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Buc's Major League Makeover


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What it do, peeps?

For those who mighta caught it down in my sig...recently I've been severely bitten by the baseball bug, and as such (and due to me having been bit by a major creative swing lately), I've decided to pull myself out of my damn-near exclusive world and delve back into the world of baseball for only the third time in the almost three years that I've been a part of this here community.

First, a disclaimer: I make no claims to have even a passing interest in the game of baseball--I mean, I watch it, I know the rules and all...but I don't get nearly as deep into it as I do football, and as such, I'm not yet as educated in the aesthetic traditions and such of the game, though I am working on that. (In fact, my relative ignorance of the intricacies of baseball uniform aesthetics may work in my favor, as I feel no certain attachment to, well, any look other the Atlanta Braves. :D )

So...having said that, let's delve on up into this here latest concept series of mine...and in one major way, in my opinion.




Let me first start out by saying that in no way did I intend for this unveiling to coincide with the big news of the whole Mark Teixeira deal, but, coincidences being what they are, it's done happened this way, so hell--why not take advantage of a little of the spotlight?

Now that that's out the way...what better way to get a MLB series started than taking on the task of trying to draw up a concept idea for the most iconic team in all of American sports? To add to that, I cannot recall ever having seen a single concept done for the Stankees here since I've been here, though I'm sure at some point someone had to have done one somewhere, so...let's bring the Yankees back out into the forefront for a few ticks. This idea is actually one I've had brewing for a very long time. The hard part was reducing down the nearly dozen different variants I drafted for this concept set. Eventually, I settled on what you'll see down below as the "semi-final" concept package.

To start with...this is just my own opinion, but, for the Yanks to have either the most iconic or most classic togs in the bigs, to me, they're also one of the absolute blandest. (That sound you just heard mighta been a few ruffled feathers. :D ) Here's my thing: ask someone what the team colors are, and he or she may just stare at you for a second while thinking of the answer. (We all know it's mainly navy, but think about it--when was the last time someone asked you that question, let alone had you answer it?) Here's the other thing: we all know about the interlocking "NY" monogram logo, but the Yanks also actually do have somewhat of a logo package that most never see. So, I attempted to bring that into the limelight here.

Speaking of that package...for those who may have never seen it, though the "NY" logo is the most common logo, I don't believe it's actually classified as their primary. The baseball with the red "Yankees" script across it is. And speaking of scripts, the Yanks possess two I've never seen before. I've included those as well. I ain't fool with the classic block numbers--at least drastically, anyway. (You'll see what I mean.) Oh--and that monogram logo...in studying the thing, I realized that as classic as it (may be), it also does have a few flaws in the lines, so I attempted to clean that up--you may notice it, you may not.

See for yourself (along with the rest of the logo package):


(Keep that red-outlined monogram in mind...you'll see what that's about in a second.)

As for the uniforms...as I mentioned above, I've always thought the Yanks had one of the absolute blandest sets in the bigs. HOWEVER, having said that, I didn't go and reinvent the wheel here. What I have here are new options for the team--and really, with them moving into a new stadium and all, why not look at updating/upgrading their look a bit? I've always been a fan of the vested look in baseball, and so I figured that'd be a nice way to jazz up the Yanks' main home and road sets. Here's something else I did: added the pinstripes to the road set. That only makes sense (to me), being that one of the Yanks' nicknames IS "the Pinstripes". Now...here's the part I deviated from the norm: I've taken time to add two alternate jerseys, one home, one road, both NAVY. One has the "Yankees" script across the front, the other "New York"-and as you'll see, both jerseys have very thin red offsets added to both the scripts AND jersey numbers--that was for a bit of "pop". (And that's what I was getting at when I mentioned about keeping the red-outlined monogram in mind.) Oh, one other thing: that primary logo has also been added to all jerseys in the form of a sleeve patch.

Okay...now for the visuals. I'm actually curious to see what kinds of reactions this one will get...so let's see what's crackin' with this here. Drumroll please...



Aiight...get @ me and let me know something bout this here!


