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Bryant Gumbel is Horrible.


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I was at the game, so Thank God I didn't have to hear the nonsense that went on in the booth on Saturday. Apparently, the guys ripped Vick for leaving with a groin injury, nvm them not knowing the extent of the injury and two former players who would've left in a heartbeat with the same injury swearing on the grave that they'd never do the same thing. Then Gumbel called Griffith "Griffin" numerous times, and, most infamously of all, he called the play clock the shot clock. That is amazing, apparently Dick Vermeil was the best announcer in the booth, and he barely had a voice. So yeah, if I watch another NFL Network game, it will be muted with me listening to it through headphones on Sirius. Because, apparently, that was garbage.



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Yeah, I watched that game and apprently thats a trend in the NFL this year.

During the Bengals-Falcons game, whoever the announcer was repeatedly called Michael Jenkins "Stewart", not Michael Stewart, just Stewart. He also said Houshmandzadoo instead of Houshmandzadeh and Karsvihan instead of Kaesviharn, but I can cut him some slack on the last two.

By the way who is that hoorible free throw shooter in your avatar?

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That would be Amare Stoudamire doing a great job of giving the fans a souveneir.

and just when i thought amare was doing better after the surgery

but ya i hate it when announcers say players names wrong, especcialy a starter like tg housmenzadah, your work for the nfl you should be able to prounounce the players name right, is it that hard

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but ya i hate it when announcers say players names wrong, especcialy a starter like tg housmenzadah, your work for the nfl you should be able to prounounce the players name right, is it that hard

It's T.J., not tg.

Nice try though.

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but ya i hate it when announcers say players names wrong, especcialy a starter like tg housmenzadah, your work for the nfl you should be able to prounounce the players name right, is it that hard

It's T.J., not tg.

Nice try though.

All those errors and you bother to correct just that one? :P

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Gumble is so bad I don't think its him, I think its Seth McFarlane doing his Gumble to Gumble impersonation from Family Guy

My favorite was from the Ravens Bengals Game

BJ Sams has a broken leg and may not return for the game, and likely will be out for the rest of the season.

Or Ben Roethlisbergers TD a week later

Roethlisberger has the ball hes got a first down hes got a TD a nice 2 yard run for Roethlisberger.



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I pretty much decided that I wasn't going to watch any of the games on NFL Network after the hearing that Bryant Gumbel and Chris Collingsworth were doing the play-by-play.

Seriously, how does Bryant Gumbel keep getting jobs?

I once had a car but I crashed it. I once had a guitar but I smashed it. I once, wait where am I going with this?

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Bryant Gumby (if he can do it, we can do it) also called Roddy White "Rodney White" and in the local paper they claim he called Falcons CB Alan Rossum "John Rossum." I didn't hear that one first hand though. And the Atlanta paper should talk...a few weeks ago, one of their columnists wrote about Saints RB Deuce McCallister (it's McAllister).


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Almost as bad as the local media here in New England calling Daisuke Matsuzaka "D-Mat". I can't stand that. It's not that hard to say his name. You get paid to report on sports for a living. It's one thing to be a fan and mispronounce names.

But when it's your job, GET IT FLUFFIN' RIGHT.

Sorry about. Topic just struck a nerve.

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I am trying to remember - did Bryant Gumbel ever do play-by-play at NBC? I remember him as a studio host. I don't recall him ever doing a game. It makes my head spin to think that NFL Network would hire a guy as their lead play-by-play announcer who has not called a game on the network level in at least 25 years, if ever!

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Well, I never really much cared for Brian Gumball/Gumby/Goober much. Greg Gumbel is much better. It seems like Brain Gumbo is the long lost brother who is not as good and was possibly slightly neglected by his parents as a young'n while Greg got all the attention. It's like, "Oh Mrs. Gumbel, you have two sons?" "Well, that is a picture of my Greg who always works hard, has dreams, and will go to a good school and be whatever he wants because he can accomplish whatever he puts his mind to. That's his brother... I think his name is Brad or something. Well, anyway let's go get some White Castle."

Again, I don't know how there can be that much of a difference between two brothers in their respective careers, but IMO Greg is much better than his bro.


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