step up from Six as a whole identity, and the logo can be replaced later.


Montreal: Honestly, this name might be a slight step back from Echo. It's a perfectly decent package, but the PHF Force identity was excellent. The logo, the color scheme, and their sweaters were magnificent. This might grow on me, but for now, a significant step back from the PHF.


Minnesota: Frost is better than Superior, but still pretty underwhelming. There was nothing about the Whitecaps identity I found particularly great, but the name was historic, and I'm sorry to see it go, especially for Frost. I like the color scheme, a lot. That logo is better than the Whitecaps one, but only be a little. I like the look of it, but that shape is going to look wonky on the front of a sweater unless they slap it inside of a roundel. Overall, I'd say a lateral move from the PHF days.


Ottawa: Only an old name to compare it to. In a vacuum, Charge is better than Alert, but the local history of the latter was nice. I hate this logo, though.


Some bright points here, but it still feels like a huge mistake to set aside everything from the PHF identities they bought out.

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Boston Fleet

Love the logo. Colors are okay. Name is rough. Armada, Battalion, Wicked, anything. Fleet was used by the AAF and it worked a bit because of the Naval presence in San Diego. This misses.


Minnesota Frost:

Too simplistic. Logo is fine, but usually the city/state abbreviation gets the logo treatment. Not the first letter of the nickname. Colors are fine. and for an F, it's a C, at best. It fits the theme with the color. Superior or Superiors would have been a much better name. Could have still gone with the frozen motif.


Victoire de Montreal (Montreal Victory):

If the Habs and Als had a baby, it would be the Victoire/Victory. Putting the team name on this one, feels a bit insulting. Aren't Canadian laws require both English and French names on things? This was the big brouhaha over the Impact name. Logo is rough, name is rough. Colors are going to blend into the city. Just rough overall for me.


New York Sirens:

The Four Vs. I can't unsee it. Also, the reverbe on the edges of the logo are just too much. They could've used a siren horn for the logo and written Sirens down the side. Or went with the mythical enchantress logo. Instead, it's the NY logo that has to be smooshed to shown the clefts in the N and Y with a bland SIRENS written over it. Name is good, logo is BAD.


Ottawa Charge:

A broken tire? The streaks not reaching the tire all the way? Colors are okay. Name is fine. Logo is just a lot to be desired. Could've went with an O logo. instead, went with a C logo.


Toronto Sceptres:

I like the name. I like the colors. The logo is far too busy. Missed greatly on the 'how well can a grade school kid recreate it'. They can outline it but the detail is insanely specific and overdone for me. Could've gone with just the T logo. Again, forcing the nickname initial into it.


Lots of misses here. Only thing I can say is that you wouldn't really know this was a woman's league EXCEPT the New York name is a bit of a tell. The rest are androgynous at best or somewhat macho. And not one hockey stick, puck, or net that I could see.

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5 minutes ago, Sykotyk said:

Aren't Canadian laws require both English and French names on things? This was the big brouhaha over the Impact name. 


Not in Quebec. The only law is that things can't have only English on them. In fact, if a sign is in both English & French the law says that the English must be in a smaller font than the French. I'm pretty sure Quebec is the only place in the world that uses "ARRET" signs on the road. Even in France they still have them say 'STOP'.

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My favorite quirk of Quebec French is "disembark the car." Forever a canoe-going people. 


Anyway, the identities are a mixed bag. Minnesota Frost feels like it's leaving something on the table, Boston Fleet is kinda weak, and Ottawa Charge is very weak. I still prefer the New York Riveters, but they have a decent idea with fair execution on Sirens. I'm glad they picked up the Fishsticks palette so that the Islanders can leave it alone. 


Montreal Victories is kind of corny. I wondered if Montreal Victorias would have worked, Queen Victoria still having some heft in Canada, but that would be way too English.

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♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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Honestly, if someone were to tell me that these team brands - both names and logos - had been generated by an AI program, I wouldn’t be at all shocked. They strike me as utterly devoid of any spark of creativity. Montreal’s is the only one that appeals to me in the least… and even that I’d rate as “passable”, at best .

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I would've like to see Minnesota go with Monarchs or even Marmots. Toronto Tempests would've been kind of cool as well even with the excessive "t's."


I appreciate Boston's attempt at trying to find a way to mimic one of the most creative logos ever designed, but if they wanted to go for the nautical theme, there were better options for names.

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Am I happy with Frost as a name? Eh, not really. But it's a way better than the Superior or Superiors so it could be worse.


I have no idea how "Minnesota Marmots" wound up being a finalist seeing as Minnesota... doesn't even have Marmots, or at least anything that we call Marmots. I guess Groundhogs (aka Woodchucks) are technically part of the marmot family of rodents, but I've never once heard them referred to as Marmots. When I hear "Marmot" I think of the Yellow-bellied Marmot which is found more out west.


Overall, I'm not really big on any of the names or logos across the league, but I do think it's better than we would have gotten if the original leaked names were picked.

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