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Tank's Happy Day is Here

Mac the Knife

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I think it shows a lot the fact that he was fired after their second straight win. I have a feeling that it was either in the cards for a certain date or something happened to expedite the process.

I liked Jerry Manuel when he was with the White Sox, and he built a pretty good team when he was there (one that would win two years after he left). This move worries me -- they've got a somewhat competent manager and I'm sure the team will be hungry now.

But we'll see. These are the Mets, after all.


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I liked Jerry Manuel when he was with the White Sox, and he built a pretty good team when he was there (one that would win two years after he left). This move worries me -- they've got a somewhat competent manager and I'm sure the team will be hungry now.

If you think the Mets have competency at the helm now, you didn't watch the 2000 Sox-Mariners playoff series. Manuel did his team no favors during that series, and was made to look like a fool at some points by Lou Piniella. There's good reason the Sox weren't able to hit their stride until after Jerry was sent packing.

On 1/25/2013 at 1:53 PM, 'Atom said:

For all the bird de lis haters I think the bird de lis isnt supposed to be a pelican and a fleur de lis I think its just a fleur de lis with a pelicans head. Thats what it looks like to me. Also the flair around the tip of the beak is just flair that fleur de lis have sometimes source I am from NOLA.

PotD: 10/19/07, 08/25/08, 07/22/10, 08/13/10, 04/15/11, 05/19/11, 01/02/12, and 01/05/12.

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I am very appalled that this needless firing had to happen. First, this is reminiscent of the infamous Grant-Seaver midnight trade back 31 years ago yesterday. Now, we have Omar Minyacal flip flopping like John Kerry about Willie Randolph being safe as Mets manager. Willie Randolph is a man with calss and dedication, no question. It is time for the Wilpons to show Omar the door!!!!



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the Mets may just be the most dysfunctional org in the league. clean house.

"I don't understand where you got this idea so deeply ingrained in your head (that this world) is something that you must impress, cause I couldn't care less"


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As has been reported, the Mets clubhouse is poison. It has been described as being a political, drama-filled mess that has no comparison. Omar is a straight-up prick. Wilpon is a joke.

As a Yankees fan, i smile.


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I am very appalled that this needless firing had to happen. First, this is reminiscent of the infamous Grant-Seaver midnight trade back 31 years ago yesterday. Now, we have Omar Minyacal flip flopping like John Kerry about Willie Randolph being safe as Mets manager. Willie Randolph is a man with calss and dedication, no question. It is time for the Wilpons to show Omar the door!!!!

Needless firing? Surely you jest. This firing should have happened in the off season after the great collapse considering the team stopped playing for him then and is wholly underachieving now. Randolph dug himself in deeper and deeper and his comments regarding his treatment in the media being related to race just added to it. FYI Randolph was never safe as Mets manager and to have thought otherwise was foolish. Even the NY media saw right through that one and it was known for the past few days that this was inevidible as well as who the replacement manager and coaches would be.

This is just how the Wilpons do business. Look how they fired Davey Johnson, Bud Harrelson, Jeff Torborg, Dallas Green, Bobby Valentine and Art Howe.

Minaya too needs to go. He has shown his inability to field a winner and made numerous questionable signings. Moises Alou? The guy hasn't played over a hundred games in a season since 2005. He started showing signs of a physical breakdown in 2006 and yet Minaya still signed him. Also, look at how he bungled the Ryan Church concussion situation. They should have put him on the DL immediately after the injury.

The Mess whoops Mets looks just like Giants teams of past years the geriatric home of the major leagues. This team needs to get younger and soon.

Unfortunately the Yankees have problems of their own pitching, pitching and pitching.

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Willie was a terrible manager he should have been fired last month, or at the end of last season.

However, the way this was handled is a joke, if Willie was going to be fired do it Friday when reports were first surfacing he was not going to stick around much longer, and you were home. Don't do it on the road at 3AM.

The problem with Willie is he was the wrong manager for this team, he has no fire, the team has no fire, and his post game press conferences became a joke, but listening to Omar Minaya today Jesus H. Christ he makes George Bush sound like a master linguist.

This was trully blundered on some many levels one can only hope it exposes Omar and soon he will be gone too with his sniveling assistant Tony Bernazard.

Bernanazrd btw it is reported only speaks to the Spanish players and once closed a door on David Wright's face, he under minded Willie and has created a rift between the Latin and American players on the team that has created allot of the fractures that have been seen in the Mets clubhouse.

