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EA Sports NCAA Football


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Alright I have been playing NCAA 09 lately, and I thought about ways it has gotten better and worse over the years. My favorite all time has to be NCAA 04, I always loved that game. But anyways I was going to put ways I think it improved/ got worse/ and things it should have, so post your ideas about it here too. I wanted to see if anybody else had the same ideas.


Stadiums, they are now amazing!

Online play




PLAYERS, look way more realistic now on ps3 and xbox360

How It got worse

They took way Create-A-School

Not to crazy about - In Season recruiting on Dynasty but it is more realistic.

I liked the ESPN magazine cover ever week on the dynasty that had the players on it every week, that was great!

I liked editing the players looks, like hair styles, etc.

Pontiac Classic Games! - Those were great situation games.

Things It should have

All the things they took away that are listed above!

I always had a difficult but cool idea for Create a school. Like They could put certain Templates on Create-A-Team's jerseys, like have all the UnderArmor styles, Nike styles, and Addidas and have a Team-Edit option were you could give a regular team jerseys like that since most teams get diff. jerseys ever couple years. And maybe a thing where you could recolor teams current logos and stuff.

Thats all I could think off, anybody else agree or have diff. views?

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Alright I have been playing NCAA 09 lately, and I thought about ways it has gotten better and worse over the years. My favorite all time has to be NCAA 04, I always loved that game. But anyways I was going to put ways I think it improved/ got worse/ and things it should have, so post your ideas about it here too. I wanted to see if anybody else had the same ideas.


Stadiums, they are now amazing!

Online play




PLAYERS, look way more realistic now on ps3 and xbox360

How It got worse

They took way Create-A-School

Not to crazy about - In Season recruiting on Dynasty but it is more realistic.

I liked the ESPN magazine cover ever week on the dynasty that had the players on it every week, that was great!

I liked editing the players looks, like hair styles, etc.

Pontiac Classic Games! - Those were great situation games.

Things It should have

All the things they took away that are listed above!

I always had a difficult but cool idea for Create a school. Like They could put certain Templates on Create-A-Team's jerseys, like have all the UnderArmor styles, Nike styles, and Addidas and have a Team-Edit option were you could give a regular team jerseys like that since most teams get diff. jerseys ever couple years. And maybe a thing where you could recolor teams current logos and stuff.

Thats all I could think off, anybody else agree or have diff. views?

Dude, I still play NCAA 04 on a regular basis. I just completed a dynasty with Vanderbilt. That thing was a beast. I'm thinking about a new team to start with now, but idk who.

But I do agree with what you're saying. I'm mad they took out the situation games. That was always good for a quick challenge.



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- All Stadiums this means ALL

- Bring back FCS Teams

- AI Needs to be improved badly

- Create a Team

Pretty much anything that was on NCAA Football 06 for the PS2

I could not agree more. Also, make sure that all teams have the appropriate fight songs on there. Troy's fight song hasn't been on the game in at least 3 years.

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- All Stadiums this means ALL

- Bring back FCS Teams

- AI Needs to be improved badly

- Create a Team

Pretty much anything that was on NCAA Football 06 for the PS2

I could not agree more. Also, make sure that all teams have the appropriate fight songs on there. Troy's fight song hasn't been on the game in at least 3 years.

I forgot about the Fight Songs yeah try to get all the teams




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- All Stadiums this means ALL

- Bring back FCS Teams

- AI Needs to be improved badly

- Create a Team

Pretty much anything that was on NCAA Football 06 for the PS2

I could not agree more. Also, make sure that all teams have the appropriate fight songs on there. Troy's fight song hasn't been on the game in at least 3 years.

I forgot about the Fight Songs yeah try to get all the teams

Yeah that too, that always drives my friend crazy, he is a big auburn fan (although he has been on a florida banwagon this season) but he is always mad cuz they dont have auburns fight song on the game.