*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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That is some great work. I loved it when you said you were starting off with the Yankees, they are one of those teams that are "untouchable" to many around here, and I'm glad you started off with them. Then I saw that you were using vests and I got a little discouraged, it just didn't seem like a vest would work for the Yankees. But by adding the primary logo to the sleeve, it works great.


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I like the new interlocking NY but that's about it. I mean I'm trying to look at this without the bias of tradition but I can't say I like the as much as their current uniforms. I think the vests are my number one gripe but there's a list of things I'm not really a fan of.

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I hate to say it, but I'm not a huge fan. The red is...just wrong...I'm sorry, I don't know why, but it just doesn't look right. The new logo feels awkward as well: the upper left corner looks weird...not sure why in particular. But I love the presentation and general idea, and I'm REALLY impressed by the fact that you're taking on the Yankees as the first victim (LOL). I'm a big Yankees fan (we got AJ, CC, AND Tex!), so I might just be biased and ignorant, but I absolutely love every part of their current uniform. Although I do think that the cursive YANKEES script looks great.


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i like the concept, i love the alt home and road with the script yankees and new york, maybe try them on pinstripe, all white, and grey unis also. id liek to see a navy alt for the yanks in the future cuz they look very nice here. the only things i dont like is adding red outline to the words and ny. just have red in the main logo, which is really nice on the shoulder. i also dont like the vests with the yanks, looks good with other teams but the yanks gotta be sleeves. i also dont liek the stirrups, but that could be cuz im only 17 and never seen them really and mor used to solid socks.

Mets, Jets, Islanders

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Brandon Odis-- you are a god. Can't wait to see the rest of this series.

I mean i thought it was a good concept, but I personally did not feel as though it was worth Idolatry and breaking the first commandment for. But hey, thats just me.

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Meh, not a fan. I'm basically in complete agreement with scottie. I know you don't care for the tradition of it all, but even so this isn't much of an upgrade. Everything looks just too forced to me, doesn't work for the Yanks. Can't wait to see more though, I loved your KC one a while back.


erikas | go birds | dribbble 

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Well done. I always love your work. As a Yankees fan the only thing I don't like is the vest look. The alts are well done and classy. This illustrates one of the reasons that you are one of the most respected designers on this board. You don't just change classic looks for the sake of change. You always look to make them better.

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Thanks all for the feedback thus far.

The whole of the feedback thus far is about what I expected--some are hot, some are cold. That's okay, though. I know for some it's impossible to break out of the scope of the tradition and, hell, glory, of the look of the Yankees, for various reasons. I'm okay with that. That's why i decided to stick my neck out there and start off with this one here rather than a concept set for another team--although, someone noted, I did produce a concept set for one team prior to this (that'd be the KC Royals, a concept that I'm also in the process of updating a little bit, FYI.)

So far, the main polarizing point I see is the vested look. So, in a future update, I may just ax that out altogether. Didn't see many issues with adding the pinstripes to the road look, so I'm thinking I'll keep those. One poster mentioned his feelings on the little bit of red detail on the alts...may keep that in a future update, may not. (I'm leaning towards keeping it, though. I actually like it.) I may try the "New York" script on a full gray version to see how that goes over. Also...in reference to the alts, seems that went over okay, so, now, in narrowing that down...do I keep the alt with the "Yankees" script or the "New York" script from here?

All of this above illustrates why I have not yet transposed this concept set onto any action temps just yet (yes, I have some ready to go)--well, that and the logistical nightmare of trying to add pinstripes to said action temps is, well...difficult, to say the least. But, given time, I should be able to push out a set that includes all pieces--styleguide and action.

If anyone else has anything else to add (or if anyone who's already spoken on this here wishes to add more), come with it...let me know what's up!


*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

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I like the addition of red to the Yankees jerseys. I also like the name 'Yankees' spelled out across the front.

If I was going to suggest changing anything, I think it would be the addition of names to the back. I know...the Yanks never have them, but I don't think it would be a bad addition. I did a Yankees concept not long ago, and that was one of the suggestions given to me. I like the vest, but I'm in the minority on that one. As I stated before, great work on this.

