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Miami-Fla. throwback concept


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From the mid-1950s to the mid-1960s the University of Miami Hurricanes wore these green and yellow unis:


Had they been clad in the traditional school colors of green and orange they might have looked like this:


The helmet decal is made up, but in keeping with the style of the times.


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heh, I'd wondered about that...ya know, why the U wore green and gold instead of green and orange during that time. the real pic looks like osmething the Packers coulda worn. the concept, the home looks good but teh away looks like it's crying for some orange.


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The confederate flag? Seriously?

Do you always answer a question with a question?


it's a symbol of treason, racism, and hatred. it is used by many hate groups like the kkk, other white surpremecicts movements, and neo-nazis. i would advise you lose it.

oh, and with today's shrinking sleaves on football jerseys your concept would be impracticle.

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Icecap, thank you for displaying the typical lack of historic understanding and simplistic thinking that goes with hatred of the Confederate flag. But then since you are posting from Canada, I'll take that into account.

Treason? If that were true then the American flag is a symbol of treason against the English crown. The failure of the North to accept the withdrawal of the South from the Union was a rejection of the right of self-determination that was supposedly a cornerstone of the American Revolution. After all, if the Colonies had the right to break away from Britain, why couldn't the South do the same thing with the United States? The Southern colonies joined the Union with the understanding that they could pull out if they so desired, otherwise, they would not have joined. By the way, they did so for much the same reason the original colonists broke from England: taxation without representation. Southern states were forced to subsidize northern industry without any say as to how those subsidies operated.

As for racism, the American flag has flown over soldiers in racist wars against numerous countries including the Indian nations and the subjurgation of the Philippines, to name just two. It has also been waved by klansmen, fascists, communists and nefarious political parties of all stripes. It also flew over the ships of New England Yankees that brought slaves to the United States in the first place.

I suggest you get your stuff together before you advise anyone to do anything.

As for the disappearing sleeves, it is a re-rendering of what the Miami unis would have looked like at the time and using their traditional school colors and with a helmet decal.


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Icecap, thank you for displaying the typical lack of historic understanding and simplistic thinking that goes with hatred of the Confederate flag. But then since you are posting from Canada, I'll take that into account.

Treason? If that were true then the American flag is a symbol of treason against the English crown. The failure of the North to accept the withdrawal of the South from the Union was a rejection of the right of self-determination that was supposedly a cornerstone of the American Revolution. After all, if the Colonies had the right to break away from Britain, why couldn't the South do the same thing with the United States? The Southern colonies joined the Union with the understanding that they could pull out if they so desired, otherwise, they would not have joined. By the way, they did so for much the same reason the original colonists broke from England: taxation without representation. Southern states were forced to subsidize northern industry without any say as to how those subsidies operated.

As for racism, the American flag has flown over soldiers in racist wars against numerous countries including the Indian nations and the subjurgation of the Philippines, to name just two. It has also been waved by klansmen, fascists, communists and nefarious political parties of all stripes. It also flew over the ships of New England Yankees that brought slaves to the United States in the first place.

I suggest you get your stuff together before you advise anyone to do anything.

As for the disappearing sleeves, it is a re-rendering of what the Miami unis would have looked like at the time and using their traditional school colors and with a helmet decal.


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What I never got was there are plenty of icons that represent the south that don't to the general public stand for racism, but everyone seems to gravitate to the one that does.

Swastikas are a religious symbol in Eastern cultures. Doesn't mean someone sporting one in the west isn't going to be questioned.

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Treason? If that were true then the American flag is a symbol of treason against the English crown. The failure of the North to accept the withdrawal of the South from the Union was a rejection of the right of self-determination that was supposedly a cornerstone of the American Revolution. After all, if the Colonies had the right to break away from Britain, why couldn't the South do the same thing with the United States? The Southern colonies joined the Union with the understanding that they could pull out if they so desired, otherwise, they would not have joined. By the way, they did so for much the same reason the original colonists broke from England: taxation without representation. Southern states were forced to subsidize northern industry without any say as to how those subsidies operated.

Spearhead, I suggest you reread American history.

First, it wasn't the North that failed to accept the withdrawal of the South from the Union. It was the United States of America.

And while in theory the South merely followed the the words of the Declaration of Independence, as you so say, there was another thing that came later on that Southern states ratified -- the Constitution. By trying to break away, they broke a promise to abide by the Constitution that they ratified. See, the colonies had no such agreement with England.

Now, as to taxation without representation, the South was represented -- in Congress. But because they didn't get their way, they decided to bolt. And, to use a nasty word here, that happens to be treason.

If you have such a love for the Confederacy, perhaps you should use your own state flag because the Southern states that broke away put their states ahead of their confederation.