Minaya has bungled many things this year

first Brian Schnieder a week in the hospital with a staph infection is not placed on the DL while the Mets were shorthanded on the bench.

The Ryan Church fiasco

Calling up three catchers including Robinson Cancel who had not had a MLB hit since 1999.

Calling up Abrham Nunez who was hitting .133 in New Orleans

Letting Willie twist in the wind for a month as the players tuned out their manager

Now this.

If the Mets dont turn it around soon Omar must go.



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I suppose the Mets waited until they were FAAAAAR away from New York to fire him, then did so while much of New York was sleeping. :D

Thats exactly what they did and its pretty cowardly



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I said it in the MLB thread, and on other Mets boards, and I'm getting tired of repeating it, but...it's a f'ing disgrace the way the Mets handled this, and it's exactly why they don't win. They'd rather have good PR than win. Of course, they're too stupid to realize this blew up ALL OVER THE PLACE...it's NY...HELLO?!?!?!

The sad thing is, this isn't close to the first time, nor is it close to the last time that they'll completely botch whatever is being done...they never learn. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Second verse same as the first. SSDD...the list goes on and on and on and on and on and on.......

At least when the same problems linger the rest of the season, it'll show that Minaya has to go to, and his buddy Bernazard can't get out of here fast enough either...

I read a quote (it was either the GM Williams or Manager Guillen) and the jist of it was the White Sox don't care what the media thinks of them. They don't care who says what, who thinks what, so long as they're winning. That's a winner's attitude...

The Mets just like to play nice. So long as they look good losing, fine by them...


And just for the hell of it:

November 2004:



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I'm a Yankees fan I've been critical of the way the way the Steinbrenner family and Yankees upper management have basically hijacked the team away from the baseball people over the years. However it's stuff like this that reminds me that at least Fred Wilpon doesn't own the Yankees. The Mets are a mess and it all starts at the top with him.

This is classless. You make the guy fly out to the west coast just to fire him? The Mets won last night so obviously this decision was made prior to the West Coast trip. Why not fire before the trip? Or wait until after the trip. Again it couldn't have been too urgent they waited 2 weeks to fire and to then just replace him with the guy helping to make the decisions.

You don't treat people like that no matter how much you pay them.

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Hmmm, let's see. Orange and blue? Yup. HUGE media scrutiny? Yup. Dysfunctional management? Yup. Incompetent owners? Again, correct. New York? Ooh!!! I see a trend!!

I wonder how long till Isiah Thomas is hired to anchor the rotation and manage?


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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Hmmm, let's see. Orange and blue? Yup. HUGE media scrutiny? Yup. Dysfunctional management? Yup. Incompetent owners? Again, correct. New York? Ooh!!! I see a trend!!

I wonder how long till Isiah Thomas is hired to anchor the rotation and manage?

He's got an interview with the Islanders first. Word on the street is he wants to sign Yashin to a 15-year, $75M contract in order to try and beat the salary cap.

Welcome to DrunjFlix

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I am very appalled that this needless firing had to happen. First, this is reminiscent of the infamous Grant-Seaver midnight trade back 31 years ago yesterday. Now, we have Omar Minyacal flip flopping like John Kerry about Willie Randolph being safe as Mets manager. Willie Randolph is a man with calss and dedication, no question. It is time for the Wilpons to show Omar the door!!!!

Do you really think this was Omar's call?

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I said it in the MLB thread, and on other Mets boards, and I'm getting tired of repeating it, but...it's a f'ing disgrace the way the Mets handled this, and it's exactly why they don't win. They'd rather have good PR than win.

I can't believe anyone was dumb enough to think that handling it this way would generate good PR.

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I said it in the MLB thread, and on other Mets boards, and I'm getting tired of repeating it, but...it's a f'ing disgrace the way the Mets handled this, and it's exactly why they don't win. They'd rather have good PR than win.

I can't believe anyone was dumb enough to think that handling it this way would generate good PR.

I mean, didn't I say that literally in the next sentence of that post?

"Of course, they're too stupid to realize this blew up ALL OVER THE PLACE...it's NY...HELLO?!?!?!"


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I am very appalled that this needless firing had to happen. First, this is reminiscent of the infamous Grant-Seaver midnight trade back 31 years ago yesterday. Now, we have Omar Minyacal flip flopping like John Kerry about Willie Randolph being safe as Mets manager. Willie Randolph is a man with calss and dedication, no question. It is time for the Wilpons to show Omar the door!!!!

Do you really think this was Omar's call?

The Wilpons probably used Omar Minayacal As A SCHILL to have Randolph look like a scapegoat.



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