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NBA offseason 09/10 thread


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Zaza Pachulia is also staying with the Hawks, agreeing to a 4-year deal today.

Good to see Zaza back, truly one of the more underrated bench players...but I am kinda mad that more and more, it's looking like the Hawks have decided to stay pat, while the Celtics, Lakers, Magic, and Cavs a.k.a. THE TOP FOUR FREAKIN TEAMS IN THE NBA are actually trying to add onto the team outside of the draft.



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I thought Detroit was reloading, with the additions of Gordon and Villanueva -- but then they go out and snag some no-name assistant coach from Cleveland (as if that's going to cripple a LeBron led division rival) and give him a 2-year deal, passing over coaches like Avery Johnson who's a proven winner.


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Well, the Pistons didn't want to give Avery Johnson the power that he reportedly wanted...and they figure to do the next best thing, which is get the main offensive gameplanner from one of the best teams in the league.

As long as he doesn't bench Rip Hamilton and turns into a player doormat like Curry was, he should be alright.



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Zaza Pachulia is also staying with the Hawks, agreeing to a 4-year deal today.

Good to see Zaza back, truly one of the more underrated bench players...but I am kinda mad that more and more, it's looking like the Hawks have decided to stay pat, while the Celtics, Lakers, Magic, and Cavs a.k.a. THE TOP FOUR FREAKIN TEAMS IN THE NBA are actually trying to add onto the team outside of the draft.

The Hawks did pick up Crawford.

The best thing the Hawks can do is stand pat and hope the team keeps on it's improvement trail. From what I've read and heard, the free agent pool isn't that strong. Boston is an old team that looks to be an injury or two away from being mediocre. Orlando could either be the dominant team in the East or falter with 2-3 new starters. Cleveland showed us that they're beatable.

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I mean, Crawford's gonna help out bench because he's probably not going to start. But it's not like they're adding impact players like another decent big man that the Hawks have SORELY needed for a while now.



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The problem is there aren't any good UFA big men, and the Hawks don't really have a package to put together to trade for one.

Villanueva, Odom, hell, even Rasheed would've been a help. Any PF or C type would've been a huge help for the team. The Hawks can't bank on steady improvement alone, especially when it comes to the thinnest part of the team.

Eh, maybe I'm just being a tad impatient because of everything that's going on, but I can't really say that I'm all that satisfied with the offseason thus far.



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ESPN reports that Shawn Marion is heading to Dallas with Kris Humphries, while Toronto receives Antoine Wright and Devean George. To make the sign-and-trade possible, Memphis and another team are involved.


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Anderson Varejao just re-signed with the Cavaliers. It's a 6 year deal that could be worth up to $50 Million dollars. Yes, the guy that averaged 8 points, 8 rebounds, and 22 flops a game over this past season may end up making $50 Mil by the time his contract is up. Varejao is now, w/o question, THE most overpaid player in the NBA.



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There are now reports of a possible three-team deal involving Chicago, Utah and Portland, that would send Carlos Boozer to the Bulls, Kirk Hinrich to the Blazers and Tyrus Thomas to the Jazz.



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The proposed Chicago-Utah-Portland trade doesn't really make sense.

Chicago- If they had Ben Gordon then Hinrich is slightly more expendable, but if he's shipped off they are very thin in the backcourt. Who starts opposite Rose if this trade goes through?

Utah- Would Jerry Sloan put up with Tyrus Thomas? Thomas has been knocked for his consistency and I don't see him jiving with a very fundamental and old-school Utah team.

Portland- Considering they're giving up nothing in current form, I guess it's a win.

I'm very curious to see how this develops, and what pieces get added to make this work if it goes down.

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The proposed Chicago-Utah-Portland trade doesn't really make sense.

Chicago- If they had Ben Gordon then Hinrich is slightly more expendable, but if he's shipped off they are very thin in the backcourt. Who starts opposite Rose if this trade goes through?

18.3 PPG player John Salmons isn't good enough to start for the Bulls? Even if this trade doesn't go through, I would believe Salmons would start over Hinrich at the 2 anyway, so why wouldn't it make sense if you deal an excess combo guard for a post-presence that the team has long been lacking?


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Well don't forget that the Bulls still have Luol Deng, who in my opinion is one of their best players.

Chicago has a solid roster right now, and I think they have the potential to be a 5 seed in the East if they can bring in a few more pieces.

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Well don't forget that the Bulls still have Luol Deng, who in my opinion is one of their best players.


Chicago has a solid roster right now


they have the potential to be a 5 seed in the East


Boston's poor performance has really deluded a lot of folks, even some Bulls fans, into thinking the Bulls are more than what they are. From the way some of these people are getting excited about Joakim Noah, Tyrus Thomas, John Salmons out of position, and Brad Miller, it's as if we've never experienced greatness before. You know what a solid Chicago roster is? This is. This is a terribly coached Frankenstein's monster of spare parts and journeymen bidiing time till Derrick Rose is developed enough and well-surrounded enough to dominate.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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Well don't forget that the Bulls still have Luol Deng, who in my opinion is one of their best players.


Chicago has a solid roster right now


they have the potential to be a 5 seed in the East


Boston's poor performance has really deluded a lot of folks, even some Bulls fans, into thinking the Bulls are more than what they are. From the way some of these people are getting excited about Joakim Noah, Tyrus Thomas, John Salmons out of position, and Brad Miller, it's as if we've never experienced greatness before. You know what a solid Chicago roster is? This is. This is a terribly coached Frankenstein's monster of spare parts and journeymen bidiing time till Derrick Rose is developed enough and well-surrounded enough to dominate.

As someone who's had to suffer through many a Kings game, I can tell you that anyone who thinks Brad Miller is a solid option should probably stick to watching golf.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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