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Falcons Concept


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Well, this one is basically a "if I had my way, this is what they would look like" concept: Still the same helmet (thinking about adding stripes to it that match the uniform...you be the judge.), but more of a traditional look that goes back to the days of Steve Bartkowski, Billy "White Shoes" Johnson, Deion Sanders' rookie year, Tommy Nobis, the greats, man! But I kept the new helmet, new numbers, and added black pants. So yeah, here it is:

Helmet (from sportslogos.net)













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These are cool. I think pointed stripe on the pants like the Panthers, and Broncos and the unis would be better (Well IMO). Nice job anyway.


College sports as we know them are just about dead. The lid is off on all the corruption that taints just about every major program and every decision that the schools or the NCAA make is only about money, money, and more money. We'll have three 16+ team super-conferences sooner rather than later, killing much of the regional flair and traditional rivalries that make college sports unique and showing the door to any school that doesn't bring money to the table in the process. Pretty soon the smaller schools are going to have to consider forming their own sanctioning body to keep the true spirit of college sports alive because the NCAA will only get worse in it's excess from here
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I thought the helmet looks modern and the jerseys look classic, so it might be a clash. Also, it would be weird with a black helmet, red shirt, and white pants. Other than that, it looks very good; I'm just not sure how well it all matches.

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Your uniforms aren't too bad. But you kept the worst part of the Falcons. Their new bird is a total downgrade from the previous version. I think they, you, me or anyone would be better to just start from scratch to do a Falcons concept.I imagine they're just a couple of years from a uniform change anyway, so these would be nice(with a new bird).

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These new uniforms are a bit too traditional to go with the new logo. Plus, I'd really like to see silver in the uniforms.


"One of my concerns is shysters show up and take advantage of people's good will and generosity".

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Plus, I'd really like to see silver in the uniforms.

I was really toying with that before I posted these, using the gray/silver that's in the primary logo. But I've got no idea where I can apply it. I'll take a better look at it later on tonight...or tomorrow morning since I'm getting sleepy.

Thanks for the C&C everybody. Good ideas from everybody!



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So I went a little old school crazy and basically took it all the way back to the 80s. I edited the current logo a little, and put it on a red helmet. I didn't do a helmet graphic because I really don't like the new helmet template that's paint-accessible and I don't feel like tinkering around with it right now. ^_^ But yeah, here are the changes!

HELMET (black facemask)


HOME (silver numbers, silver stripe, silver pants)


AWAY (silver between black and red sleeve stripes, silver pants)


No alt, because I thought it was ugly. Black pants are gone too. Black has been completely de-emphasized. :P




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So I went a little old school crazy and basically took it all the way back to the 80s. I edited the current logo a little, and put it on a red helmet. I didn't do a helmet graphic because I really don't like the new helmet template that's paint-accessible and I don't feel like tinkering around with it right now. ^_^ But yeah, here are the changes!

HELMET (black facemask)


HOME (silver numbers, silver stripe, silver pants)


AWAY (silver between black and red sleeve stripes, silver pants)


No alt, because I thought it was ugly. Black pants are gone too. Black has been completely de-emphasized. :P


Looks nice!

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So I went a little old school crazy and basically took it all the way back to the 80s. I edited the current logo a little, and put it on a red helmet. I didn't do a helmet graphic because I really don't like the new helmet template that's paint-accessible and I don't feel like tinkering around with it right now. ^_^ But yeah, here are the changes!

HELMET (black facemask)


HOME (silver numbers, silver stripe, silver pants)


AWAY (silver between black and red sleeve stripes, silver pants)


No alt, because I thought it was ugly. Black pants are gone too. Black has been completely de-emphasized. :P


Silver is better, although in this case black pants or jersey wouldn't look bad. (They did wear black jerseys in the '60s, of course.) Red pants for the road, I'd say.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was never a fan of the Falcons old uniforms. I dont mind there current set but I have to say I like it more then your concept. The logo doesnt fit a "classic" jersey and the sleeve pattern and pants dont scream Falcons to me. I hate the silver pants, never liked them.


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The roads look great though I think Auburn when I see those jersey stripes.

IMO the 'silver' (translated gray) on the home unis doesn't work. I don't like the Giants gray pants and this is the same effect, it just looks like dirty white. Replacing the silver with white on the home unis would give a nice, crisp look.

Otherwise, very nice, though I'm also on the old bird logo bandwagon. The 'drunken bird' is awful compared to the old one.


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