Oh, and don't call me a Yankee. I'm an American first, a North Dakotan second in the geopolitical scheme of things (I happen to call myself a Christian first, but we're talking about geopolitics here.) The problem with those in the South before the Civil War years was they considered themselves Virginians or North Carolinians or Georgians, etc., first and Americans second.

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Well, winghaz, I will complement you on at least knowing some history instead of simply taking baseless shots and self-righteously telling me what I should and should not use as an avitar. However, you are wrong.

The Union was a VOLUNTARY federation, a free association of states. There was nothing in the Constitution that stated the Union was perpetual and to be held together by force. Americans, north and south, doubted the existence of any federal power to coerce a state and considered peaceful separation a real possibility. In the late 1790s, The Federalist Papers, for example, laughed down the notion that the federal government could coerce states in their corporate, political capacity. For much of the nineteenth century Americans saw the union as a practical arrangement instrumental to other values. By breaking away the South simply and voluntarily opted out of being a part of a system that was profoundly unfair to it. Did saving the Union justify the slaughter of such a large number of young men? No, the Confederates posed no military threat to the North. As for saving the Constitution, Lincoln did more than any president in history to violate it.

The South had a colonial relationship with the North similar to that of the American colonies with England. Business and political leaders in the North were intent on keeping the southern states in the Union because the principal source of tax revenue for the federal government before the Civil War was a tariff on imports. Tariffs imposed by the federal government not only accounted for most of the federal budget, they also raised the price of imported goods to a level where the less-efficient manufacturers of the northeast could be competitive. In that system of revenue and disbursements an undue proportion of the burden of taxation was imposed upon the South, and an undue proportion of its proceeds appropriated to the North. The South, as the great exporting portion of the Union, was in reality paying vastly more than her due proportion of the revenue and then having to buy the goods her money her tax money subsidized at an artificially higher price! So, the Union meant millions of dollars a year flowing out of the South to prop up northern business. In short, the South fought the war for essentially the same reasons that the American colonies fought the Revolutionary War. Would you voluntarily stay in a financial situation that was imposed upon you and drained your wallet to the benefit of others?

The South broke away to be independent not to overthrow the U.S. government. Breaking away did not make them treasonous, they wanted self-determination. Jefferson Davis was never tried for treason because the unionist case could not have survived a fair trial. It was the same as the American Revolution which was also an act of secession. Americans did not remove King George from his throne or dissolve Parliament. We simply took our colonies out of the empire ? which continued on without us. So if the Confederates were treasonous, so was Georgie Washington and Tom Jefferson et al.

I respect your identifying yourself as a Christian and a Nodak. The reference to New England Yankees was to make a cultural distinction, not a slur.


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Swastikas are a religious symbol in Eastern cultures. Doesn't mean someone sporting one in the west isn't going to be questioned.

pcdg: If you go around Washington D.C. you will see the fasces (bundle of rods with an axe) on many buildings. This was the symbol of Roman authority adopted by Mussolini and the Fascists as their symbol. Two of them flank the speaker's area in the House of Representatives. According to at least two people on this post, that must mean the USA is a fascist state!


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I just wish everyone would calm down and I also suggest you never visit southern Indiana...or South Carolina, for that matter.

It's a piece of red cloth with little white stars and blue stripes..who cares? It's a symbol of racism, that's great..so is a black hat and a raised fist..I still see them.

Furthermore, to him it isn't a symbol of hatred, shouldn't that be enough? People like him (and me to a lesser extent) use that symbol mainly so people won't forget and completely hand it over to the KKK.

It's a computer file comprised of little specks of light, does it really offend you?


I don't speak for democrats, democrats don't speak for me.

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Jesus tap dancing Christ, you people forget the Civil War was not started because of slavery. Nor is the Confederate flag a symbol of slavery as well, even though most people associate it as such. The war was fought to bring the Southern States back in after they had seceeded from the Union. It just so happened they decided to get rid of slavery in the process (which was a good thing). It was classic case of someone not getting what they want, seperating and then the government trying to control them, just like every civil war.

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Your avatar is pitiful Spearhead.

I don't live in the confederate states nor have i ever flown tht flag but to steal a commonly used line, if that flag offends you, you need a history lesson. The confederate flag is not the symbol of racism but simply pride and as an american citizen i defend his right to fly whatever flag he wants. you can't erase the history books folks.


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To be honest, I don't really find it offensive or disgusting. However, I don't think I'll have much to say to anyone that proudly displays that as a personal symbol. We all have the freedom to express ourselves however we see fit and that's what makes this country so great! It's all a matter of personal preference. I agree with pgcd that there are many other ways to display pride in one's southern roots, but I think spearhead is well within his right to display the rebel flag.

For a lot of people, the confederate flag is a symbol of racism, SEMOSTLfan. Just because you don't think it is does not mean all those people are wrong.

I appreciate CyJoe breaking it down to it's simplest form--racism exists, you choose to see it where you want to see it, pure and simple.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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