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Packers concept


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I've been thinking of doing another winter project, but I've beaten the NHL to death, so I'm gonna do the NFL if I go ahead with it. the basic idea is that of warmup or summer league uniforms (used to have NBA Shootout 04, and in career mode these interesting uniforms were worn in summer league games)

Without further ado, the NFL Summer League's first entry, the Packers


I shall now explain myself with the template...basically, I drew it up on scrap paper and thought it would be a good idea. and yes, everything's in working order :hockeysmiley:


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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Yeah, I really don't think this works. Maybe it would be a little better if there was only 1 GB logo on the sleeve, but even then the jersey would still be very unbalanced.

Cool idea though, don't give up on the project.

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to be honest, i would give this an A for being creative. You had thought outside the box and for us creative folks we need to do that.

Now with that being said, I would never think this would go well with the NFL. But I could see an Arena Football team doing this.

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*sigh* It seems like most of the people who commented on this either don't know Discrim or didn't read his post. For a summer league/warmup jersey, I think it works just fine. I'm not sure if I really love the script "Green Bay", but if this jersey were done up in Green Bay's colors they'd prolly fly off the shelves at stores. I like the three G's, my only problem with the sleeves is the "Packers" which at its current size would wrap nearly completely around the sleeve. Fun idea though, can't wait for the other 31, if you decide to do them.


New York Jets |3-3| First, AFC East

New York Mets |74-88| Fourth, NL East

New York Islanders|34-37-11| Fifth, Atlantic Division

New Orleans Hornets |21-45| Third, Southwest Division

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thanks for the comments everybody, I've decided to go ahead with the project. I woulda made teh announcement yesterday, but I got hit with a 24-hour flu yesterday, and I'm just now getting over it.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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Cream will never work in MENS SPORTS.

The Arizona Diamondbacks and San Francisco Giants say otherwise... :therock:

"Start spreading the news... They're leavin' today... Won't get to be a part of it... In old New York..."


In order for the Mets' run of 12 losses in 17 games to mean something, the Phillies still had to win 13 of 17.

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I applaud Discrim for the idea, even if a lot of other people take it the wrong way.

I do agree that I can't see an NFL team wearing something like this, even for practice. It'd be neat to see the other 31 uniforms, alas I'm wondering if you intend to use the same basic layout or if you will change it from team to team?


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I might wind up recycling a couple styles, but I usually mixed it up from team to team with the NHL projects, and I intend to do the same here.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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Obviously this would never fly in Green Bay however let me address the concept. I disagree with several of you and if we are going to go this radical, by all means leave the 3 logos on the arm. I can accept that.

Here is the odd thing. I really like the stencil font for the numbers. I think that is quite sharp although I really can't state why. Let me stare at it for a few more mintues.

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