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I think we should wait before passing judgement on whomever else was involved in the crash. None of us were there and much of these reports still have speculation. Maybe the other person did something wrong, or maybe the local media is rushing to defend their local sports hero. The point is not rush to assemble a lynch mob until all the facts are in.

Regardless whoever was at fault, I would place some of the blame of his current condition on Roethlisberger himself for not wearing a helmet. Maybe the law says he doesn't have to, but since his very lucrative career depends on him being in the best physical health and condition possible, I would've thought he'd wear a helmet as both preventitve measure and job security. I mean after all- he does wear one in his profession everyday. He could have just as easily had a blowout and fallen off the bike by himself sometime. Regardless of how it might happen, he should have taken steps to avoid such injuries. Not the best judgement was used and this practice was inviting trouble.

That said I hope he recovers quickly and in the future invests in a helemt- heaven knows he can afford it.

We all have our little faults. Mine's in California.

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Well, he graduated from Miami of Ohio, (where I spent my freshman year, 224 Reid Hall before transferring)..so I hope the former Redskin (or were they Red Hawks by then?) gets better. An unfornate accident.


I wonder what The Jaw's initial reaction was?

They have been the Redhawks since the early-mid ninties

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You all forget who is at fault here.

Old People.

Lock em up in a nursing home, take away their licenses and throw away their keys, thats what I say.

Why go through all that trouble?

Just send them to Florida. ^_^


Because Korbyn Is Colour Blind, My Signature Is Now Idiot Proof - Thanks Again Braden!!

Go Leafs Go!

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You all forget who is at fault here.

Old People.

Lock em up in a nursing home, take away their licenses and throw away their keys, thats what I say.

Why go through all that trouble?

Just send them to Florida. ^_^

You can only imagine what evacuating for a hurricane in the middle of February would be like down there.


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You can only imagine what evacuating for a hurricane in the middle of February would be like down there.


Er... hurricanes don't form in February...

[Croatia National Team Manager Slavan] Bilic then went on to explain how Croatia's success can partially be put down to his progressive man-management techniques. "Sometimes I lie in the bed with my players. I go to the room of Vedran Corluka and Luka Modric when I see they have a problem and I lie in bed with them and we talk for 10 minutes." Maybe Capello could try getting through to his players this way too? Although how far he'd get with Joe Cole jumping up and down on the mattress and Rooney demanding to be read his favourite page from The Very Hungry Caterpillar is open to question. --The Guardian's Fiver, 08 September 2008

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The thing about this is that there have been too many examples of Athletes getting hurt on motorcycles. Over the past few years this has happened a little too often for guys to still think they are different because they are safer.

Someone mentioned the driver. That is EXACTLY the point in all of this. Someone can be as safe as possible. You can't control other people. I was on the Ohio Turnpike on Saturday. It was about 3:00 PM, a deer shot right across the freeway about 30 feet in front of a dude on a motorcycle. The guy din't even slow down... nothing. He had no time to react or anything. had he left his house 3 seconds earlier... I would've witnessed something horrific!

It seems that Big Ben will recover from his injuries. Although he has to be on one Looooong road to recovery. People seem giddy that his legs/knees are not that severely damages. yet, they forget that he was in surgery for 7 hours to fix his smashed face and gash on his head. I'm sure his jaw will be wired shut, so he will lose some serious weight. He will not bein playing condition any time soon. It's already June 13th.

Playing probably isn't his biggest concern right now. Well, it might be just to save... err... "face".

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You know who's fault it was, REALLY? Ben Roethlisberger.

He apparently does not have a valid motocycle operator's license. So his ass shouldn't have been on the bike in the first place, regardless if the old hag shouldn't have had her blind ass behind the wheel anyway.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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Regardless of who was at fault, anyone who drives a motorcycle without wearing proper protection is just plain stupid.

Think about it, you're on a vehicle that is two wheels with a motor attached, no outer frame, no actual protection coming from the vehicle itself. If you get his, your on your own. Why wouldn't you want to protect your head and your body?

This is a perfect example of why protecting yourself is important, it isn't about you doing something stupid, its about other drivers. ben is damn lucky he isn't dead, because that could have easily happened. If he didn't have his licence, and if it was against his contract, he should be punished for this, because it was extremely stupid. Why gamble with your life and career just because the lawq says that you don't need a helmet?

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You can only imagine what evacuating for a hurricane in the middle of February would be like down there.


Er... hurricanes don't form in February...

Thats why the you can only imagine is in there.

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Regardless of who was at fault, anyone who drives a motorcycle without wearing proper protection is just plain stupid.

Think about it, you're on a vehicle that is two wheels with a motor attached, no outer frame, no actual protection coming from the vehicle itself. If you get his, your on your own. Why wouldn't you want to protect your head and your body?

This is a perfect example of why protecting yourself is important, it isn't about you doing something stupid, its about other drivers. ben is damn lucky he isn't dead, because that could have easily happened. If he didn't have his licence, and if it was against his contract, he should be punished for this, because it was extremely stupid. Why gamble with your life and career just because the lawq says that you don't need a helmet?

Ditto. I think since he's supposedly "alright" (nobody with a broken jaw and a messed up grill like he got now would be alright), I think he should have some sort of punishment, whether it be from the authorities or a hefty from the Steelers, he should be punished, although thank God he's alive.



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You can only imagine what evacuating for a hurricane in the middle of February would be like down there.


Er... hurricanes don't form in February...

Thats why the you can only imagine is in there.

Excellent point. mea culpea. :D

[Croatia National Team Manager Slavan] Bilic then went on to explain how Croatia's success can partially be put down to his progressive man-management techniques. "Sometimes I lie in the bed with my players. I go to the room of Vedran Corluka and Luka Modric when I see they have a problem and I lie in bed with them and we talk for 10 minutes." Maybe Capello could try getting through to his players this way too? Although how far he'd get with Joe Cole jumping up and down on the mattress and Rooney demanding to be read his favourite page from The Very Hungry Caterpillar is open to question. --The Guardian's Fiver, 08 September 2008

Attention: In order to obtain maximum enjoyment from your stay at the CCSLC, the reader is advised that the above post may contain large amounts of sarcasm, dry humour, or statements which should not be taken in any true sort of seriousness. As a result, the above poster absolves himself of any and all blame in the event that a forum user responds to the aforementioned post without taking the previous notice into account. Thank you for your cooperation, and enjoy your stay at the CCSLC.

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One can only imagine the conversation the old guy had with someone close

Person: Did you realise who you hit?

Old Guy: No. Who was it?

Person: Ben Roethlisberger.

Old Guy: Who?

Person: The Super Bowl winning quarterback.

Old Guy: Couldn't be...

Person: Why not?

Old Guy: It's Terry Bradshaw you're talking about.... damn fool.....

I saw, I came, I left.

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