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Alright I have been playing NCAA 09 lately, and I thought about ways it has gotten better and worse over the years. My favorite all time has to be NCAA 04, I always loved that game. But anyways I was going to put ways I think it improved/ got worse/ and things it should have, so post your ideas about it here too. I wanted to see if anybody else had the same ideas.


Stadiums, they are now amazing!

Online play




PLAYERS, look way more realistic now on ps3 and xbox360

How It got worse

They took way Create-A-School

Not to crazy about - In Season recruiting on Dynasty but it is more realistic.

I liked the ESPN magazine cover ever week on the dynasty that had the players on it every week, that was great!

I liked editing the players looks, like hair styles, etc.

Pontiac Classic Games! - Those were great situation games.

Things It should have

All the things they took away that are listed above!

I always had a difficult but cool idea for Create a school. Like They could put certain Templates on Create-A-Team's jerseys, like have all the UnderArmor styles, Nike styles, and Addidas and have a Team-Edit option were you could give a regular team jerseys like that since most teams get diff. jerseys ever couple years. And maybe a thing where you could recolor teams current logos and stuff.

Thats all I could think off, anybody else agree or have diff. views?

Dude, I still play NCAA 04 on a regular basis. I just completed a dynasty with Vanderbilt. That thing was a beast. I'm thinking about a new team to start with now, but idk who.

But I do agree with what you're saying. I'm mad they took out the situation games. That was always good for a quick challenge.

You, sir, just inspired me to say :censored: NCAA Football 09 and just keep playing NCAA Football 08, which I thought was so much better. Not sure why that hadn't occured to me before...


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Oh one more thing

Bring back actual celebrations after the game like the coaches shaking hands and players as well

and for Bowl and Rivalry games actually have the trophy presentation




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I always had a difficult but cool idea for Create a school. Like They could put certain Templates on Create-A-Team's jerseys, like have all the UnderArmor styles, Nike styles, and Addidas and have a Team-Edit option were you could give a regular team jerseys like that since most teams get diff. jerseys ever couple years. And maybe a thing where you could recolor teams current logos and stuff.

I had that same idea!

But they could incorporate it into dynasty mode, where you sign contracts with different suppliers and use their template for your uniform.

They need some sort of post game thing as well.

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What I'd like to see (I missed a few years so maybe this stuff was implemented and I'm oblivious)

- everything that it's had in the past

- create a logo

- mix and match option for jersey and pants instead of locked sets

- ability to write create-a team's history

- campus overlook, with ability to customize the campus for create-a-teams

- locker room pep talk/ pep rally, where you can perform certain tasks to boost the team's morale for the game.

- alt logos for create-a-teams


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To my knowledge it's never been part of the game but, why not add bands doing halftime shows? I think it would be cool to have about 30 seconds of a halftime show in the game.

I think Bill Wash's College Football had something like that. You know, the best that the Genesis could provide. I miss that game. I miss Tallahassee vs College Station.

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NCAA Gamebreaker on the original Playstation had a marching band on the field at halftime. They would spell out the home team's nickname while either playing the school's fight song if it was available or some random one if it wasn't.

It wasn't much, but it was a nice touch.

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I always had a difficult but cool idea for Create a school. Like They could put certain Templates on Create-A-Team's jerseys, like have all the UnderArmor styles, Nike styles, and Addidas and have a Team-Edit option were you could give a regular team jerseys like that since most teams get diff. jerseys ever couple years. And maybe a thing where you could recolor teams current logos and stuff.

I had that same idea!

But they could incorporate it into dynasty mode, where you sign contracts with different suppliers and use their template for your uniform.

They need some sort of post game thing as well.

Yeah that is exactly what was tryng to say, and I love the idea someone had of Editing Create-Schools campus, history, and giving the game a Create-A-Logo option, man I wish we could contact the makers and show them this thread. All of this stuff would make the game 100 times better

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I have it for PS2, and it actually has Create-a-School. That's odd that PS2 actually has something PS3 doesn't. I've always been a bigger fan of NCAA than Madden, except for this year for some reason. I never really got into playing it, whereas the last two years, I got Madden instead of NCAA, and I played it often.

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