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2009 NFL Season Thread


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I mean granted he had a really bad game, but Kurt Warner became the first QB to throw over 14,000 yards with two teams. Where's his love?

Good for Kurt, but it's hard to love a guy who throws 5 INT's in a game.


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Despite the fact that Favre played an excellent game, the reason why the Vikings got the best of the Packers was simple: They absolutely ransacked Aaron Rodgers & the Packers offensive line. The Williams Wall & Allen were once again all over Rodgers just like in the first game. Favre, on the other hand, had all day to throw. Favre's jersey was clean, Rodgers looked like he got hit with a grenade.



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Despite the fact that Favre played an excellent game, the reason why the Vikings got the best of the Packers was simple: They absolutely ransacked Aaron Rodgers & the Packers offensive line. The Williams Wall & Allen were once again all over Rodgers just like in the first game. Favre, on the other hand, had all day to throw. Favre's jersey was clean, Rodgers looked like he got hit with a grenade.

And when the Packers 0-Line did get things under control Rodgers made a game out of it.

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I'm sorry, but I don't get the Packers fans ripping on Farve for playing for the Vikings. Yeah, the Vikings are your rivals, but, it was the PACKERS that told him that they were moving on. Plus, he didn't go directly to the Vikings, he went to New York and then went to the Vikes after they flashed a big ass paycheck and a team that was a decent quarterback away from being a Super Bowl contender in front of him.

You wanna to boo a guy for making a lot of money doing something he loves while he's still good at it, fine, but remember Cheeseheads, they only reason he's playing in purple is because YOU sent him packing.

I once had a car but I crashed it. I once had a guitar but I smashed it. I once, wait where am I going with this?

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Did anybody see Bradshaws interview with Favre this morning? Just sickening

I didn't. What was sickening about it? I assume that TB was doing all he could to not suck Brett's dick on camera, huh?

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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Did anybody see Bradshaws interview with Favre this morning? Just sickening

I didn't. What was sickening about it? I assume that TB was doing all he could to not suck Brett's dick on camera, huh?

He was repeatedly saying you're the greatest QB ever and I swore his eyes were wet the entire time


2013/14 Tanks Picks Champion

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For the first time ever I can say I am glad Ted Ginn Jr. is a Dolphin, those two kick returns were awesome, made my day in Section 301. Pictures to come later this week



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Really? No Sunday Night game??

I know the game would be up against Game 4 of the World Series, but I'm pretty sure I know more football fans than baseball -- In other words, SNF would probably win in ratings.


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Really? No Sunday Night game??

I know the game would be up against Game 4 of the World Series, but I'm pretty sure I know more football fans than baseball -- In other words, SNF would probably win in ratings.

I think that's the point of not having a World Series game against a Sunday night NFL game. It's the NFL doing MLB a favor.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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And in other news, Derek Anderson is still worse than JaMarcus Russel... and Quinn Gray... and that quarterback kid at Iowa :P

and Sam Bradford...bum shoulder and all

Kings Cross AFC -BIP, Winnipeg Falcons - TNFF, St. Louis Archers - MLF


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Did anybody see Bradshaws interview with Favre this morning? Just sickening

I didn't. What was sickening about it? I assume that TB was doing all he could to not suck Brett's dick on camera, huh?

He was repeatedly saying you're the greatest QB ever and I swore his eyes were wet the entire time

Well if he meant after Joe Montana, John Elway, Tom Brady, Dan Marino, Terry Bradshaw, Roger Staubach, Johnny Unitas, and a few others I can't think of off the top of my head then he was right.




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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And in other news, Derek Anderson is still worse than JaMarcus Russel... and Quinn Gray... and that quarterback kid at Iowa :P

True but, Derek Anderson won't get 10 million bucks for getting a certain amount snaps. That's why he's going to continue to start. At least until it becomes a mathematical certainty that Quinn can't hit his incentive. And Browns management wonders why we fans are so fed up with this team.

Really? No Sunday Night game??

I know the game would be up against Game 4 of the World Series, but I'm pretty sure I know more football fans than baseball -- In other words, SNF would probably win in ratings.

SNF would indeed win the ratings. It's more of a courtesy thing for SNF to take the night off during the World Series.




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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And in other news, Derek Anderson is still worse than JaMarcus Russel... and Quinn Gray... and that quarterback kid at Iowa :P

True but, Derek Anderson won't get 10 million bucks for getting a certain amount snaps. That's why he's going to continue to start. At least until it becomes a mathematical certainty that Quinn can't hit his incentive. And Browns management wonders why we fans are so fed up with this team.

Really? No Sunday Night game??

I know the game would be up against Game 4 of the World Series, but I'm pretty sure I know more football fans than baseball -- In other words, SNF would probably win in ratings.

SNF would indeed win the ratings. It's more of a courtesy thing for SNF to take the night off during the World Series.

Maybe as a real courtesy they could put a Browns-Raiders or some other crappy game instead for those nights


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I'm sorry, but I don't get the Packers fans ripping on Farve for playing for the Vikings.
he didn't go directly to the Vikings, he went to New York and then went to the Vikes after they flashed a big ass paycheck and a team that was a decent quarterback away from being a Super Bowl contender in front of him.

