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Player on your fav team that you hate


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I don't really hate anyone on my favorite teams.


I don't really like Colin White or David Clarkson (mainly because Sutter feels the need to play him 13 minutes a game when Bergfors gets 2-4) but I don't hate them.


I guess I don't like the Mets bullpen :(

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Falcons: Adam Jennings, though my hate for him has subsided since he was finally fired from the Punt Return job.

Hawks: Speedy "I Stay Hurt but Still Make Millions" Claxton

Braves: Mike Hampton. I still can't forgive him for being the equivalent of Speedy Claxton for the Braves.

Wild: Pierre-Marc Bouchard. Kills any offensive rush/PP by over-stickhandling.

Thrashers: Don Waddell. I just hate that man.

Mississippi State: Wesley Carroll, though my hate for him subsided once he got fired as well. But explain to me how you go from being on top of the nation in LEAST interceptions thrown one year, to being at the top for MOST interceptions the next. WTF is that.



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Falcons: Adam Jennings, though my hate for him has subsided since he was finally fired from the Punt Return job.

Hawks: Speedy "I Stay Hurt but Still Make Millions" Claxton

Braves: Mike Hampton. I still can't forgive him for being the equivalent of Speedy Claxton for the Braves.

Wild: Pierre-Marc Bouchard. Kills any offensive rush/PP by over-stickhandling.

Thrashers: Don Waddell. I just hate that man.

Mississippi State: Wesley Carroll, though my hate for him subsided once he got fired as well. But explain to me how you go from being on top of the nation in LEAST interceptions thrown one year, to being at the top for MOST interceptions the next. WTF is that.

Man I have to agree with you on the Falcons and the Braves, I wish the Falcons would hve kept Allen Rossam he was great as a punt returner.

For the Braves I hate Hampton, and Kelly Johnson, this season when a went to a braves-phillies game, we were winning the whole time and the in the 9th inning we had 2 outs and the phils had 2 or 3 guys on base, and the batter hit a pop up and Kelly Johnson freaking had and dropped it!!! and they had 2 guys score to tie then Victorino hosed someone at the end. Hes another guy I dont like.

Alabama- Will Oakley, seems like he has been there for 10 years

Chargers- Jacob Hester

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*except in the case of Pat Burrell - I hope something happens that robs him of his ability to play baseball. Not ruin his life or cause permanent damage, just makes it so he can't play anymore and he has to realize how lucky he is / was.

I only follow baseball casually enough to know that Burrell has underachieved in Philly, can you elaborate on why you think he doesn't realize how lucky he is? Was there a specific incident or do you think his performance is a result of not being fully committed to the game?

On topic: I'm a major homer when it comes to my favorite teams so it's hard for me to contribute, but despite his tremendous talent I think Ben Roethlisberger always comes across as a total douche. I'm happy he plays for the Steelers, though.

Combination of a first hand personal experience, and second hand tales of personal experiences shared by people I know, including writers who cover the team. My personal experience involves a road trip to Chicago to see the Phillies play the Cubs. The entire Wrigleyville area (heck - nearly the entire city) was red with Phillies fans, and a lot of the players and broadcasters came out to the bars after the game. The Phillies had just won, and a lot of the fans were contratulating and sharing drinks with the players. Pat Burrell shows up, and just shoes everyone that came within 15 feet of him away. He then walks outside of the bar and just stands on the sidewalk shaking his head in disgust. A younger Phillies fan went up to him and asked if he could get his picture with him, and he said "no - get away from me." Why come out to a bar flooded with Phillies fans who traveled half way across the country to see you play, if you're going to be like that? His teammates all said they weren't surprised, and didn't want him hanging out anyway. As much as he's underperformed, and while he certainly absorbed a lot of criticism, the fans (for some reason) always stayed behind him and supported him... and in every situation possible, he's a total dick to them.

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Overall they're a pretty likable team now that AJ Burnett is on his way out.


Same goes for the Raptors with TJ Ford.


The five useless wastes of space (and money) known as the Bills Offensive Line,

Jason Peters

Derrick Dockery

Melvin Fowler

Brad Butler

Langston Walker

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Blue Jackets: Christian Backman. This guy is god-awful. He was apart of the Zherdev deal to New York and it's looking like highway robbery.

