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the Chicago White Sox who on Aug. 1 had a 15 game lead in the AL Central,now its Sep. 16 it's down to 4.5 game lead,and the way Cleveland is playing,and with the more favorable schedule down the strech,and having to win the tie-breaker,im beging to get very scared now.Thoughts???

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I believe the '64 Phillies is considered the biggest collapse in history.

6.5 game lead with only 12 games remaining. Proceeded to lose 10 straight and finish second to the Cards.

Many people have still never gotten over that.

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The White Sox will nolonger beable to hide their futillity oif tehy collapse like this. For year nobody ahas noticed they have not Won a World Series since 1917 becuase the Cubs and Red Sox got more attention and nobody has noticed they have not been to a Fall Classic since 1959 thats to teh Cubs long futility.



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The White Sox will nolonger beable to hide their futillity oif tehy collapse like this. For year nobody ahas noticed they have not Won a World Series since 1917 becuase the Cubs and Red Sox got more attention and nobody has noticed they have not been to a Fall Classic since 1959 thats to teh Cubs long futility.

And that's the fact that saddens me as fan of both the Cubs and White Sox (yes I'm a fan of both teams belive it or not),and as i type the lead is now down to 4 games,and the last i checked the Sox and Twins are tied so there's a possibilty that the lead could be down to 3.5 at the end of the night. :down:

CHECK THAT: Thankfully the Sox pulled it out in 10 so the lead is still 4.5. ;)

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the Chicago White Sox who on Aug. 1 had a 15 game lead in the AL Central,now its Sep. 16 it's down to 4.5 game lead,and the way Cleveland is playing,and with the more favorable schedule down the strech,and having to win the tie-breaker,im beging to get very scared now.Thoughts???

As a life long Indians fan all I can say is I hope you're right! I was on an Indians board a while back and I said that the only way they would have a shot at the division was to get within 6 games by Sept. 15. I also said that was definitely not going to happen because they would need to play something like .720 ball while The Sox played below .500 so they needed to shoot for the wildcard at best. (at the time the Indians were like 4.5 games out of the wildcard.) Shows you what I know. This is why I love baseball. Anything can happen over 162 games.

Should be fun when The Sox and Tribe meet up 6 times in the last two weeks. How huge will that season ending series be? And yes, if I were in your spot I'd be a little nervous.

I think if the collapse does happen it will be more like the '51 race between the Giants and Dodgers. A historic collapse indeed but not the worst ever. That honor still goes to The 64 Phillies. Regular season collapses anyway. I think the all timer is the Yankees in the ALCS last season.

Here's hoping it comes down to the last series. Good luck to you and GO TRIBE!





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And that's the fact that saddens me as fan of both the Cubs and White Sox (yes I'm a fan of both teams belive it or not),and as i type the lead is now down to 4 games,and the last i checked the Sox and Twins are tied so there's a possibilty that the lead could be down to 3.5 at the end of the night. :down:

CHECK THAT: Thankfully the Sox pulled it out in 10 so the lead is still 4.5. ;)

You don't have to worry, the Twins have basically packed it in for the year. And, as usual, the Twins can't hit... but how 'bout that Baker? :D That's really all us Twins fans have to look forward to... a starting rotation of Santana/Silva/Radke/Baker/Liriano.


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I think the all timer is the Yankees in the ALCS last season.

Hell yeah, how do you become the first team EVER to lose 4 straight after winning the first three? I mean, you were the Yankees, and they were the freakin Red Sox, they've owned them since 1918, and lost it all in the span of a week.

Which made it utterly fan-tas-tic. :notworthy:



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I think the all timer is the Yankees in the ALCS last season.

Hell yeah, how do you become the first team EVER to lose 4 straight after winning the first three? I mean, you were the Yankees, and they were the freakin Red Sox, they've owned them since 1918, and lost it all in the span of a week.

Which made it utterly fan-tas-tic. :notworthy:

Just to let you know, they are first team in baseball history to blow a 3-0 lead. But it has happened in the NHL twice.

I saw, I came, I left.

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I think the all timer is the Yankees in the ALCS last season.

Hell yeah, how do you become the first team EVER to lose 4 straight after winning the first three? I mean, you were the Yankees, and they were the freakin Red Sox, they've owned them since 1918, and lost it all in the span of a week.

Which made it utterly fan-tas-tic. :notworthy:

Just to let you know, they are first team in baseball history to blow a 3-0 lead. But it has happened in the NHL twice.

Who did it in the NHL, so I can laugh at them as well?



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In 1942 Toronto defeated Detroit in the Cup finals and in 1975 the New York Islanders defeated Pittsburgh in the conference semis. I think.

Correct any errors you see guys...

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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In 1942 Toronto defeated Detroit in the Cup finals and in 1975 the New York Islanders defeated Pittsburgh in the conference semis.  I think. 

Correct any errors you see guys...

That'd be it.

Mix in the previously mentioned 2004 Red Sox/Yankees comeback, and you've got yourself the trifecta. ;)


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I was kinda hoping the Yankees would be tanking like the White Sox are, but oh well. It'd be funny if the ChiSox collapsed like that one kid in the spelling bee last year, but I don't think it'll happen, EVEN THOUGH the Sox play the Indians six more times this year. Anything can happen, I suppose.

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Yeah, I'd say the Yankees ALCS of last season was the all time greatest collapse. But this would be the greatest IN-SEASON collapse IMO if the blow the lead. And as usual, I'm rooting for them to lose, just so we can get new teams in the playoffs. It's a shame, though, that it's not the Twins making that comeback. It was amazing what the Twins had done between 2002-04.

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Go Indians  B)

That lead is now 3.5 games! Here we come. Think those collars are getting a little tight in Chicago? GO TRIBE!

Win or lose, as recently as one month ago, no one (myself included) thought the Indians would be here. Talk about a team with literally nothing to lose. They can't go wrong in this deal.

It is mind-boggling that Chicago has let it get even this close after the way they started the season. Unreal. Is it just me or did this happen pretty quietly? :blink:




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Watching the stretch run reminds me of comedian Ron White and his bit about a commuter plane flight and somtthing about the ambulances meeting them at the crash site. Oh well at least Ox615 and I can fimd some solace in celebrating the Nashville Sounds PCL champoinship.

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