Back home in the Old Country we called this "answering your own question." The terms of the trade effectively prevented the Jets from trading him to Minnesota, so Favre used the Jets as a waystation to get back to Minnesota by playing out the year, asking for his release, doing his second Fake Retirement until all that pesky practice was over, and then inserting himself after training camp. He's a vainglorious old asswipe and if someone ripped his arm from its socket and threw it in the stands like a pair of boleadoras, I wouldn't entirely object.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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miles austin. who knew he could play some ball. he's just a beast right now.

the 'boys are on a roll, they better not :censored: the bed against the philthy eagles. it IS november and the weather is getting colder so i'm a little concerned for dallas not that they get anything that resembles a winter or anything.



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Did anybody see Bradshaws interview with Favre this morning? Just sickening

I didn't. What was sickening about it? I assume that TB was doing all he could to not suck Brett's dick on camera, huh?

He was repeatedly saying you're the greatest QB ever and I swore his eyes were wet the entire time

Well if he meant after Joe Montana, John Elway, Tom Brady, Dan Marino, Terry Bradshaw, Roger Staubach, Johnny Unitas, and a few others I can't think of off the top of my head then he was right.

You forgot about Mark Rypien, Trent Dilfer, and Brad Johnson. I mean hell...they're at least on par with the Farveness, aren't they? They each have one SB ring apiece...

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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this is one of the most depressing times i've ever had as a bills fan. there is no hope, and it all starts from the top of the organization down:

- Ralph Wilson is 91 years old. He has no desire to put a winning team on the field, or sell the team to an owner that does. He knows that fans in Buffalo will put up with this crap and show up to games, because if they don't the Bills will move. Sadly, the only chance this team has of competing is when Ralph passes on and a new owner buys the team. But who knows if they'll even keep the Bills in Buffalo.

- Russ Brandon is a GM in title only. He's a marketing whiz who was promoted to GM when Wilson wouldn't pay the big bucks to hire a real football mind. He's gotten ZERO from two of his highest draft picks ('08 RD2 James Hardy, '09 RD1 Aaron Maybin). He traded away his pro-bowl left tackle Jason Peters, then failed to draft or sign a tackle. Then he cut Peters' replacement 2 games before the opener.

- Dick Jauron is a failure as a head coach. His record against teams that ended the season with winning records is 2-22. 3 straight 7-9 seasons got him a contract extension, because the entire organization seems to accept being "not terrible". Fired the Offensive Co-ordinator the week before the opener, now the team has scored 1 rushing touchdown all season. He's a completely uninteresting, unemotional, uninspiring robot on the sidelines and behind the mic. They'll probably go 7-9 again this year, end up with a draft pick in the mid-teens, and they'll bring him back again.

- The quarterbacking on this team has been atrocious. Take away the first two games of the year and Trent Edwards has regressed horribly. No confidence, REFUSES to throw deep to Owens (more on him later) and Evans, holds the ball too long behind this line, and now has suffered his 2nd concussion in 2 years. Ryan Fitzpatrick is a backup for a reason: terribly inaccurate with no arm strength.

- Terrell Owens has been a disaster. Seems to drop more balls than he catches, and then sulks about not getting the ball. Terrible body language, runs lackadaisical routes. I actually want him to explode on this team, just to shake things up. It would be by far the most interesting thing to happen to this team this year.

- Poor Lee Evans. He'll likely spend most of his career having been thrown to by an aging Drew Bledsoe, Kelly Holcomb, JP Losman, Trent Edwards, and Ryan Fitzpatrick. He'd be an absolute beast on a team like New England or Philly that actually knows how to get the ball to their gamebreakers.

- The only bright spots on this team have been Fred Jackson and rookie safety Jairus Byrd. Of course, the Bills have all but benched Jackson on offense since Lynch returned. Instead, they've made him our primary return man and in turn, benched Roscoe Parrish, who is the best punt returner by avg. in NFL history. Amazing in their ineptitude, aren't they? Byrd is our most exciting player, picking off 7 passes in his first 8 games. Shows an Ed Reed-like ballhawking ability. Of course, he proceeds to get injured in the 4th Q against houston.

I'm actually glad they lost to Houston, just so that all the false hope created by those 2 road wins is gone and I can take it a little easier on Sundays.

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I mean granted he had a really bad game, but Kurt Warner became the first QB to throw over 14,000 yards with two teams. Where's his love?

Good for Kurt, but it's hard to love a guy who throws 5 INT's in a game.

My point is that had it been Farve, even if he achieved it during an otherwise awful performance, the commentators would be playing it up as the greatest achievement in the history of mankind.

I'm sorry, but I don't get the Packers fans ripping on Farve for playing for the Vikings.
he didn't go directly to the Vikings, he went to New York and then went to the Vikes after they flashed a big ass paycheck and a team that was a decent quarterback away from being a Super Bowl contender in front of him.

Back home in the Old Country we called this "answering your own question." The terms of the trade effectively prevented the Jets from trading him to Minnesota, so Favre used the Jets as a waystation to get back to Minnesota by playing out the year, asking for his release, doing his second Fake Retirement until all that pesky practice was over, and then inserting himself after training camp. He's a vainglorious old asswipe and if someone ripped his arm from its socket and threw it in the stands like a pair of boleadoras, I wouldn't entirely object.


The man treats the NFL like his own personal soap opera, and I'm sick of it. It should also be noted that the Packers only "turned" on him after he pretty much lead them to believe he was retiring. So the Pack did the only logical thing and began to rebuild, only to have St. Brett pop up and say "oh hi, I want back in."

Sorry, it doesn't work like that Brett, and I'm happy at least one NFL team (Green Bay) had the balls to say that to you.

And all the gushing over him is sickening. Yes, he is a great talent, and a future HoFer, no question. Is he the greatest to play the position though? Not by a long shot.

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