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Culpepper escorted off by security


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Culpepper now will join the likes of Jay Fiedler, Gus Frerotte and Joey Harrington as signal-callers who could not overcome the shadow left by Hall of Famer Dan Marino.

First off, how dare they mention Culpepper's name in the same sentence as Dan Marino. Second, Culpepper sucks. I didn't think he was that good when he was with the Vikings either. Third, Gus Frerotte was good. Granted not a Marino but at least he didn't throw interceptions every third pass. Fourth, Culpepper sucks.

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This nearly paralells the situation with Steve McNair last year. And for some reason, I want him to seriously succeed wherever he goes next, because although the Dolphins are right in releasing him, they didn't have to humiliate the guy by basically saying in front of the whole team "We don't want you no more. Get the hell on out."



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daunte would be an upgrade to the cowboys...

i hope that doesn't happen, though. i love daune culpepper.

i want him to go back to minnesota, to be honest.

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let him go to the patriots! he already has chemistry with their shiny new receiver! can u say super bowl?! *sarcasm, please dont kill*

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I may be biased, but personally, I don't see Daunte ever going back to the Pro Bowl caliber QB he was in Minnesota. His play in Miami was VERY similar to his play in his last season in Minnesota, which was awful, and that was before his knee injury.

This situation was MUCH different than Steve McNair's. Daunte stormed off because he was frustrated that the Dolphins would only let him practice in individual drills and not team drills (which from the Dolphins standpoint makes sense).

If I was the Dolphins, I'd simply cut your losses. It's not worth the distraction, and I think that Daunte will keep his word on blocking any trade. That's what happens when the player is his own agent.


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Culpepper will NEVER be back in Minnesota, not the way he left town...

Randy Moss had a better chance of coming back, Randy didn't wanna go (Red Mccombs traded him before leaving his post) Culpepper, however, wanted out.

I could see Culpepper in Jacksonville.

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This nearly paralells the situation with Steve McNair last year. And for some reason, I want him to seriously succeed wherever he goes next, because although the Dolphins are right in releasing him, they didn't have to humiliate the guy by basically saying in front of the whole team "We don't want you no more. Get the hell on out."

Big difference. Steve McNair bled 100% effort for the Titans over the years and was given a rude boot as an exit.

Culpepper did nothing in his one year, and frankly, the Dolphins owe him jack.

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Have you ever a guy fall like this in only 2 years. Didn't he have highest passing yards in 2004, above even Peyton Manning? Its perplexing why he became so bad, I mean he looked flat out terrible against the Titans and Texans, 2 of the worst defenses ever assembled


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Have you ever a guy fall like this in only 2 years. Didn't he have highest passing yards in 2004, above even Peyton Manning? Its perplexing why he became so bad, I mean he looked flat out terrible against the Titans and Texans, 2 of the worst defenses ever assembled

Culpepper + Moss = Culpepper is the best QB in the NFL.

Culpepper - Moss = Culpepper is among the worst.



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One year (not even near 50%) and already the Dolphins are giving in up and people are saying Culpepper is horrible. Have you ever heard of "taking your time or letting things fall in place"? I hope he succeeds to the fullest somewhere else because you can't hold a guy responsible for rushing him back into the starting job when he's coming back from the kind of injury he had.


College sports as we know them are just about dead. The lid is off on all the corruption that taints just about every major program and every decision that the schools or the NCAA make is only about money, money, and more money. We'll have three 16+ team super-conferences sooner rather than later, killing much of the regional flair and traditional rivalries that make college sports unique and showing the door to any school that doesn't bring money to the table in the process. Pretty soon the smaller schools are going to have to consider forming their own sanctioning body to keep the true spirit of college sports alive because the NCAA will only get worse in it's excess from here
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Much like the situations with Billy Donovan and Nick Saban, I'm not sure why people even sign contracts anymore. They hardly guarantee anything. True Culpepper didn't play well at all last season and the dolphins owe him nothing but its still kind of a bush league move. I guess that organization has taken a liking to hoarding QB's with the likes of Culpepper, Harrington and now Green.

IMO, Trent Green is not much of an improvement over Culpepper. Green is almost at the end of the road and I doubt he's the man to lead Miami to the promised land.


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Well Culpepper needed another knee surgery this year, and is still not healthy what are the Dolphins supposed top do start Cleo Lemon give me a break. Lemon is terrible and will never win a game in the NFL, and Culpepper may never be good again. The Dolphins did the right thing and are doing the right thing by seeking a trade if Culpepper dose not want a trade too friggen bad. He does not call the shots here



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From what I gathered from television, this may be wrong, Culpepper is his own agent, and it sounds like he has a no-trade clause. So he does kinda call his own shots.

I dont fault the dolphins for at least trying to get something out of him though, they should try for a couple of days, if they dont have any bites, just let him go so this doesnt turn ugly.


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