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CFL to Windsor?


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SportsnetNews was reporting tonight that the City of Windsor and the Glieberman family have been talking about bringing a CFL franchise to Windsor. I guess a university there (I can't recall which one they said it was) is building a new stadium, which spurred talk on. Also, with Detroit so close, they figure they can draw fans from there, and possibly play in the Pontiac Silverdome if need be. But right now, talks have not taken place with the league itself.

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Not to Windsor--but to the Gliebermans--they're the ones that ruined the Ottawa Rough Riders. Yes the team was owned by Horn Chen when it died--butthe Gliebermans ran it into the ground to start with.

They also mismanaged the Shreveport Pirates.

Under no circumstances should they be allowed anywhere near owning a CFL team again.

The closest they should be allowed near the CFL is watching a game as paying customers or at home on TV...

The CFL just got rid of Feterik--we don't need another circus...

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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Will Halifax ever get a team?

We can only hope so.

The current CFL owners are smart enough to know about the Gliebermans, but they also show a disturbing willingness to sacrifice good sense for good cents. (Ads on jerseys... allowing Reebok to redefine their team's image.)

Personally, if I'm Tom Wright I'm knocking on ScotiaBank's door, wondering if they're willing to cement their place in Halifax history by putting the Atlantic Schooners in the CFL.

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The Ponitac Silverdome was neither wide nor long enough during the Lions' day and even with World Cup '94, there was a platform for the field. That USA/Switxerland first game was cool, so was the Sweden/Russia (?) game where Martin Dahlim (SWE) went nuts was a site to see since the facility allowed smoking in the concourse corners. However, the place is vacant now, so if the city assist in paying off bonds, they might as well do so. otherwise it is just RV shows and rollerblading on the concourse!

The Silverdome was the sight of the "scariest sports night in my life" in 1994. I went to a Monday Night game verses the Bears and I sat in the upper deck endzone in the south end with a Bears fan because I talked him into seats the Saturday before while we were in college. Thankfully, they only served small beers, like plastic, cocktail cup size (like 8 oz.) at the Silverdome. Fights, smoke, and mullets equal danger! I have been at PPV fights, including all 3 Barrera/Morales fights, and nothing was like that night!

FYI, the Palace of Auburn Hills is like 5 miles from the Silverdom if you have never been to the Detroit area. If you take I-75 to either, you may see the most approrpiate exit sign ever. It may nave been changed, however, there used to be an "Exit 69 for Big Beaver Rd." Please correct if you still live in Metro Detroit.

Windsor??? The team could win each game because of the "peelers" or they would never ger coverage since the beat writers may miss the kickoff or their reoprt time!

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Here's the story up on their website: Sportsnet.ca.

Sorry if that first post didn't make a whole lot of sense last night. I had had a couple of beers, and only soup for dinner, so I wasn't exactly coherent. Slept well last night, though. :D

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I would think that there would be a better chance of a team being in Saint John than Moncton, but I know little about which city can handle a "major" sports team better. I still think either one would be behind Halifax.

But that's just me.

I'm still waiting for a team to be put in Goose Bay-Happy Valley... The Labrador Retrievers.

Woof! :P


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Windsor getting a CFL franchise would be an especially bad move. Firstly, with Halifax looking to get the go-ahead for a team, the league would finally have parity between the conferences with ten teams each. A team in Windsor would throw the league off-parity unless a new western team was formed as well, and that doesn't look likely.

Secondly, Windsor is far too close to both Toronto and Hamilton to establish any sizable home fan base. I just don't see a lot of people in that city clamouring to watch a local team play, when there are already a plathora of Ti-Cat supporters there already.

And thirdly; given the Gliebermans' history, I just don't see the league allowing them to take the helm of another team no matter how lucrative the financial or potential marketing circumstances may be.


Thanks go to Eddie010 for the Signature and Avatar. Nice work, mate!

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Two words for The Gliebermans:



And two more words for Windsor:



"I better go take a long walk off a short pier or something."

Some people on this bolard have told me to do just that.

My "Ron Mexico" alias is "Jon Tobago".

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Won't happen. Think Atlantic Canada, people... I know it's a stretch for most people to remember that there is a huge part of Canada that is not being represented in "Canada's League".... Well, two parts of Canada ... but I don't think Yellowknife is big enough :grin:

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