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Jay...I thought about doing that for one or both of the navy alts, but, in the end, I opted to leave 'em off. But trust I thought real long about that one there.

Meanwhile...this here Yankees concept set is currently under renovation...may not do entirely too much else to it, but we'll see. Update to some at some point down the line.


Meanwhile...let's flip this here series on over to the West Coast...


The Giants are another of those teams whose look might well be seen as "classic" by some. There are elements of the current set I like, namely the off-white-colored home sets and that black alternate jersey. I guess overall I really don't have many if any complaints about the Giants' set.

HOWEVER...I think I've come up with a wrinkle or two that might just appeal to some out there in Giants nation (presuming there is one). So let's get on with it...

First, the logo package. The primary remains unchanged--well, sort of. I actually did retool the entire daggone thing and fixed some of the letter-spacing issues and attempted to clean up the script justasmidge--you may not even notice it. Speaking of which, same goes for that super-slanted "Giants" script"--I noticed some of the lines weren't parallel, so I fixed that. The one thing I've noticed about the Giants' package is that while the primary logo utilizes that gold color, I don't believe any of the uniforms do. I happen to like that gold, so I've utilized the gold drop-shadow throughout this concept set. Also, while researching this package, I came across a script I've never seen before and instantly took a liking to, so, naturally, I included it--re-tooled it and then flipped the colors on it. Numbers (which I actually rather like) remain unchanged.

Here's a look at the package:


Now, on to the unis. The primary homes remain largely unchanged, save for the gold dropshadowing detail I mentioned earlier and the addition of the primary logo as a sleeve patch--which is true for all jerseys except for the alt, BTW. This jersey, as do the rest, includes NOB. (I've seen Giants jerseys done both ways, so I decided to keep the NOB for this concept.) I also added an alternate home jersey utilizing that slanted "Giants" script, with jersey number on front. (Speaking of which, baseball fans...what's your feelings on numbers on the front? I rather prefer them; some may not.) Oh--and it's a vested option. (Told y'all I like the vested look!) One note: I kept the off-white color for the homes, but, depending on your screen, you may be able to see it, you may not (I noticed a big difference just from my mac desktop to my PC laptop). As for the roads, that cursive "San Francisco" script you saw above replaces the old standard-block script on the front, and again, jersey numbers are added to the front. Good move/bad move? As for that black alt, it's included--and may be only jersey on which you can really see the gold detail. And yes...I added the jersey number to the front as well.

Okay...enough of that...here's a look at the uniform sets for this here (along with a trial run of my action renderings):




So there's that...whatchy'all got for me here? Get @ me...


*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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Giants are a great set overall, but there is one thing that really bothers me about the alt uniforms. The Wordmark Giants bleeds into the uniform. You can barely see Giants or the numbers on the back. Overall a great set, but that is the one thing that is bothering me.

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Simply beautiful. I love the new San Francisco script (I might even prefer the home alternate to have a GIANTS script in that font), and overall a really professional job (as always). The gold drop shadow is unobtrusive, but it does add a little something.

I agree with you on the number on the front. Without it, a jersey often feels...unfinished, I guess. Sweet action temps as well.


As said above, I'd go with a GIANTS script in the San Francisco font. For continuity's sake, and it just looks beautiful.

Not a fan of the black alternate. Sorry, it's just that the black numbers on a black jersey don't have enough of a border between them to remain legible. I guess you could try it with orange lettering (too much like the O's) or with white lettering, but that wouldn't look too hot. So maybe just stick that orange SF logo on the left chest, and put an orange number with white trim on the other side?

Great job all in all, and I like it much more than your Yankees set. Really great work, and please show someone in the MLB your work. It's really good.


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Love the action templates. Great set as usual. I don't personally care for the blackout alt. but they seem intent on using it so I like its inclusion in your set. Alt vest looks good here. One potential problem the front numbers some fans may reject this as its a Dodger thing. (I guess that rivalry is still that hot.)

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