Bengals: Ryan Fitzpatrick. Single handedly destroyed the Bengals season

Really? Come on now, there's plenty of blame to be laid at everyone's feet in the Bengal organization. Marvin Lewis, Chad Ocho Idiot, Mike Brown, the list goes on and on. To blame the poor Ivy Leaguer who's a backup talent that's been thrust into a starting job because of the general ineptitude of the rest of the team? Why?

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Blue Jackets: Christian Backman. This guy is god-awful. He was apart of the Zherdev deal to New York and it's looking like highway robbery.

Bengals: Ryan Fitzpatrick. Single handedly destroyed the Bengals season

Really? Come on now, there's plenty of blame to be laid at everyone's feet in the Bengal organization. Marvin Lewis, Chad Ocho Idiot, Mike Brown, the list goes on and on. To blame the poor Ivy Leaguer who's a backup talent that's been thrust into a starting job because of the general ineptitude of the rest of the team? Why?

How about your entire defense?


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Angels: It was K-Rod, but since he's hopefully on his way out, I'm not entirely sure I hate anyone. There are guys I hope never get into the game(Mathis, Aybar), but "hate" is too strong of a word. When they had Steve Finley a few years ago, I hated him and his .220 average.

Lions: It'd be easier for me to name players I like at this point.

Red Wings: Well, Hasek's gone, so I don't think I hate anyone anymore. I've grown tired of Kirk Maltby lately, mainly due to his dwindling skills, yet Darren McCarty was one of my favorite players up until last week.

Suns: Ehhhh....I didn't like Shaq as a Laker, but now I kinda enjoy him. He at least realizes he's not the top center in the league anymore. Plus, I don't watch basketball enough to really say that I hate anyone other than Tim Duncan.

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Blue Jackets: Christian Backman. This guy is god-awful. He was apart of the Zherdev deal to New York and it's looking like highway robbery.

Bengals: Ryan Fitzpatrick. Single handedly destroyed the Bengals season

Really? Come on now, there's plenty of blame to be laid at everyone's feet in the Bengal organization. Marvin Lewis, Chad Ocho Idiot, Mike Brown, the list goes on and on. To blame the poor Ivy Leaguer who's a backup talent that's been thrust into a starting job because of the general ineptitude of the rest of the team? Why?

How about your entire defense?

Whoa. The defense is much improved this year, actually ranked in the top half of the league so any improvement is good in my eyes. I don't think Marvin Lewis is without blame, but the thread is about players on your favorite team. I actually like Chad Ocho Cinco and so do a lot of Bengals fans now that he's behaved himself this year. Once he starts running his mouth again this off-season then I'll feel different. I've hated Mike Brown for longer than I can remember. He's like Al Davis, it's going to take his death to make this a competive team, but like I said about Marvin Lewis the thread is about the players. I hate Ryan Fitzpatrick more because of the Bengals front office in signing him as the guy to take over in case Palmer goes down. Maybe I shouldn't have said he single-handedly killed the Bengals season, but it is so frustrating to watch him miss passes that you know Palmer would've hit. If you want a player that I actually do hate, Chris Henry. They never should've resigned him.


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Knicks: Everyone - this includes staff and management.

Mets: The entire bullpen, especially Billy Wagner and Aaron Heilman

"The true New Yorker secretly believes that anyone living anywhere else has got to be, in some sense, kidding."

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He is no longer on my favorite team, but I swear I never used to like him even during his heyday with the Penguins. Jagr just never did it for me.

I also hated Jason Bay when he was a Pirate. I think I was the only person at the 2006 All-Star game that was booing him when he came to bat. He struck out too much and always choked in the clutch.

I wish I could name a current player I don't like, let me think about it and I'll get back to it.

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Kevin Millar: I still think he is more loyal to Boston than the O's and he just sucks.

Nah, I'm sure he's converted. Do you hear what he did on Opening Day? He comes out on to the field doing the Ray Lewis pregame pump-up dance. Place went nuts. He may actually be my favorite Oriole right now.

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